
Hi Everyone.

This is my own personal journey of awakening and my guided pathway lit by my Spiritual guides and Angels to help me and like minded people like me create a healthier and happier Earth for us all and the following generations to live in.

My aim is simple, it is my calling to follow my destiny and continue on this journey, each day placing one foot forward always learning from others, never judging, remaining consciously in the now, enjoying nature and all it has to offer and helping as many people as possible along the way.

I do hope you will join me on this journey?



188 comments on “About

  • Somehow i saw you in Twitter today and read some of your articles. I love how you expressed it in words. I am going through a similar spiritual awakening journey. I also realised you live in Shanghai according to Twitter:-)

  • Hello Mark, You have wonderful blog.. I read some of your posts today.. and all is touching my heart. Thanks a lot for sharing. My latest post on my blog i had an anger and sadness because something bad happened to me (as i wrote in my latest post), reading your posts make me feel better and calm down. Again, thanks for inspiring ❤

  • I just discovered your blog and thank you for following mine. It is good to meet fellow travelers on this blessed, never-ending joyful journey. Peace!

    • Thank you so much for your kind nomination Jade, your thoughts are appreciated. I accept your nomination for the nature it was intended but I will decline to go through the acceptance process due to the time it takes to comply.
      Namaste with Love

  • I am so grateful that you found my page and are now following along, but I’m even more excited to spend some time on your blog – I am already captivated and feeling blessed to be in touch with such a gorgeous fellow ❤ love and namaste, Luna

  • Thank you for following my blog. I have been following and enjoying your blog as well. It is amazing to find others who are on the journey and to hear their stories along the way.


  • Thank you for following Mark! This life we are in is transforming and you contribution is much appreciated! I love the perspective and info you’re providing here. Thx

    Enjoy INjoy 🙂

  • Hi Mark — this year I’ve resolved to visit and comment on a positive blog every day, and found yours just now. My compliments on your uplifting words and your commitment to making the world a better place!

  • Hello Mark, and thank you for touching my journey with yours. This intersecting of two inner journeys is a cause for great joy. We are undoubtedly part of each others’ destinies and karmic adjustments. I hope you continue to want to openly share your insights – such a beautiful and courageous gesture!
    In deep gassho, and with unconditional love

  • Thanks for stopping by and checking out my humble blog…I hope some of my posts can shine a light every now and again 😉
    Love and Light

    • Namaste represents the belief that there is a Divine spark within each of us that is located in the heart chakra. The gesture is an acknowledgment of the soul in one by the soul in another. Nama means bow, as means I, and te means you. Therefore, namaste literally means “bow me you” or “I bow to you.

    • My dear friend Coach Muller, thank you from the bottom of my heart for nominating me for this award 🙂

      As you know, I gladly accept awards in the spirit in which they were nominated, however I decline to go through the acceptance process due to the time they take to complete. Thank You for your kindness _/\_
      Namaste with Love

  • Dearest Mark,
    I’m Delighted to have you following my site. I believe we have a great deal in common. Perhaps you may what to check out spiritualladies.com, they now have men joining, and Temple Illuminates.com. Welcome My Friend.
    Your New Friend, and Follower,
    Anastasia )0(

  • Thank you so much for liking my blog post, “Magic Wand and Broken Wing”, and for following my Blog, Mutley’s Great Adventure Blog. I think your aim and calling are great. Best to you on your journey.

  • That’s so interesting you liked one of my blogs, I have been recently diagnosed with a mental illness I don’t want to believe I have (although it’s clear I do). I was bogged down for three weeks in terror and anxiety and finally 2 nights ago I asked my guides to help me, and let me figure out in my sleep what I needed to get me through this journey intact. yesterday mid-morning it hit me I had to get back to my spirituality, ground myself and find that peace within myself I used to have when I lived my spirituality.
    Today I was wondering very briefly where I would start and you started following my blog and I feel like I’ve gotten the answer to that then! You can read (if you wish) what I’ve been going through at http://www.onethingwonderful.wordpress.com I really think just when I shouted out to the universe I’ve got all I can handle and I wasn’t sure if I could anyway, I’ve had two surprises in two days.
    Thank you for your follow so I could find your blog xo

    • The law of attraction in its finest state my friend, we are all connected by the Devine Matrix and all here to help you with your life’s journey.
      May your days be blessed with pure light and pure source energy and your heart filled with love, joy and compassion.
      Namaste with love my friend

  • Hi Mark. Thank you for following my blog. I am hoping that you are as gentle with yourself in your journey as you desire gentleness for the world and those in it. Blessings on that journey. We are all in it together, aren’t we?

  • Hello, Mark, welcome to the blog Mo-ments or Idle Thoughts. May what you read there take you to better things.

  • thanks for your recent follow. And thank you even more for bringing me here to your blog. I truly look forward to exploring. Seems like I’ve discovered a true jewel here!
    with love light and JOY

  • Thank you for liking my latest blog post, Mark.

    Perhaps, one day, you’d like to share a few specifics about your life and the journey.

    Keep well. We might be unaware, or not always aware, but we are one.


    • Hi Vam, you are so welcome my friend :), each day i think about my life journey and try to find ways in which to help others and provide suitable and interesting information through my blog posts but you know some days we just get swept along with our life, work,daily tasks and the like that we don’t leave ourselves enough quality time to focus on the spiritual side of our life. I will do my best to update my journey again.


  • I’m honored you decided to follow my blog. It always makes my day when someone does. I love your blog. I think it takes great courage to do what you’re doing – searching inside, truly looking at oneself is a very difficult task. Few people will look in the mirror – the person looking back isn’t always someone they think they know. I try, but sometimes fail. Carmen Aida

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