My Spiritual Journey

My Spiritual Journey (Part 1)

Hello everyone my name is Mark, I’m a happily married man with four beautiful children a great career and a very happy life. I felt compelled to start up this blog and share with you my journey so far, step by step as time goes by in the hope that I can make sense of where I’m heading, and I hope; offer support to you for your own journey along the way.

I hope you will join me on my spiritual pathway, share your thoughts, ideas, and ask some questions too.

My life has seen some up’s and down’s like everyone I guess, I received a great education and have always been successful in business all my life. My parents were the best parents you could ever have, my mum very spiritual and loving, she had time to share and never stopped helping people all her life, she was a devoted Christian and friend to everyone. My dad was a perfect gentleman, a cross word never left his lips and he always had a smile on his face and laughter and kindness in his heart to share with everyone, young and old. My parents were everything to me and my family.

As long as I can remember I felt I was slightly different, don’t get me wrong, I’m not Superman, I cannot disappear and reappear, I cannot do magic tricks or conjure up money or fancy cars but I have had plenty of both throughout my life, however, I have always felt something different inside but I have never managed to get to the bottom of it, always trusted in what I thought and believed was my ‘Gut Instinct, Gut feeling’ etc, and using this ‘Gut’ feeling has done me proud all through my life.

Well, these past few years have been tough, I had accident after accident, my wife and I nearly lost our lives in a head-on motor cycle accident with an oncoming car, driving on the wrong side of the road. On another occasion I slipped and fell breaking my arm very badly in two places which needed surgery and pinning immediately; leaving me in plaster for the following 6 months. I nearly drowned during a swim when a freak storm blew up from nowhere on a bright, calm sunny summers day. I fell down some steps ripping the shoulder joint completely out of place and fracturing the ball joint from the top of my humerus bone. Slipped and fell in the bathroom smashing a knee and going through, cough, colds and flu bouts one after another like they are going out of fashion followed with slipped discs, eye infections etc.

Strange for anyone! Especially when you are normally healthy like me!… What I hear you say! But all these illnesses, you cannot be healthy! Well, every doctor I have seen cannot explain why I have these symptoms, and they come and go as and when it takes their fancy so I learned to live with it.

One day last year a friend of mine told me I should see a Japanese Shaman to see if they could shed any light on my continued bouts of illness and she introduced me to a lovely lady whom I will call Noriko. Noriko and I had no contact prior to our meeting, I just booked a session with her over the telephone. I duly arrived for our meeting and at first glance she said ‘Wow!, You have such a strong energy source with you, a very strong and bright Aura’ What! I thought! What does she mean? What is a strong energy source and Aura? She could also see there was pain in my eyes and so much discomfort in my body. Noriko laid me down and started a hands off session with me, whilst scanning my body she found I had five lost souls hitch-hiking my body, these lost souls were all from Thailand, they were all sadly lost in the Tsunami that swept across the East on December 26th 2004 sadly taking the lives of over 220,000 people on its way.
These lost souls wanted to live on in me, they had minds of their own and the aches and pains of their injuries that manifested in me every day! they always tried keeping me in Thailand whenever I travelled there hence why some of my accidents, the near fatal motorcycle crash, the fall breaking my arm, the near drowning incident etc; all happened in Thailand and in the Andaman Sea. Noriko quickly worked each soul through my body, thanked them for being a part of my life but telling them it was now time to move on to another world..I could feel each one leave my body, one by one they left me and each time I felt relief from the pain, at the end of the session they were gone, I could sit up perfectly, all the pain I had been living with had gone and as she and my wife said ‘I looked 10 years younger’
Why they were with me? Noriko said I was vibrating at a very high level and I was so open that they could just ‘Enter my Body’ and hitch a ride, they liked being with me and I guess they lived on for a few more years through me, so for that I am grateful 🙂 But now it was time for me to move on.. This was the start of my Spiritual Journey, My Opening to knowledge of Greater Powers, my understanding of the Now and the importance of Living in the Moment….

To Be Continued…

My Spiritual Journey Part 2.

My new found freedom was amazing and I felt so much more at ease alone in my own body and since Noriko helped me remove my ‘Hitchhikers’ I could now think for myself once again without the influence of my ‘house guests’ onboard! So what could I do with all this new found freedom? Well, I started to notice changes in me, changes I think for the better, I actually felt different, I started to smile more, my wife noticed these changes, she said I had been carrying some aggression for the past few years, maybe it was due to the pain I was carrying on behalf of my ‘hitchhikers’, and from all the accidents I had experienced; who knows!

I started to meditate more often and I felt really very different, my sense of awareness was starting to change, I became very acute to changes, I could feel absolutely everything, I mean, feel change, my senses were becoming finely tuned, a slight change of air quality and I knew about it, I would start sneezing and coughing and it would continue until the air quality changed, my throat was sore all the time and I had cold after cold, but the doctors were forever saying ‘your fine and really very healthy’!

MY sense of hearing was becoming even more acute, when meditating I could hear everything, even the sound of a mosquito in my room, the sound of distant car horns beeping, the hustle and bustle of 25 million people moving around outside my home in Shanghai (everything was highlighted, bigger than life) but yet I was at peace, totally relaxed and in the now ‘but what was I experiencing’? what were these changes I was going through?

I noticed people on the street, total strangers looking at me differently, some with vicious, maybe even slightly evil looks focused toward me! And on the other hand I was also experiencing the total opposite, ‘beaming smiles, happiness, eyes widely open and warmth sent my way’! I noticed a real difference from young children, they were looking at me differently, I mean really looking, not the look a westerner usually gets from local Chinese but a look that transcends cross cultural/ ethnicity difference, the children were really focusing on me and smiling, ‘really smiling’, also a few old people were coming up to me and touching me, and smiling, which is not normal, especially here in China where everyone usually keeps some distance.. And, when I came across anyone with a disability or some sort of injury, then; that reaction was even stronger and more obvious. At this particular juncture we lived very close to a local hospital, on two separate occasions I crossed paths with two patients who were out with their relatives for a walk, one young man I guess in his twenties had some sort of head trauma as his head was heavily bandaged, as we crossed paths, he looked straight in my eyes and his eyes opened widely and his eye contact did not divert from mine at all even when he was across the road from me, the second encounter was the same but this person was in a wheel chair, she looked ok but had some sort of drip infusion attached to her, but her smile was beaming and eye contact was extremely purposeful and very direct…I felt totally calm and very relaxed by both encounters and I felt happy too!

On the other side of this happiness and feeling of calm and security, I also experienced a more hostile/darker side…Often when I was walking on the street, I found people were walking ‘At ME’, they were not making any effort to move away or around me, just walking ‘at me’, I mean actually barging into me on the street, my wife would have no problems walking along side me but she also noticed this almost direct assault on my personal space, but why?…Was I doing something different from normal, we switched sides but so did the people walking toward me, I even started carrying a large umbrella, brightly colored and holding it horizontal so people could clearly see it, a form of barrier defense between me and other pedestrians on the street, or I would swing shopping bags whilst walking so people could see them and move slightly so as to not knock into me!…walks with my wife became a challenge and the trauma of being knocked into started to take a toll on my mind, I was becoming more aggressive as a form of self defense…what to do?, Who knew!

A friend of mine suggested I go see a clairvoyant and I found out a lady was coming over to Shanghai from Cyprus, I called and made an appointment, gave them no information just my first name. A couple of weeks later I met with the lady from Cyprus, I will call her Joyce…On entering the room she said ‘Wow’, your energy and Aura is so intense, so strong, you are an ‘Old Soul’, your vibrating at a very high frequency!..I sat down and the session began….Wow, what a ride, she did not stop for an hour, her eyes closed for the majority of time, constantly talking to her guides, my guides then stopping to provide me with information and guidance on what she was being told.. she told me all about me, my family, parents, children, wife, business, why I was on this earth, what I was here for and also took me back to three previous lives…I’m not going to go into detail but this session BLEW me away, I cried and cried like a baby, physically sobbed for a great part of the session, my life was starting to make sense to me now, all the things I have done throughout my life were very clearly linked, what I have experienced throughout my life and my reason for being here in China, all a fact and a part of my spiritual journey. Joyce provided me with a much needed clarity, she was physically drained by the intensity of our session and we were very clearly connected! WOW….Now I understand more clearly, I MUST follow my destiny, I must follow my spiritual pathway, I must try to help people, I need to use the gifts bestowed upon me to do good on this earth and truly help people along my way….This was and is an amazing experience but only a small part in what I have experiences since this session with Joyce…

Part 3 of my spiritual journey will follow ASAP.

My Spiritual Journey Part 3.

Joyce and I have met three times since that first session in Shanghai and almost two years have past me bye and what a period it has been, filled with very sad and tough times and so many happy experiences too.

My spiritual awareness and growth has continued, and my intuitions and senses have become more refined and sensitive which has it’s good points and bad points. My sense of smell and touch is now so acute and even the slightest change in temperature or weather (rain) can be felt at least one day before it happens. I seem to know when the pollution levels are getting worse, again, at least one day before it happens! My throat starts to swell, it gets very sore and I cough continually just as it did when I had childhood asthma so many years ago. I tried to make sense of what Joyce and Noriko had told me but always my logical mind made me stop to think

“Why Me, Why Now”

I felt myself reaching out and touching people, not really touching (please don’t think I’m crazy) but just a soft touch to the arm or shoulder when we spoke, I noticed this more and more often over the past year or so and I even noticed some people reaching out and touching me, especially older people or young children. Our friends often handed me their babies and for some reason they lye in my arms for hours, never stirring or waking ☺ Animals started coming to me without me calling them, horses who were way off in a field came running over to us as we walked by their field and stopped by us until we decided to leave, even hundreds of Koi Fish and Goldfish in our local Buddhist temple make their way over to me every time we go and as I sit and meditate by their pool they stay close even when they are being fed by all the temple patrons at the other end of the pool! Cats of which I have never been keen and fond of came up to me freely, sit on my lap and snuggle down to sleep, this happens so often and still continues.

The Law of Attraction works for me continually, I only need to think about something and it happens very quickly, if I think too much about spiritual issues that are in my head an answer comes to me via email, by phone or by meeting someone out of the blue.

I can think of a friend even in another country and within a few minutes they call me or I receive an email, I think about business or getting a new contact and it happens. All these things are great, they are all positive and right for all the right reasons, but as always my logical mind kept asking

“Why Me”, “Why Now”

We were going through a really happy period in our lives, the children were all doing well at work and in their studies, work was good, we were all healthy and happy, so, my wife and I decided to go back to the UK to spend Christmas with my father and to see my beautiful children and family. This was a spur of the moment decision because we had only just got back from our UK holiday three months before this decision was made. My dad had taken a tumble at home a couple of times and as he was fit and healthy and never been ill in his life there was no cause for alarm or concern from the doctors and nursing teams who checked him out, all tests came back ok, no problems or issues were found, he was as they said, fit and healthy…He fell again and was admitted into a emergency care home until he got better, this is where he was when my wife and I returned home a day or two before Christmas.

My dad was not particularly compos mentis, which was certainly not like him at all, he would drift in and out of conversations; one minute being lucid and happy the next down and forgetful. We noticed he was loosing weight quite rapidly… he said he hated the food in the care home, it had no taste and that was why he was loosing weight! So we made him food, brought him food and as we thought made sure he was eating well, but then we found uneaten sandwiches hidden in his jacket pockets and food in the waste bin in his room…We took him out on Christmas Day and Boxing day, home for lunch on both days to see the grandchildren and great grandchildren. He watched TV, laughed and smiled and enjoyed the freedom away from the care home. On the 28th December I took him to the county hospital for a series of neurological tests and after being prodded and shocked he, for the first time told the consultant he was not feeling so well! Three days later he was diagnosed with Motor Neuron Disease, the same disease that Steven Hawking has; however, my father was a few day short of his 83rd Birthday, so this was going to be an uphill battle. And as the consultants told us there was nothing that could be done for him and things would become worse over the months to come. A couple of days past by and dad became ill with a slight cold and cough, so to be safe he was admitted into hospital where they could monitor him more effectively and give him the care and medication he needed to fight off the chest infection which quickly turned into Pneumonia. We stayed with him 24 hours a day and early one morning around 5:30 am my wife called me from the hospital, she was on the night shift with him that night and soon it was my turn to replace her so she could also get a few hours sleep, but this call was different, she needed me to speak to him on the phone, he was becoming agitated and aggressive with her and the nursing staff. I spoke to him and asked him to calm down, to be nice to the nurses and tell him I was on my way to the hospital…He said “Mark I’ve had enough, I don’t want this anymore”, I rushed to the hospital and arrived there within 20 minutes of that call. As soon as he saw me, he switched off and slipped into a coma, all our family, his children, our children and their children were with him as he passed away peacefully on the 13th January 2012 and joined the love of his life my mum Marion, his childhood sweetheart and soul mate since the age of 14.

Another day on my spiritual Journey
“Why Me”, “Why Now”!

Part 4 of My Spiritual Journey to follow soon.


My Spiritual Journey Part 4:

I really must try to bring this journey up-to-date because the last post I gave you takes us back to January 2012 so we are at least 18 months behind!…That’s me, sorry, I am a little tardy when it comes to writing, I don’t know why but I guess I over think too much about what I should and need to write, this leads to procrastination and leads to delays of this amount of time J Actually, I guess I am always rather busy with my work, my family, my interests and of course my spiritual journey.

So, back to the journey J After the passing of my beloved father ‘John’ on the 13th January 2012 life was tough not just for me but for all my family, my children went through all sorts of emotional battles because they were all very close to their granddad. After the funeral we returned to China on the 3rd February arriving home o the 4th, that night I was invited out by friends to have a few drinks and to celebrate my fathers life (my friends in Shanghai all knew my father because he had been over many many times). This celebration was a final step in the grieving process for me and brought some closure to my mind…or so I thought! That same evening as I was on my way home in the rain, I slipped and fell on we steps leading up to our home, these steps raise about 1.5m from the ground. As I fell I must have hit my arm on the way down taking the whole weight of my body on my shoulder, as I rolled about and writhed in agony on the concrete floor in the rain and puddles I must have came to my senses, managed to gather enough adrenalin to pull myself up, clamber up the steps that caused me this pain, stumble into the elevator and rise on up to my home on the 16th floor. I banged and banged on my door until my wife answered my calls; and she said, “ Oh my god, your shoulder is falling off ”…. We called for transport and off we went to the hospital, on arrival I was quickly ushered into the x-ray room and before I had even left the room, the radiologist ran out shouting, “ We need to admit him now “…to cut a long and painful story short, I was admitted immediately, my wife signed the papers straight away and quickly underwent many hours of reconstructive surgery to repair my shoulder I had about 8 months convalescence and am left with these: –


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“Why Me”, “Why Now”!

While I was in surgery, I felt I had risen out of my body, I was looking down on me, lying there on the operating table, all the Chinese surgeons were working away and trying to fix my shoulder, they were communication with each other, drilling, cutting, stitching and fixing me. It was though I was a medical student observer watching the operation. I must have re-entered my body and woke up a few hours later. The next few days were filled with pain, discomfort and this all added to the recent trauma of my fathers passing. My wife called our children to tell them what had happened; you can imagine this was all they needed to hear so soon after the passing of their Granddad.

Anyway, while I was in hospital recovering, I was often wheeled around the hospital in a wheelchair or on my hospital bed, off for x-rays, tests of one sort or another etc., and while visiting different areas of the hospital I became acutely aware of other people, their injuries, their worry, their plight, their fear and their sadness. I could feel their emotions, hear their silent prayers, observe their sadness, grief and sometimes joy. My healing senses were becoming even more finely attuned to those around me. After a week or so we came home, I felt totally lost, I could not dress myself, wash myself, feed myself, all those daily tasks we take for granted were impossible for me to manage, I fought and I struggled to do all that I could by myself but mostly I had to rely on my wife for all these things we like to do for ourselves…. This made me think more deeply, I started to gain even more admiration for those less fortunate than myself, I now felt for myself the difficulties of going to the bathroom alone, which was impossible, my dignity felt drained and my self respect diminished, my sadness for the loss of my father became even more enhanced, I was becoming lost in my own grief……

Sorry, I need to stop now because reliving this trauma has brought back so many deep and painful emotions, I need to meditate be thankful and get myself back on track.



My Spiritual Journey Part 5 Coming Soon.


My Spiritual Journey Part 5

My Dear Friends,

I’m so sorry that it has taken me so long to provide you all with an update to My Spiritual Journey, however the pain I got from writing Part 4 was so great that I felt literally lost for words and I found it so difficult to draw any enthusiasm to write Part 5 ☹

It has been so long since I placed electronic pen to paper and even now I am finding it difficult to have a clear mind and tell you more about my journey thus far but I do know that if I stick to it my spirit will come through and help me place these words on this social media writing tablet ☺

The passing of my father and my immediate accident took their tool on my health and my wellbeing, they also impacted my spiritual journey so much so that they now effect everything I do each and every day, I do get extremely saddened and frustrated by the sights I see and experience every day, especially those of negativity, hatred, death through wars, starvation and the general lack of compassion in our world. I do however gain great strength from the good, the light I see everyday, the smiles I see and the wonderful words I read through my fellow bloggers posts and their comments and replies to mine, these special wonders give me so much strength and forge me on to bigger and better things in my life.

I am; through my life’s experiences so much stronger, all I really need is to gain some inner strength to do what I really need and must do with my life, I need to stop procrastinating because once I do, the words just flow and I do really help people that are less fortunate than myself, I can and do offer support to the many and I am starting to fulfill my life’s destiny with growing vigor.

Since the passing of my father, I did go into a shadowed depressive state, outwardly I looked fine, I was strong for those that needed me and I continued my work with a cheery smile on my face, my clients, colleagues and family saw me as no different than before and I even became stronger and more helpful (in their eyes), however, inside I was dying, my experience of loosing my dear Father and my severe pain was so much to bare, the loss of my own dignity was hard for me to handle because I have always been the strong one, the leader, the father and the coach. I found it difficult to feel safe anymore, I was very careful when walking in the rain or on wet marble tiles, I held out my had for support and held the guard rail when walking down stairs, I became more nervous with heights, felt uneasy in crowds and aged about 30 years in the process. My dear wife May was and is always here for me, she did even more for me each day, she helped me through this period with a huge smile on her face and spoke softly to me when I needed comfort but not once did she criticize or get angry with me, she just allowed me to live and experience the time for I guess she knew me better than most and knew I would pull through with the help from her and my spiritual calling.

My spiritual feelings and intuitions went from strength to strength, each day something new would happen, people would be drawn to me from all over the world and my own law of attraction gained strength. I never sought out people to help me on my way, I did not actively look for information in books or on the internet, things just came to me, people would just come to me and all of a sudden everything made sense.

I had many experiences with mediums, clairvoyants and healers, now because I looked them out but they just happened to connect with me. Some of these ladies and gentlemen blew me away, their intuition, guiding and knowledge of me, my journey and my past lives were all 100% spot on and more importantly they all agreed on my journey, my pathway and my calling. I have always kept my thoughts to myself, I am a very humble man, I try to help everyone I come across, often to my detriment, although in saying that I also believe in Karma and the love of giving so I guess my gifts of giving and selflessness will return good for me in the end ☺

A friend of mine told me about a visiting Intuitive healer who was visiting Shanghai I will call her (Heather), so I booked an appointment with her, I duly turned up at her hotel a day or so later and she invited me in, sat me down on a massage table and asked me what I had come to see her for!..My simple answer, “I don’t really know”….She said would I like to do a past life regression, look at my future or for her to answer any specific questions…again my answer “ Sorry I don’t really know”. So Heather said well, let’s try hypnosis and see what we find together so I laid down on the table and we began, Heather gently started to hypnotize me, I thought to myself…. Ha, this is the same process I use to hypnotize, I know this method and there is no way she will hypnotize me…then…bang! I was floating on a cloud, high up in the mountains looking down on the earth, the sky was clear apart from the odd puffy white cloud and I could feel the warmth of the sun on my face as I lay out on the comfortable cloud, I was completely ‘At Peace with the World’….and then; all of a sudden a white light from above came straight down to me, the white light formed itself into a ball of spinning pure white and golden energy, my hands reached up and grasped the ball of light, I could hold the ball in my hands and as I explained the experience to Heather, the ball re-formed itself into a pyramid shape, which was spinning in my hands , the heat and radiance of the light was incredible, I could feel the energy, the sheer power that was entering my body at the point of contact to my body, straight to my heart! I was articulating this experience in minute detail to Heather which was great because she taped the session so I would have it to go back to when I need clarification on the message/s I received in the future. The energy and light became stronger, a hand reached down to me from the heavens, the hand was holding a sword which was pointing directly into my chest, into my heart, I reached up and grasped the hand and the sword and the light became brighter and the energy source even stronger, I was saying “ the energy is incredible, its coming directly down the sword and into my heart, its moving out through my chest, to my shoulders, to my arms to my hands, through my stomach to my hips, to my legs to my feet to my toes, I can feel the energy the vibration in every cell of my body”! My whole body began to shake, I was bouncing up and down on the massage table as I held the hand and sword while it channeled its/their energy down into my heart, into my body, this continued for what seemed to be a long time and all the time I was articulating the feeling, the sight, the sounds and the brilliance of the experience, messages were coming to me quickly, it was like a video tape was playing on fast forward through my mind, images flashing before my eyes, sounds and voices flashing through my mind and through my ears, images of the world, of our environment, of our people, our brothers and sisters in every far away land, starvation, global warming, wars, pollution, the disabled, children in severe poverty, every possible image and message of good over bad was flashing through my mind in quick succession….I began to cry out loud, to sob as I gave commentary to Heather as my journey unfolded right before her eyes, I then began to settle, the vibration slowed and the light and energy disappeared along with the hand and sword and I was still, silent on the table. I could hear the soft voice of Heather, she was calling me back, bringing me back and grounding me again!

As I sat up, I began to cry again as I relived the experience with Heather, we talked about the journey and the message/s, she said this had only every happened to her twice and, me and another gentleman in Malaysia and our experiences were almost identical.

Heather could not say why I had had this experience only that it was a message from God or one of the Arch Angels, probably Michael or Gabriel, for me it was another place on my journey another look at my future and more clarity as to what I need to do to help others in our world. I do know I am on a special journey, one in which I grasp with enthusiasm and love, I know I don’t know everything and I am learning more each and every day, I reach out my hands to the world and say “I am here, I am here for you and my heart and love is open to you all, I will learn from my experiences and share my love and compassion with anyone, regardless of race, colour, religious belief, to mankind and animals alike and I will do all I can to help heal our world” This is my message and is only still a part of my Spiritual Journey, Part 6 I do hope will follow soon and I promise I will try to bring you all up-to-date within part 6 or part 7.

So my dear friends, I bow to you all, my love and compassion is with you each and everyday, If I can be of help, please ask and I will ‘Always’ do all I can to support you on your spiritual journeys.

With Love


My Dear Friends, welcome to My Spiritual Journey Part 6, this post will bring us to a point in time in my journey about 1 year ago. I will endeavour to bring it up-to date as soon as I can get the time. This post is to tell you about two amazing connections and meetings I had with two renowned clairvoyants.

An encounter with a Japanese clairvoyant and Aura Artist.

A Japanese friend of mine in Shanghai mentioned they knew that a very talented clairvoyant was visiting from Japan and asked would I like to meet her? A couple of days later I was sitting in an apartment kitchen with this lady from Japan, she could not speak English or Chinese so we had another Japanese lady sit with us and translate what Nami (The ladies name) was saying during our session together. I just sat at the kitchen table and Nami sat opposite me, she had a large A3 piece of paper in front of her and an assortment of coloured fiber tipped pens. Nami looked into my eyes and around the shape of my upper body and head, she then began to draw…This was amazing; she hardly looked down at the drawing and was very attentive whilst looking at me. Being gifted from an early age, Nami is able to see within your Aura and clearly see your Spiritual Guides, Angels and Guardians and immediately put this image on paper for you to see and understand. Nami can access through different angles and channels how your past lives have been, what is happening in this life-time now and what to expect in the near future, lessons to learn, transmit to you messages from your ancestors and let you know about Karma you may have inherited. She can easily do this through her illustrations and make it easy for you to understand.

Nami is well known in Japan and her hands move at lightning speed continuously to finish her illustrations. She has published many of her works as “MANGA” (cartoons) and illustrations and is in big demand in Japan for her clairvoyant advice. My session with Nami was incredible, she aligned and confirmed what I have been told by many spiritualists and clairvoyants whom I have met during the past year and provided me with messages directly from my Spiritual Guides and Angels that are with me today. I won’t go into great detail of what my guides and angels said to me but it is fantastic news and certainly clarifies my next steps. I would like to share with you a copy of my Aura Drawing so you can see what Nami saw during our session.. If you can read Japanese then you will also get a little information from the written text within the drawing.

Mark Aura Drawing

The very next morning Saturday at 08:00am I took part in a Light Activation Session with a wonderful lady named Shanta Gabriel. Shanta is an inspired teacher and visionary mystic whose work with the Angelic Dimensions has spanned over 20 years. She is also the author of The Gabriel Messages and The Gabriel Message Cards.. Visit the new Resources page of her website: to see the new online version of The Gabriel Messages Book and Cards. You can also find the powerful first phase of her timely teleclass, Evolution of Consciousness.

Shanta connected me to my Guides and Angels, confirmed all that transpired in my Aura Drawing session with Nami the day before, cleansed my body with a crystal light wand, aligned my Chakras and took me to my ‘Garden of Devine Light’, this journey was extremely important to me because I will be able to recall that space in my being and go into that place again in all my future meditations


The interesting thing for me (as a slight spiritual skeptic at that time) was the continuity of messages from both Nami and Shanta, they were thousands of miles apart, on different continents, speaking two very different languages but their messages were identical, they both spoke about my highness of vibration, my aura colors and the intense energy they both felt during our sessions in Nami’s case face to face and in Shanta’s case via a telephone conversation, they both spoke about my highness of spiritual calling, the intensity of the messages being transmitted to me by my Angels, Ascended Masters and Spiritual Guides, the message regarding my spiritual journey and their blessings for me and the work I need to do moving forward. I broke down in tears yet again during my session with Shanta, because the messages I received were so powerful, the intensity of the information regarding my spiritual journey and the messages regarding my place in humanity and the work I must do are so strong, detailed and humbling for me because I am just a Husband and a dad from the UK, living in China, trying my best each and every day; yes I do care about our planet and humanity, yes I would like to see change and yes I am very willing to do all I can to help others who are less fortunate than myself…But what should I do and how should I do it?….the constant message was and still is…’You are already doing it’, ‘you have been on this mission for all your LIVES’, ‘you are healing people each and every day, your do this through your messages, through your voice, through your written words, this healing will grow in intensity and will also include touch’. I was and still am amazed by these messages, the powerful words they used the strength that the guides pass on to me brings me to tears every time I hear them. I know I have something special and I know I must relax my mind, don’t fight the messages or question the reasoning behind my journey and ‘Just BE’…’Just Be Me’. The strange thing is; when I relax, block out the everyday hum from my mind, meditate and come into the ‘Now’ I grow stronger, images flash through my mind, pictures are clear of what I need to do is so visually represented, it’s like a direct connection to a higher power, a sort of direct feed video on fast play… Is this my higher power talking to me, my inner self, my spiritual guide, Source, God? I still don’t know but everyone I connect to either face to face, via video conference, or telephone consultation say the same things re my journey…I’m on something special ( and it’s not drugs or medication J) I have been on this same journey for many lifetimes and the intensity and pace is gaining strength, I have now been anchored down, deep in our earth, to keep me here, to do the work I have been destined to do!

Let me be of help to our world and humanity, let me do my best to heal and I will give my all.

 Namaste with Love



mauna kea summit

My trips to Hawaii

During a healing session for my shoulder about 2 years ago when I was still dealing with the recent passing of my dear Father and recovering from my accident and subsequent surgery, the healer said ‘You have a calling towards Hawaii, something very strong is drawing you towards those Islands, maybe you need to go there, stay a while and maybe learn the healing of Ho’oponopono’! I had no idea what Ho’oponopono was or had I ever thought of going to Hawaii mainly because it was so far away from the UK where I was brought up or for that matter from China where I now live, Hawaii in my mind was a holiday destination, a place for surfing, Hawaii 5’O and Magnum PI, TV programs I remembered from my youth ☺ Anyways after the session I felt the drawing towards Hawaii was becoming ever stronger, I immediately started to look at travel information, flights from Shanghai to Tokyo in Japan then a change of flight to Oahu then another flight to the Big Island, a lengthy journey but one in which I seemed destined to follow! We made our plan to visit the Big Island because May and I wanted to see a live volcano and experience the sunset on Mauna Kea at 14,000ft, above the clouds, to me that was my spiritual calling towards these beautiful islands.

Our trip came around quickly and May and I were soon on our way, the journey was a little torturous, three flights and around 20 or so hours and we had arrived on the Big Island, we picked up our car and drove to the villa we had booked, one which I was immediately drawn to called ‘Bali Temple’ situated on a old lava flow close to the ocean, the black volcanic beach, spinner dolphins and Kilauea, the volcano I so wanted to see.


The villa was all we had imagined, built on the lava flow in amongst the coconut trees, surrounded by native flowers from the islands a gentle breeze from the ocean, sounds of the waves crashing against the rocks and a lullaby each night from the frogs and insects living around us, total relaxation which I needed so badly after so much trauma in my life. I had not experienced anything like this before, yes, I had been on many holidays to exotic places, tropical islands in the sun and very remote and peaceful locations; but somehow Hawaii was different, it felt like I was home and I felt totally at ease here. The first morning we decided to visit a local pool, which was served with a mix of fresh water and salt water, the Pacific ocean fed the pool with fresh salt water all day long through a small inlet tube and the fresh water came from underground and was heated naturally by Kilauea the volcano we had come to see, the pool was set in a beautiful natural location surrounded by coconut palms, lush grassed picnic areas, the blue ocean and teaming with small brightly coloured fish, shrimps and crabs fresh in from the sea. I spent a couple of hours relaxing my bones in the lovely warm water floating on the surface and enjoying the sun, I have perfect flotation balance so I can lie flat and float on the surface for hours on end, just meditating. All of a sudden I heard a scream, the scream awakened me from my deep meditation, the scream was also accented by the feeling of my feet touching some rope, I popped up like a cork from my lying position to realize I was being drawn out to sea by the tidal pull, I was on my way out of the pool, the ocean pulling me away. Luckily I was in time, the lady’s scream had alerted me and I was able to scramble back to the safety of the pool! Thank God because my recently fixed shoulder would not have managed to help me swim against the waves out in the open ocean. As I caught my breath the lady came up to me, she introduced herself and told me what she had just witnessed. The lady and I exchanged names and I thanked her for awakening me, in fact; saving me from certain peril!

She saw my surgical scar on my shoulder and asked me what had happened, after a brief discussion she started telling me her life story, where she was from in the USA, what had happened to her throughout her life, the traumatic relationships she had gone through and the cancer that had taken hold of her, the years of struggle she had gone through, the loss of her business, loss of property, the fights and the recovery to now living in Hawaii where she is happy and I’m glad to say cancer free ☺ She said ‘I have never told anyone my story Mark, I’m a private person who just gets on with it, makes the best of the situation and look after myself, but strangely I felt the need to tell you, to share all with you and tell you my life’s story, I don’t know why but you have something special that made me tell you’!

After about an hours conversation, I thanked her for her kindness and we went our separate ways, I got out of the pool and told my wife what had happened; the trauma in the pool and the conversation with the lady, wow! Why did she come to me, and what made her tell me her life’s story? All I remember is I listened and the words I spoke came from within, I know I did not need to think about my answers, the words just flowed like the waves of the ocean, she felt calm and totally at ease with me and our meeting; although brief was very meaningful and it happened for a reason.

May and I fell into the local lifestyle easily, we spent our days, sitting by the ocean, watching the turtles play in the surf, snorkeling in the warm tidal pools enjoying the fresh air, the blue skies, the local produce and the warm sun, perfect and total relaxation in paradise.

During our trip we visited Kilauea the live volcano, we were in awe of its magnificence, its power, the devastation that Pele The Goddess of Kilauea has caused over the years, the energy that she has and the draw that her energy has over the people that visit it. May and I went back many times, we walked over the lava flows, explored the vastness of its rugged and natural beauty, walked through the lava tubes, felt the steam rising from deep below and smelt the pungent air from the depths of Gaia, we took a helicopter flight over the volcano to see its summit, gazed down into the depths and watched the molten lava flowing from Kilauea down to the sea, the steam rising from the ocean as the molten lava enters the Pacific and is calmed by nature itself. I felt my energy increase throughout our visit, I was becoming physically stronger and mentally I was starting to recover from my recent traumas and my surgery.


The Big Island has many communes, groups of ‘New Age’ families and young people living simply and enjoying life in paradise, we visited their markets, brought fresh produce and enjoyed our interactions.

One day my wife and I were driving along a long country road, miles from anywhere heading up the east coast towards Hilo, a hitchhiker was walking along the road with his hand out looking for a ride. Now, we hade been in Hawaii for about two weeks already, we had driven past many hitchhikers and I had never stopped to pick anyone up, this is just not the thing to do back in China or the UK, but for some reason I started to pull over just as we passed this young man, my wife of course asked my what I was doing, ‘why are you stopping’? I replied, ‘I have no idea, but I just know I need to give him a ride’!

The door opened and this young late twenties/early thirties man in shorts with a mass of curly hair, bare chest, bare feet and a beard said ‘ thank you sir, wow! You have an amazing aura, thank you for stopping’, he got in the car, we asked him where he needed to go and he just said ‘just drive and I will tell you when to stop and let me off’, these roads were very remote with thick rainforest type natural deep vegetation either side of the road, as we drove he asked me some questions but said that we were destined to meet, my energy was so strong and he needed to feel it, he said I had lots to do on my journey and said I was doing great work, and I should let go, feel free and enjoy the good that will come from my life and its interactions with others who need my help! A couple of miles further on he said, stop!. My wife and I questioned him because we were literally in the middle of nowhere, he got out of the car and as we drove away, we both looked back and he had gone, disappeared from view, nowhere was he to be seen! My wife and I could not believe what had just happened, we were both a little shocked by the experience, the words that came from the man were very softly spoken, he was obviously very spiritual, his aura and energy very calm and he was a lovely person. Why did I stop and pick him up? Who knows! What was the purpose and meaning behind what he said to me? Who knows! All I know is, I was meant to pick him up and I was meant to learn from him.

I’m feeling drained right now, my energies have been exhausted by the recollections of these two encounters in Hawaii…more to follow soon, I promise ☺

Namaste with Love



My Spiritual Journey Continued:

It’s strange but it would seem that my memory is slowly being erased as if to make way for new things to come, my childhood for instance is almost erased as I have very few recollections of childhood experiences certainly before the age of 11 or 12 and not so many after up to the age of around 16. I don’t worry about this I just feel that there is a reason why these memories are being erased or locked away in some far-flung part of my brain and I must move forward and not harp back to my past and remember to always live in the NOW ☺

So many things have happened to me over this past couple of years, spiritual awakenings, meetings with some incredible people, injuries to my body to bring me awareness of pain and suffering, illness after illness to all parts of my body, allergies come and go as if to show me the power of God and his divine ability to show me the experiences that other people go through during their daily lives, the loss of dear family members and friends so I can see and FEEL the grief that people are experiencing during this sad time in their lives. Friends and strangers have come to me with their problems, their open hearts and minds have enabled them to share with me their pains, their problems and intimate relationship issues I have learned to listen to their challenges and offer them some words of understanding, words of compassion and words to help heal them from these burdens in their life, these words just come to me in the moment, they are spontaneous as if someone is speaking through me with the utmost clarity and precision. I feel their pain, literally feel their pain, sometimes physically in my body and certainly in my heart but at this time I have no fear, my words just flow, my compassion and loving is at its highest level, I don’t worry, I have no concerns re my words and I know that the message is from a higher place, the message that heals the problem in hand.

Life is so interesting and oh so frustrating!

I have been blessed with some gifts, gifts from God, my higher self, ascended masters, and ascended family members, they have all been there for me although at times I truly feel alone and a little lost on my spiritual journey. I guess it’s the fear of not doing well, the fear of taking the wrong pathway, the fear of ridicule, and the fear of not being understood. Some days I just sit, I meditate and I think, I look up to the sky, I notice the beauty we have in our world, I see and hear the smiles and laughter from the children around me, I see the flowers in bloom, I smell the sweetness that the flowers offer to my senses, I breathe the air that Mother Earth provides for me and I’m in awe of its beauty, in awe to its immense power and I feel lost because I’m just me, a man with no power, no riches but the gifts that God has decided to bestow on me, these gifts are my frustration due to the fear of making a mistake in the name of God. I know this is my ego talking, controlling my thoughts and cluttering my mind with uncertainty, but sometimes you just feel alone in this world; especially when we see so much devastation happening to our planet, watch the suffering of humanity and the rape of our environment in the name of power and wealth by the few. I see people growing fatter on the proceeds of greed, flashing their wealth without a care in the world for our world and our humanity. I know I cannot heal the world on my own and I’m aware that each good deed I do will make a difference to the life of someone, but even so; I still at times feel lost.

Why is it I feel the need for clarification all the time? Why is it I feel lost and alone?

When I go with the flow, live from the heart and follow my intuition; all is then well with my life, don’t get me wrong my life is good, I’m blessed with so much to be thankful for, and I’m certainly blessed with some spiritual healing gifts that I’m certainly proud to possess, I guess I just need some validation, to say I’m on the right track ☺

My wife and I went back to Hawaii again, we both felt the need to get away from the city of over 25 million people and get back to nature, to live for a couple of weeks once again on the Big Island of Hawaii close to the Kilauea volcano, on the lava flows which reach out into the Pacific Ocean, to spend our days and nights swimming with the turtles and watching the stars, to eat healthy food and rest our weary bones in the warmth of the sun….. Absolute bliss ☺

One evening I suggested to my wife that we should drive up the east coast of the big island up through the hills and rainforests that overlook the ocean, up over the dry plains of the north, around the base of the Mauna Kea volcano onto the west coast then find somewhere to stay for a couple of nights before returning eastward again across country with a stop off once again to the summit of the Mauna Kea volcano to watch the sun set and be with the stars in perfect harmony with nature and the universe.

We packed our car with our luggage and snorkeling gear, food and drinks for the road trip and set off on our journey. After a couple of hours on the road my wife wanted to stop somewhere for a comfort break but we were in the middle of nowhere so we continued on driving for a few more miles until we came across a small village, we stopped an looked for a washroom, nothing was to be found, no bars, coffee shops or restaurants were to be seen, we walked up past a few little shops which were all closed as it was a Monday a closing day on the big island, but as if by magic outside a little shop was a huge Amethyst Crystal, I mean big about three feet long! It was a crystal shop and it was open, I looked inside the door and there was a lady sitting in the back, I asked if there was a washroom nearby and she replied, ‘come on in, your wife is welcome to use mine’, I looked around the shop for a few minutes while my wife was in the washroom and was drawn to an even bigger crystal in the middle of the shop, this one had amazing energy and I felt a connection to it although im not a follower of crystals. While I was chatting to the lady she asked if I would like an energy clearing , I of course said yes. I sat on a bed of crystals with my feet resting on a bed of crystals and hugged the massive crystal in my arms while the lady gave me an energy clearing, she said I was special that’s why she asked me and she felt the need to cleanse my system and help me on my way, she said I was here for a reason and we didn’t just happen on her store, she had been placed there to assist me on my journey. We chatted for a while and she gave us directions to a small cove where we could go snorkeling with the turtles and possibly with some dolphins, we thanked her and went on our way.


That night we checked into a hotel on the west coast and went to dinner in the restaurant, the evening was beautiful and it was a full red moon, my wife and I will never forget it, it was stunningly beautiful and the red moon shone brightly on the ocean as we sat overlooking the sea, manta rays were feeding in the bay, so many that we could not count their numbers, their magnificent white underbodies gliding effortlessly through the ocean as they fed right in front of our eyes, it was like God had made this special event just for us, the beautiful evening, the cool breeze from the ocean, the full red moon shining its reflection on the ocean and the giant manta rays feeding, magical and a wonderful evening, never to forget.


We went to bed around 11pm and soon fell fast asleep, I awoke or think I woke to the sidelight flickering on and off at the other side of the room, I remember it clearly as if it was yesterday, the room was bright and clear but someone was sitting on the side of my bed beside me, it was a man, a beautiful man, his face was soft and gentle but there were years of experience etched in his soft face, wisdom beyond my knowledge, my wife stirred and turned towards us and the man held out his hand towards her and said, ‘its ok my sweet he’s with me and he is safe now’, so my wife turned around and went back to sleep, I was in awe of what was sitting next to me, I was trembling with both excitement and concern as to what was happening to me, the man stared to speak. ‘I’m Gabriel and I’m here to share some words with you’, the lights started to flash again and Gabriel said ‘Ok John he’s ok, and yes I know he’s worried about money, it’s not a problem and he will be fine, don’t worry yourself over this, it will be ok’, he was speaking to my recently deceased father who was an accountant and who was always concerned that I and my family made sure we had enough money and not to take any financial risks with our lives. Gabriel continued to talk to me and to say I had been given a job, the job of helping humanity and mother earth and I will find my way to carry out the tasks given to me, I was not to worry as all will come clear to me in stages throughout the rest of my life, I was to be in China right now because there was so much work for me to do there, that is the reason why I was brought there so many years ago. I had been grounded in China and that is where I will stay until the next stage of my spiritual journey, my wife was my guardian angel, my twin flame and she will always look after me. As he stopped speaking my wife got up from bed, walked to the washroom and when she came back she knelt beside me put her face almost to mine as if checking I was still breathing, it was obviously so dark in the room although to me it was like daylight as the light around Gabriel was so bright. Gabriel once again said, ‘He’s ok, he’s safe and he’s with me, go back to sleep’ and my wife once again laid down and went back to sleep. This conversation went on for hours almost until the sun arose, I was fully awake throughout the process and was up well before the sun rose, I was full of excitement and wanting to share my experience and the words that Gabriel had said to me with my wife.

May and I got ourselves ready, we checked out of the hotel before 6am and drove to the beach, the sun was looking beautiful and the ocean was calm, I entered the water and swam freely with the fish observing the turtles and the beauty of mother nature whilst all the time remembering the words of Gabriel and the meaning to my life and my spiritual journey. After an hour or so I left the water, warmed myself with a coffee and we discussed more about what had happened during the night. While we were chatting I spotted dolphins in the bay but way out to sea, this was my chance so I got back in the ocean and swam out into the deep, ahhh to my joy I was joined by dolphins, my heart beating faster and faster as they swam around me with ease in complete beauty and grace. Tears of joy filled my mask as I had once again been blessed, my dreams coming true and my life giving back to me; once again ☺


I won’t go into details of what Gabriel said to me because I believe that his words were meant for me and my wife but suffice to say, this was my true awakening and I must follow my destiny, my spiritual journey and I must do all I can to help those who are in need, to help mother nature and our environment with every breath of my body.

Namaste with Love



My Dear Friends,

I thought it was about time I updated this page ‘My Spiritual Journey’ as I have neglected it for way, way too long 😦

Many things have happened to me over this past year or so, I have experienced many beautiful things and many things I would rather forget! However, I do realise that life as we know it is not a bed of roses, life comes with its up’s and it’s down’s, good and bad, happy and sad…Life, is as they say, ‘What it is’!. I

I do, however, also know that life is what you make it, life is how you view it and life is determined by your thoughts and your actions, we have choices each and every day, and most of the time we choose the easy route, the route with what we perceive is the least painful, the less challenging, and the one that sits closest to our comfort zone…But hey!, come on guys, the reality is all that you are searching for, and yearning for; sits just outside your comfort zone!….’Fact’

I, like many others am also comfortable within my comfort zone, I like to be alone most of the time, although I am a good socialiser and actually quite like it when I get off my backside and ‘Just Do It’!…But, I like many millions of others, I don’t often take the risks or walk outside my comfort zone because of fear, fear of the unknown…’Will it be ok? Will I be ok? What if?…Etc

My spiritual connection with my higher self, my sensitivity, my empathy and me healing energies have been gaining strength over the years, my intuition is really high and if I would only let go of my ego mind; fully, then abundance flows in my life, my life is filled with joy, happiness, love, and compassion, I go from strength to strength on ‘high’, high on life itself!…But it’s that damn word again ‘Fear’…that always holds me back, the fear of not being successful, the fear of letting people down, the fear of not generating enough income to survive and provide, the fear, the damn fear!…

My channeling has taken a back step of late because of fear, my daily meditations have taken a back step because of fear, my plans for my spiritual retreat have taken a back step or no step forward because of fear…..But why?….What is behind this fear?

So, yesterday I did a family constellation with a real Master, a lady who has been doing family constellations for more that 30 years, she teaches family constellations all around the world and yesterday I came out of my ‘Fear Closet’ and actually did one for myself…and it was amazing 🙂 She opened my eyes, and more importantly, opened my heart to what this fear was/is, she took me deeply into my own family constellation, we looked at all my family, my parents, their parents, brothers and sisters, aunties, uncles,children, grandchildren and the relationships within all these groups, we role-played my parents and as my heart started to open, out came the truths, the things that have been causing my fears, the things holding me back from living my life, from achieving the best from my life and holding me back from my future.

Now, obviously I’m not going to go into details of that was/is causing my fear but suffice to say I confronted them straight on, they were open right there before my eyes, I could see then, look them in the eyes and release them, and it felt great, I felt great….At last, my tears flowed, they flowed and they flowed, I met my fears head on, I took control, I gave the burdens that i have been carrying for years back to them as they were no longer mine to hold, and I stood tall; with a smile on my face and an open heart, once again ready to move forward with my life….


So, my dear friends, don’t allow your fears to hold you back any longer, reach out to someone who can help, message me if you need support, because there is ‘Always’ a way to break free of the chains that hold you back…. 🙂

Namaste with Love




128 comments on “My Spiritual Journey

  • Mark I found your site when I typed in the google search “I want to spread my Love and Light to all sentiment and non sentiment beings in the universe” I’m glad your blog showed up. Thank you for sharing and being. I’m trying to navigate my spirtual journey and am coming into resistance. I’m not always sure how to respond when faced with situations that are out of my control – I try to come from my heart and feel empathy for the ones in my life but I’m realizing I can only control myself and not another. Again it is a pleasure to feel the Love that you put out on your blog. Nameste

    • Blessings to you Rick, yes, you are right, you can only control yourself and this is the most important part of your spiritual journey / awakening, most people want to heal the world, make sure everyone is happy, loved and safe, but, after a time you realise that all this starts with you and before you can spread this love, you firstly need to work on your own self love, then share that love, one being at a time 🙂 Namaste my friend 🙂

  • My heart is touched and I see and understand myself more from reading your story. I too are like you in many ways. Thank you Mark. Namasta. Gabriel please visit me too.

  • I have recently started a a spiritual jounery and I am feeling so lonely and confused. I am fighting my inner deamons and can no longer find comfort in my old ways. My true self is trying to burst out of me and it is a painful and lonely process. I want to take charge of my own happiness and find my purpose. I keep seeing my birthday everywhere…. January 13. I know the universe loves me and has always looked out for me and wants me to fufill my purpose and destiny. These little reminders are a little unsettling though. I hope I can do this! Thank you mark for sharing!


    • Hi Nikki, you will find your way my friend, ‘one step at a time’, don’t set any expectations of your journey, clear your mind through meditation and just go with the flow. Your life will change as you walk this pathway and sometimes your ego mind will step in an question what is laid before you, be strong and just ‘Be’ and all will be good 🙂 Namaste, Mark

  • i also enjoy ur blog….just found it recently….
    i want to write my story too, but my english is not so good, and i cant explain my words so well like u did….

    keep writing, thanks for sharing

  • Mark, I am so honored, having read your blog with your amazing story, that you have chosen to follow my blog. In some ways I can identify with you. We are on the same path, and I look forward to connecting with you again.

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