Art is bringing me back, opening my heart to love again :)

Published 11/05/2017 by inspiringyourspirit

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My Dear Friends,

It has been a very long time since I last posted here on my blog and for that, I’m so sorry!

As you know my life has been going through some challenges, my heart was broken and I shut myself down, protecting myself from all around me. But through my meditations and connection to my channel, to my higher-self, I have once again found my life, I have picked up my life through Art, this art and my daily meditation sessions have re-awakened me to the joys of life, my art has brought me freedom once again and helped me re-connect with humanity, to make new friends and to start to love again ๐Ÿ™‚

I’m smiling, my tears are not just filled with sorrow anymore, they are filled with joy ๐Ÿ™‚ My thoughts come and go and I’m once again living in the ‘Now’. Over the years, I have spoken about pain, compassion, joy, love sorrow and grief, and I believe also I have helped a few people along the way with the words that used to flow freely from my fingers within my posts. But these posts came to a staggering halt when I lost my love, I found it hard to open myself up to others, to interact, to be joyful beyond the smile I showed to people in my daily life, this false smile was hiding the true hurt inside my heart.

Picking up my pencils and my brushes have allowed the freedom of my spirit to talk to me through my art and it has helped me re-connect with humanity, to once again open up my heart to the joys that life really holds for me in this lifetime. I am truly awakened to a new me, to a new phase in my life and I feel stronger than ever before ๐Ÿ™‚

I have added a few images of my latest venture into Thangka painting, this and my other art brings me joy, relaxes and calms my mind and allows the true me to open my heart to the future.

Blesingsย ofย Love to you all my friends



6 comments on “Art is bringing me back, opening my heart to love again :)

  • YAY!!! Your back!! What an AMAZING piece of art you created! WOW! I can so relate to what your write as art expression helps me too — for me outdoor chalk drawing. Much love and light to you — keep it up!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • So happy to hear that you are back to the place where you love to be and belong. I too was recently challenged to a point where it was testing me on the deepest of levels. My meditations brought me back, like you. Whatever brings peace to your soul you must do and do often. I am glad that you have found it once again through your art. Please continue on with your expression, meditations and light. The world needs you and your light and love. Peace and Blessings.

  • Nothing can test us more than a loss Mark, in all its forms. Always asking us to look inside, a little deeper each time to find the love we are truly wanting to know, and understand….our own ๐Ÿ˜€
    That loss has given you a great blessing in its pain, even though at the time your going through it, it most certainly does not feel like it.
    I, like you, had been shown some incredible things by spirit, only to be hit very hard by a loss also…but it was within what I had been shown that I began to stand back up and have faith in what I was, and see that it was my own love that was missing.
    I had to understand my pain first, see what had created it, and open the wall that it had built. In doing that, now I am free…for myself and others. The loss of someone I loved very much had finally shown me my lifelong fear, hidden away as we all do, rising to the surface and making me face myself. In hindsight, I can now ‘see’ that journey. At the time…just the pain. But in understanding it, I now ‘see’ that the very person that caused me so much pain, was also a beautiful blessing in helping me find that truth within.
    Welcome back, may your light show you those blessings, and a clearer truth of who you really are inside. Namaste

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