
All posts tagged Life

Art is bringing me back, opening my heart to love again :)

Published 11/05/2017 by inspiringyourspirit

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My Dear Friends,

It has been a very long time since I last posted here on my blog and for that, I’m so sorry!

As you know my life has been going through some challenges, my heart was broken and I shut myself down, protecting myself from all around me. But through my meditations and connection to my channel, to my higher-self, I have once again found my life, I have picked up my life through Art, this art and my daily meditation sessions have re-awakened me to the joys of life, my art has brought me freedom once again and helped me re-connect with humanity, to make new friends and to start to love again 🙂

I’m smiling, my tears are not just filled with sorrow anymore, they are filled with joy 🙂 My thoughts come and go and I’m once again living in the ‘Now’. Over the years, I have spoken about pain, compassion, joy, love sorrow and grief, and I believe also I have helped a few people along the way with the words that used to flow freely from my fingers within my posts. But these posts came to a staggering halt when I lost my love, I found it hard to open myself up to others, to interact, to be joyful beyond the smile I showed to people in my daily life, this false smile was hiding the true hurt inside my heart.

Picking up my pencils and my brushes have allowed the freedom of my spirit to talk to me through my art and it has helped me re-connect with humanity, to once again open up my heart to the joys that life really holds for me in this lifetime. I am truly awakened to a new me, to a new phase in my life and I feel stronger than ever before 🙂

I have added a few images of my latest venture into Thangka painting, this and my other art brings me joy, relaxes and calms my mind and allows the true me to open my heart to the future.

Blesings of Love to you all my friends



Lost for Words

Published 03/11/2016 by inspiringyourspirit

My Dear friends,

I have been lost for words of late, I just can’t seem to summon up the words to write a post, I have however been doing a lot of painting and drawing, usually following on directly after my meditations. During these meditations I have received strong visions, pictures so vivid that once I come out of meditation I start to draw or paint. So in light of my lack of written posts, I have attached a few of my most recent paintings for you viewing, amusement and or comments.

So in light of my lack of written posts, I have attached a few of my most recent paintings for you viewing, amusement and or comments.

Blessings of love and light to you all

Namaste with Love






travelling light.jpg

lake view1.jpg

Image001.jpgLord Buddha4.jpg

Final Sale.jpg







My Spiritual Journey (Continued)

Published 19/10/2016 by inspiringyourspirit


My Dear Friends,

I thought it was about time I updated this page ‘My Spiritual Journey’ as I have neglected it for way, way too long 😦

Many things have happened to me over this past year or so, I have experienced many beautiful things and many things I would rather forget! However, I do realise that life as we know it is not a bed of roses, life comes with its up’s and it’s down’s, good and bad, happy and sad…Life, is as they say, ‘What it is’!. I

I do, however, also know that life is what you make it, life is how you view it and life is determined by your thoughts and your actions, we have choices each and every day, and most of the time we choose the easy route, the route with what we perceive is the least painful, the less challenging, and the one that sits closest to our comfort zone…But hey!, come on guys, the reality is all that you are searching for, and yearning for; sits just outside your comfort zone!….’Fact’

I, like many others am also comfortable within my comfort zone, I like to be alone most of the time, although I am a good socialiser and actually quite like it when I get off my backside and ‘Just Do It’!…But, I like many millions of others, I don’t often take the risks or walk outside my comfort zone because of fear, fear of the unknown…’Will it be ok? Will I be ok? What if?…Etc

My spiritual connection with my higher self, my sensitivity, my empathy and me healing energies have been gaining strength over the years, my intuition is really high and if I would only let go of my ego mind; fully, then abundance flows in my life, my life is filled with joy, happiness, love, and compassion, I go from strength to strength on ‘high’, high on life itself!…But it’s that damn word again ‘Fear’…that always holds me back, the fear of not being successful, the fear of letting people down, the fear of not generating enough income to survive and provide, the fear, the damn fear!…

My channeling has taken a back step of late because of fear, my daily meditations have taken a back step because of fear, my plans for my spiritual retreat have taken a back step or no step forward because of fear…..But why?….What is behind this fear?

So, yesterday I did a family constellation with a real Master, a lady who has been doing family constellations for more that 30 years, she teaches family constellations all around the world and yesterday I came out of my ‘Fear Closet’ and actually did one for myself…and it was amazing 🙂 She opened my eyes, and more importantly, opened my heart to what this fear was/is, she took me deeply into my own family constellation, we looked at all my family, my parents, their parents, brothers and sisters, aunties, uncles,children, grandchildren and the relationships within all these groups, we role-played my parents and as my heart started to open, out came the truths, the things that have been causing my fears, the things holding me back from living my life, from achieving the best from my life and holding me back from my future.

Now, obviously I’m not going to go into details of that was/is causing my fear but suffice to say I confronted them straight on, they were open right there before my eyes, I could see then, look them in the eyes and release them, and it felt great, I felt great….At last, my tears flowed, they flowed and they flowed, I met my fears head on, I took control, I gave the burdens that i have been carrying for years back to them as they were no longer mine to hold, and I stood tall; with a smile on my face and an open heart, once again ready to move forward with my life….


So, my dear friends, don’t allow your fears to hold you back any longer, reach out to someone who can help, message me if you need support, because there is ‘Always’ a way to break free of the chains that hold you back…. 🙂

Namaste with Love




Published 14/10/2016 by inspiringyourspirit


My Dear Friends,

Positivity.. noun. ….’The quality or state of being positive’. “Something that is positive’

What does this word really mean to me and to you?….Well, I believe that waking up with a positive attitude is really important to our lives, positivity brings us to where we want to be, it connects us to our heart, it connects us to our divine self, to our true self and it takes us away from our negative self, our ego-self!

We believe that things or people make us unhappy, but this is not accurate. We make ourselves unhappy. Very little is needed to make our lives happy; we all already possess this skill,  it’s all to do with our way of thinking.

Suffering and the onslaught of negativity and pain is brought on from our desires. Our desire to remain in the current state, to keep our youthful looks, our trim figure, our beautiful hair, our desire to gain wealth, desire to achieve greater control, greater power, more authority, our desire for sensual pleasures, for alcohol, drugs, food, money, and of course our desire to be happy….So we constantly strive to find this happiness everywhere, we seek it each and every day, we see people on the street, on the TV in the media who look happy in their big houses, their jobs, in their we want the same, right?

I have learned that happiness starts within, it starts with our thoughts and our positivity helps is live happy contented lives, I know for sure that when my ego mind steps up, then my happiness and positivity levels drop through the floor. It eats away at you, controls you, and brings you down to its level, to where it wants you to be.

So, I have decided that ‘positivity’ is my new keyword, I have been through a lot, especially over these past few months. This has allowed my ego mind to play tricks on me, to put me in ‘The Victim’ mode, to make me feel sorry for myself, to allow me to have negative thoughts about all that I do, and all that happens to me. My negative emotions have taken control of my life…..and, ‘enough is enough’…I’m taking my life back,

……I’m taking my life back, I’m getting back in the saddle, taking up the reigns again for my life, I’m moving on, I’m holding my head high and ‘I’m happy 🙂

So, this morning when my dogs came in to wake me, I got up straight away, I greeted them with a smile as they wagged their tails and gave me their usual dose of unconditional love, I gave thanks in prayer to The Buddha, to the Ascended Masters, to My Parents, to my family and friends, and I vowed to continue my journey of self-discovery with a new vigour, with a bounce in my step, and with new love in my heart, a new love for me, for the person I am and for the person I will be.

Namaste with Love



Pain, Heart Ache, Tears…and More!

Published 10/10/2016 by inspiringyourspirit



My Dear Friends,

It has been many, many, long weeks since I have been able to place my fingers on this keyboard, to even attempt to write my blog…Words have left me, my heart has been broken and I have been struggling to get through my days and my nights.

The love of my life, my beautiful wife has decided to leave me 😦 There is no one else involved and we are still the best of friends, she has her own spiritual journey and her own pathway to follow, and her own needs to consider, and although this decision has truly broken my heart, I also respect her and I honour her decision.

Tears, endless buckets of tears have left my eyes, washed down my face and helped wash away my pain, my heart has missed so many beats, the slightest thought, song, tv program or word seems to set me off again, my beautiful dogs have given me endless cuddles, laid by my side while I have been crying and comforted me on endless occasions over these past few weeks, helping me move on with my life.

My own spirituality, my connection to my higher self, my pathway has been called into my thoughts each and every day, I quizzed myself endlessly, asking myself why!…and Where am I going with my life!

I read your comments, see and feel the love that you share, and I’m truly honoured by your sentiment and words of love, compassion, and support.

Where do I go from here?….Honestly, I don’t yet know!

Each day is a new day, a move towards the future, and whatever that holds for me.

One piece of positive news is after many years of procrastination, I actually went to Bhutan, hiked up some of the highest mountains, visited many amazing Buddhist Monasteries and Temples, met with Lamas and Rinpoche’s, meditated in the sacred sites and touched my heart with the Buddha in one of the most amazing experiences of my life….Future post…Maybe!…Watch this space.

Namaste with Love



Live The Life You Love

Published 26/05/2016 by inspiringyourspirit


My Dear Friends,

Another one of my latest pieces of artwork, this one was created yesterday for my youngest daughters birthday. She, like many of us is always searching for her true self, for that happiness, the joy, the excitement, the ‘something’ that is already there, already inside; each and every one of us, and, it all starts with ‘Self Love’ and the understanding that opening our heart to ‘Source’, to ‘God’ to ‘The Power of the Universe’ (whatever you personally believe in) is the first step, then letting go of the ‘Past’, ‘Forgetting the Future’ and actually start ‘Living in the Now’…will lead us to that elusive ‘Something’, to the Happiness, to the Joy, to our ‘LIFE’.

Namaste with Love



A Summers Day

Published 15/04/2016 by inspiringyourspirit


Who made the world?
Who made the swan, and the black bear?
Who made the grasshopper?
This grasshopper, I mean-
the one who has flung herself out of the grass,
the one who is eating sugar out of my hand,
who is moving her jaws back and forth instead of up and down-
who is gazing around with her enormous and complicated eyes.
Now she lifts her pale forearms and thoroughly washes her face.
Now she snaps her wings open, and floats away.
I don’t know exactly what a prayer is.
I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down
 into the grass,
how to kneel down in the grass,
how to be idle and blessed,
how to stroll through the fields, 
which is what I have been doing all day.
Tell me, what else should I have done?
Doesn’t everything die at last, and too soon?
Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

Living Life in the Present

Published 05/04/2016 by inspiringyourspirit

Paying attention to the present moment, rather than constantly getting lost in ruminative fantasies, that we learn most and can be best prepared for our lives.

Borkovec on the Present

This is a powerful passage and has a great deal of resonance with mindfulness practice.  Part of what we’re trying to do is to learn from life – but to learn, we need to be present. One definition of mindfulness is that it’s a state of mind where we can encode memories.  Mindfulness is a kind of alertness where the attention can actually absorb what is happening, moment-by-moment.

The only influence we have on the future is how well we tend to the present. By tending to what’s here and what’s now, and learning from what’s here and now, we grow in ways that should help us meet the future most effectively.

Imagining the Future: How good are we at predicting our emotional responses?

So much of anxiety is about imagining the future.  But how good are we at imagining our emotional future? How good are our predictions about how a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ event might make us feel? There is a whole body of research dedicated to these types of questions called affective forecasting.  Daniel Gilbert, the Harvard psychologist and author of Stumbling on Happiness, has become famous for this work. As it turns out, while we tend to be accurate guessing whether a particular event is likely to make us feel positive or negative, we tend to make important errors in other aspects of our predictions.  Specifically, we tend to overestimate the impact of particular emotional events.  That is, we believe that a particular event will have both a more intense and enduring effect on our emotional life.  Here is a summary of one of Gilbert’s articles:

Affective Forecasting

What is being suggested here is that we are actually more resilient than we tend to believe. We assume that we’ll have more trouble coping than we tend to have. When faced with a challenging situation, the mind quickly makes meanings and interpretations that help soften the impact and we feel better much faster than we tend to anticipate.  This is important for us to absorb.

All the Forks in All the Roads

The famous poem, The Road Not Taken, from Robert Frost:
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I–
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

It’s a lovely poem – but we want to make a different point than the one that’s usually made about this poem.  When we pay attention to our minds, it feels like we’re always coming to a fork in the road. Each decision, each uncertainty, each possibility – it seems we’re at a new fork, standing before two roads that diverge. We usually assume that one road is the right way and one road is the wrong way – and if we just think hard enough, we’ll figure out which is which.  But is this true? How many times do we truly come to fork in the road that is truly an important fork? And can we always know which is the “right” path?

Some of what mindfulness practice shows us is that there are actually fewer forks than we think and that even what seemed like a fork, in retrospect, may not be of major importance. We probably have all had that experience where we thought our lives were riding on the outcome of something specific – but later realize that it actually didn’t matter much which way it turned out.  Both roads have joys and sorrows.  Both roads have pleasure and pain and gain and loss.  Sometimes the road that seems less preferable has things to teach us we could never imagine.

Namaste with Love


Open Your Heart To Change

Published 10/02/2016 by inspiringyourspirit


My Dear Friends,

Beautiful words from the Masters by 

The tides of energy are turning and changing right now on the Earth as we begin to step into the new age of evolution for each soul. We are being called to lift our consciousness and expand our hearts and minds and, as the many rays of light flood the planet to support us in this endeavour, there is still much resistance to this new way of being in the heart of humanity. We are still choosing to play out the old karma that is held within us before we resolve it and become free of the bonds of our attachments.

As a collective of souls, hu-mans are beginning to move into a new phase of becoming all that we are and we are opening and changing the consciousness of our being. This is a process of growth and adaptation as we transform the old into a new way of being. It is the alchemy that is occurring between the ego mind and the higher consciousness as they begin to reconnect and it will bring many changes to the individual soul as well as to the collective. This is occurring for everyone across the planet and many can feel it.

Yet we are being asked to hold patience in our hearts, for patience is needed as we move through this process. It cannot be speeded up to suit your impatience, dear heart, all will flow as it is needed.

We are also being asked to let go of the consciousness that creates separation in our minds and hearts and to allow all in the collective to play their part and bring the gifts they hold to the group heart so all may grow through all they have come to learn.

The Earth too is shifting and this energy is creating chaos and change across the Earth for many people. Yet remember that out of chaos comes amazing rebirth and regeneration. For new growth change and destruction is often required and the Masters ask us not to be so sad about this. It is what is, our beloveds.

When the chaos causes death and destruction the Masters ask us to understand that all those who leave their bodies do not truly leave us, they are simply changing and shifting their reality from the physical to another vibration or way of being and their soul knows this vibration well. As this shift is created for them they will rejoice in this new way of being and move forward on their journey. Celebrate and honor their new vibration of energy.

The Masters tell us that the Earth is growing and her womb is turning and getting ready for birth. This transformation will continue for some time until she is ready to ascend, yet these Earth changes will create more change of consciousness for everyone who stands on the Earth in all their forms as all are needed in the group heart to support this new creation in the Universe.

The Masters ask us not to be afraid, for all is as it is, our beloveds. They ask you to hold the love in your heart and allow the energy of the pure light to pulse through you. Whenever you feel afraid they ask you to call to them, the angels or your guides and allow them to assist you and hold you in sacred space. Open your hearts to receive the support that is there for you.

Choose to open up your hearts and allow the Light to flow through you and when you have received it fully then send it out through your open heart to all beings on the Earth who feel they are suffering. Send your love out to these ones and share with them the light rays of your heart.

Every time you hear of chaos and change on the Earth or feel people are suffering anywhere, choose not to close your heart and berate those in power or those responsible for creating this chaos. Simply open your heart and allow the light rays to flow through you. Channel them using your breath from your crown chakra and send the light to your heart and then out to all people who are suffering, as well as those you believe to be the perpetrators and are wishing to blame. Send pure light instead of blame and anger.

There is no one to blame, our beloveds. There is nothing to blame, our beloveds, all is as it is. The Masters ask you to accept this and call upon the light to flood through you and send this love and light out to all who may only see the suffering and pain, send the light out to all who can only see the darkness.

Share with them the light so they may stand in the Light of Source even as they believe they are suffering. Assist them to connect with the light of Source so they may know its transformational power and its ability to cleanse the spirit of the illusion of physical matter.

Allow this to flow through you in every moment, our beloveds. Every time you hear or see anything that makes you feel fear in your heart or sadness and pain, the Masters ask you to call to the light of Source to flow through you in this very moment. Choose to not step into the illusion.

Call on the light of Source and allow it to flow throughout your being so that you may then share this pure light with others on the Earth who have walked into the illusion of pain and suffering.

Do this, our beloveds, and the illusion of darkness will change to light and love. Do this, our beloveds, and your hearts will open and sing.

Do this, our beloveds, and love will pour forth from you in a golden ray of hope and joy.

Do this, our beloveds, and the world will change and be as one with Source in the one heart of All that Is.

Do this, our beloveds, and you will know peace and joy. We love you.

Namaste with Love



Busy Channeling

Published 04/02/2016 by inspiringyourspirit


My Dear Friends,

I’m so, so sorry for not making the time to write on my blog lately but I have been so busy lately doing channelling sessions, connecting with my Soul, My Divine Presence and setting up my Group Heart Consciousness. This is all great but also very draining for me and when I come to write on my blog my mind is so calm and at ease that it is ‘Mindless’ so I guess my Meditations and Mindfulness are working wonders 🙂

I am also creating lots of codes that come up during my channelling sessions and also speaking more in Ancient language and Light Languages, these gifts are also gaining strength and becoming part of my everyday 🙂

I also notice that my clairempath abilities are also building rapidly and my emotions are on hightened alert to suffering in myself of in others, the slightest thing, slightest sign of suffering causes my emotions to flow in the form or tears, physical or mental pain etc.

My pathway is becoming more clear as I work on my Group Heart Consciousness and as we come together into the ‘One Heart’ presence of all that we are, I can clearly see, feel and sence all the gifts that all my beings from all time, space and dimensions bring to our collective group heart. These gifts are meant to be made manifest for the benefit of humanity here on Earth and as I move forward on this journey I/we will bring these gifts to you.

I feel blessed, thankful and so grateful that I have chosen to walk this spiritual pathway and I look forward to being of service to Humanity and Mother Earth as we continue to walk in the light of ‘Source’ 🙂

Namaste, with Love



What Does Success Mean To You?

Published 28/01/2016 by inspiringyourspirit



My Dear friends,

‘Success’…What does it mean to you?

Many people; in fact millions, tens of millions are constantly looking for ‘Success’, every day pushing forward trying to achieve it…but what is it?…Is success measured by wealth, how much money you have in your bank? Is it measured by the car that you drive, the size of your house, the job that you have, the job title you hold, the academic qualifications you achieve, how fit and healthy you are, the clothes that you wear, the holidays you take, the number of friends you have, how much you spend on ‘stuff’….What is success? and; how do you achieve it?

Food for thought my friends, food for thought!

I live in a society that holds achievement as a benchmark for success, I.e, you must gain the highest grades in your school life, then the highest grades and ranking in your university life, then gain further qualifications like an MBA; of course with the highest grade, then get the best job title with the best and biggest company, buy a car, buy a house get married and have a baby as quickly as possible because even this shows ‘success’, buy expensive clothes, top fashion brands, fancy watch, jewelry, send your child to the best school, give them extra classes so they learn more, achieve more and become successful!…Nothing wrong with wanting the best in life for yourself and your family…but, does it bring you success?

This, of course; depends on your evaluation of what success really means to you… and I often see all of the above bringing ‘No’ happiness to so many each and every day. People, friends, colleagues etc who are so tired, so stressed, so challenges, living in the past and also the future, with little or no love for themselves and or any idea what happiness really means to them, with circles of friends that most often are just along for the ride and then I look at what I see in the eyes of people in countries like Bhutan where their GDP as a country is based on ‘Gross National Happiness’, these people are not rich, they don’t have all the ‘fancy’ things in life, but they do have happiness, they live in the ‘now’, they have love in their hearts, they hold compassion for others and they are successful because each and every day for them is a ‘gift’ and they hold that as a measurement of their success.

Success to me means happiness, happiness means understanding who I am and holding love for myself, giving love to others, being grateful for what I have in my life and doing my best to give something back to my community, to humanity and to mother earth.

I may sound idealistic but that for me is success!

How about you?

Namaste, with Love



Surrender to Receive all that you Need

Published 26/01/2016 by inspiringyourspirit


Wow!…I have always had problems with this statement.. ‘Surrender to Receive all that you Need’. Like many, I have been travelling my own life’s journey and to date that’s about 55 years and 210 day’s to be precise in my case 🙂 and I still have trouble with the letting go, the surrender of the past!

The past is the past and it should firmly remain in the past. The future is the future and it should firmly remain in the future. The only thing we have for sure is ‘Now’, the present moment, all that we do, ‘EVER’ is in the ‘Present Moment’, so why do we waste so much time thinking of the past and worrying about the future?…Our previous life experiences, good or bad; play perfectly into the hands of our Ego Mind, adding fuel to the Ego’s fire and allowing it to hold us hostage with previous life experiences especially if the were bad, caused us trouble, held us back etc. And the uncertainty of the future, what it holds in store for us does exactly the same thing, allowing our Ego Mind to take yet another opportunity to cause us grief, ‘Your not worthy of that, you will fail at that, “Remember when you did that before and it caused you this problem? ‘so you had better not do that again’…and on and on these old thought patterns control us. Memories are good and they allow us to equip ourselves as we move forward but we do our lives a major injustice when we allow our Ego Minds to control who we are and from reaching our full potential.

Living our life in the ‘Now’ is perfect when we read about it in books, listen to self-help recordings, attend seminars, training programs and self-help groups but the reality is like the never ending diet, we try, then try, then try and try again but we just can’t stop that Ego Mind, that little demon on our shoulder from saying, “Watch out for that”, ‘Don’t do that”, ‘Remeber what happened before”, “you will fail at that”, “you will never loose weight”, etc, etc, etc, So in my opinion, and for what it’s worth my advice is…….

“Stick With It”…..Meditate often, everyday if you can, break free from what holds you back, from what ties you down and ‘Just Be’, ‘Just Breathe’, connect with your inner self, meditate and go into your heart, love yourself for what you are ‘Now’ and for what you ‘Have in your life now’, be grateful for all that you are and ‘Just Be You’, let go of all the pressures that surround your day and ‘Let Go’ to ‘Receive something far greater than your own plan allowed’ and you will find ‘Peace and Love’ because my friends, they ‘lie within’.

Blessings to you all my friends, may your meditations take you to your heart and connect you to your soul 🙂

Namaste, with Love



We Are All Visitors to This Life, We Are Just Passing Through.

Published 15/12/2015 by inspiringyourspirit



My Dear Friends,

I came across this wonderful quote today and felt the urge to write a simple post 🙂

“We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to love ….and then we return home”…..

Wonderful..I just love it. These wonderful words really do resonate with my heart. As you all know, I recently had an actual death experience, but luckily for me I was brought back by the wonderful paramedics in the ambulance, and since that experience; I have been spending countless hours just thinking, well, not so much thinking, rather; clearing my mind of the clutter and actually observing my life and all that goes on in and around my life.

This ’emptiness of mind’ as I like to call it has given me a new perspective of what is and what is not important. I now 100% realise that love for myself, for my family, for friends and all beings is really important to me. This observation has taught me that I am wasting, yes; wasting so much of my life on trivial, unimportant things. I’m doing far too much to get the job done, but not paying any attention to myself, to my health, to my life. I always do my utmost best to do everything on time, to be perfect or as near perfect as possible, to make everyone happy, to do, to do more and to do even more for everyone….but me!….

Love of self, is really important, because if we don’t love ourselves then how can we expect others to love us?

So, we are now coming close to the end of 2015 and I am not one to have New Year Resolutions, to set myself goals for the coming year but I thought, Hey! Why not this year!….So, I have decided that I will clean up my act, sweep the floors and cobwebs our of my life and start 2016 with a fresh outlook, I will love myself, each and every day, I will honour myself each day, I will be thankful for each day, I will be thankful for all I have in my life, I will hold love and compassion in my heart for all beings here on earth, I will do my best to help make our world a better place to live, I will cut out the wasted hours and turn these hours into positive acts of kindness to myself and to others, I will write more, I will write that book that I have promised to do for the past ???? How many years, I will spend more time with my family and friends, I will spend more time in nature, I will meditate more, I will want for less….and

I will contemplate on and learn from all my past experiences, I will grow more spiritually, I will Love…and…after doing all I can and after ‘Living the rest of my life to the full’…

I will return home 🙂

Tomorrow is a new day, tomorrow is a new opportunity to live 🙂

Namaste with Love




The Pathway of Life is a Spiral, Not a Straight Line!

Published 10/12/2015 by inspiringyourspirit


My Dear Friends ,

Just when you think you have your life and your spiritual journey sorted…then…BAM!..Your whole world gets tipped upside down and you feel you have been blown off your course and it becomes difficult to know where you are on your journey and you get a Deja Vu feeling that you have been here before!

Well, that’s how I feel sometimes, anyway!

Been here, done that……I know you, or I have experienced this; or that before, haven’t I?

Almost certainly 🙂

Our life / lives, reincarnations take us on an endless journey, a journey of discovery, a wonderful journey in which our life / lives play out dependent upon our thoughts and our beliefs. We forge ahead often looking for something such as happiness, peace, love, abundance etc, or if we are on a more specific spiritual journey, maybe even awakening and enlightenment.

I don’t know about you but one minute you think you have that meditation thing cracked, then the next day your ego mind is back in the game filling your tranquil mind full of thoughts, spiraling around one after another like crazy dogs chasing their tails in the park 🙂

Or another day your heart is so full of compassion and kindness that every soul in need that you see breaks your heart and brings you to tears.

So, I have realised that my life is constantly evolving and there is no right or wrong way to travel my journey and I now firmly believe that our spiritual pathway is a spiral and we keep stumbling back across things we have experienced before, maybe even in a previous life, these reincarnated meetings along our journey of life are put there for a reason to remind us, to make us remember and enable is to see deeper truths.

So my dear friends, the next time you get that Deja Vu feeling, think of me and my stumblings along on my journey too 🙂

Namaste with Love





What A Difference A Day Makes!

Published 27/11/2015 by inspiringyourspirit


My Dear Friends,

I came across this image and quote by ‘Thich Nhat Hanh this morning and I just had to use it and create a post as a follow up to my previous two posts. Because his statement is so true “The amount of happiness that you have depends on the amount of freedom you have in your heart”…Wow!

I always felt that my heart was very open and very free, I always hold love in my heart and share my love freely with all, and I truly felt that my life was full of happiness. Yes, we all have bad days, days in which we feel unhappy, unhappy with a relationship, unhappy with our family, our children, unhappiness at work, blah, blah, blah…but generally I felt happy and for most of the time you will always see a smile on my face and I would certainly always try to put a smile on yours 🙂

But how do you really measure happiness?…..

I have been through a few radicle issues and experiences this past few days following on from my sudden death, the experience of watching my body being worked on in the ambulance from above; I guess from the viewpoint of my soul, from my energy being, the true me, and, I realised that I am a being of light, pure energy and my body is just a vessel, a place where my soul has laid its hat for this lifetime, and I am in this body for a brief time, the briefest of time and how easy it is for this life to be STOPPED and for my soul to take flight and move on to its next incarnation, maybe within another physical body here on earth, who really knows!

So what is happiness for me now?…

Well, the jurors are still out thinking about that but what I can say right here and now is….I see life so very differently from that of three days ago, I have always had very strong thoughts on what was and is important in my life, family, friends, humanity, the environment, love, my spirituality etc…But has that changed from this experience?….Yes, it has!

Life is short as I said, and none of us is in control of when its time for us to leave, death is waiting for us all!…… I now have no problem with that, and I now know there is a ‘light at the end of that tunnel’ so to say, and my soul will continue its journey and take me on to continue my service. I now in these past three days sit and contemplate more, I sit in silence, meditate, calm my mind and just be ‘me’, I’m spending more time with me, connecting with my heart and my soul, I look out of the window and actually pay attention, real attention to all the beauty that my eyes can see, what a wonder this is 🙂 The slight differences in the colours of the sky, the shades of blue like the full range of mixed colours on the artist’s palette, the white, the grey and the tints of brown and blue within the clouds, the sun, the shadows, the trees, the green, the brown, the yellow leaves falling to the ground with each gust of wind that passes through the leaves, the noises of my day, the cars on the street, the hum of life as it passes me by, the warmth of my chair, the feeling of unconditional love and warmth as my little dogs pass by my legs as I sit writing this post….My coffee, its aroma, the steam rising from the cup, drawing me in, intoxicating me with its richness, my mind, its openness, its instant ability to just do, the way it directs my fingers to dance its thoughts upon my keyboard…..and my wife ‘May’, the thoughts of her right now, the love she has for me, the support and caring she has for me, her very being, her beauty, her voice, her grace, her compassion, her kindness….My journey, my pathway, my life…where will it take me?

Life is to live, we spend too much time dealing with things of low importance and low value but for most we never even realise these very facts, we amble through life thinking we are happy until the end of days comes and we think ‘I wish I had done that’….!

Well for me, I am going to do ‘That’…I am going to live my life, I am going to do what makes me happy 🙂 …..As I now really, really understand that happiness does not have to have a $ value attached because happiness is what you already have inside your heart, happiness is in each and every one of us….So, my friends, STOP looking for happiness outside, stop looking for happiness through money, just go into your heart and use the senses that were given to you as a child….and LIVE 🙂

Namaste, with Love





Yesterday I died…Today I Live!

Published 25/11/2015 by inspiringyourspirit


My Dear Friends,

Today I have more gratitude than ever, I am so thankful for every single aspect of my life because ‘Yesterday I Died’!

I went out for lunch during my normal working day, sat down in a local restaurant and ordered a sandwich for my lunch, I made sure that I told the waiter that I MUST not have any mayonnaise or eggs as I am highly allergic, and he assured me that was ok and took my simple order.My lunch came and I did my usual quick check inside the sandwich and all seemed to be well but after a few mouthfuls I realised something was very wrong, I started to get hot and my body was in reaction, I opened the sandwich fully only to find mayonnaise under the lettuce at the bottom of the sandwich, I quickly called the waiter and luckily I had antihistamine tablets with me so I quickly took 6, then called my wife from my mobile phone as I knew she was only a couple of blocks away from where I was having lunch. My wife arrived very quickly and immediately called an ambulance, in between the call and the ambulance arriving I went into severe anaphylactic shock!

The ambulance crew lifted me onto a stretcher and quickly got me into the ambulance, I could hear my wife telling them the problem and showing them my tablets, I was hooked up to a heart monitor, in-line drip just before the anaphylactic shock took its toll stopping my heart and I was dead…..

I could clearly see myself rise up from my body and look down on myself lying there, my wife watching me, calling to me and the ambulance man pushing adrenalin and Epinephrin into my body then starting to do CPR on my chest….

….. I was with God, surrounded by the Ascended Masters, Angels and Arch Angels, it was peaceful and I was very calm and at ease, I spoke out loud to God saying “I will not come to join you today” and when I said these words the last hit to my chest started my heart once again…

I was back…..

Into the hospital, onto a monitor, given more medication a drip of adrenaline, antihistamine and oxygen, after an hour or so I started to come around and understand where I was, my beautiful wife calling to me and holding my hand, tears of happiness in her eyes as I opened mine 🙂

I was back and intent on staying here…

Yesterday I died but today I live…..

I’m going through some serious emotions right now, my wife and I shared lots of tears together last night, tears from me; re the experience of dying, from the of the out of body experience and the coming back to life, and my wife for seeing me die and then the joy of seeing me come back to life!

My Dear Friends, life it so precious and too short, we never know when it is our time to leave this life, so please, enjoy every minute that you have, be grateful for all you have, live your life with love, with happiness and with compassion.

Namaste with Love, Always






The Meaning

Published 21/11/2015 by inspiringyourspirit

My Dear Friends,

I watched this short video by Jim Carrey and felt it was certainly worthy of a post here on I do hope you enjoy it and get the message​ 🙂

Namaste with Love

Is Your Ego Mind Controlling your Life?

Published 06/11/2015 by inspiringyourspirit


My Dear Friends,

Is your Ego Mind controlling your life?

Many of us allow our Ego Minds to control our lives, and we don’t even realise its happening!

Everyday we look at ourselves in the mirror and tell ourselves we are not beautiful, we are too fat, too thin, face is too long, too round, our hair is a mess, and then we constantly allow ourselves to be dragged down further by our Ego Mind as they day continues….

You cant do that, you will fail at that, that job’s too big for you, you won’t be able to do that, you have no chance with him/or her….. 😦

We tell ourselves that we are ill and its just the way things are, we decide not to do something because something is telling us it won’t happen or it will end in failure!…..

Well, I can tell you to……STOP……STOP allowing your Ego Mind to Control your life.

You have to change the way you are thinking…..Think Positive, think of all the great things that have worked for you, think of all the things in your life that you are grateful for 🙂 …START telling your Ego that you don’t need him/her anymore and ask them to step aside and allow your life to change, to break free of the EGO Mind’s chains that hold you back from reaching your full potential….YOU CAN, YOU CAN, HONESTLY YOU CAN 🙂

Every obstacle, every limitation is ONLY TEMPORARY….. You just need to clear your mind and look at things in a new light, free from the chains of your Ego Mind….Come on my friends, give it a go, be free to live and love your life just how it should be 🙂

Have a wonderful weekend my friends 🙂

Namaste with Love



Where Is My Life Taking Me?

Published 22/10/2015 by inspiringyourspirit


My Dear Friends,

Here I go again…thinking…and raising myself another challenging question…….

Where is my life taking me?

I sit, I ponder, I think and I meditate……..



Just when we think our life is settled, some curve ball comes our way!…..Our life is turned upside downI Change my friends is inevitable , our lives are constantly in flow, this way, that way, ever changing and we ourselves never stay still, especially our minds, worrying about this, worrying about that, planning this, arranging that, floating off after the next thought process that comes into our minds and as were following that though another thought pops up and we follow that too, and on and on it goes, our busy minds controlling our lives….But, do we have to be slaves to our mind, can we draw the line in the sand and say to our mind ‘No More’, I don’t want to follow you anymore, I want freedom of mind, I want peace in my life?

Well, we could all pack up our things now and go off and become Buddhist Monks or Nuns, we could go off to the mountains of India, Thailand or Tibet, we could seek out a Guru to follow, we could give up all our worldly possessions and meditate for years on end…. But!…, will that satisfy our mind and bring us a more peaceful and contented life?…For some, yes,… It is a noble path to follow and certainly one I greatly respect and often wish for myself…But, I also live in the realities of life and I honour who I am, where I am and what is important for me. I, like most of you have family, friends, colleagues, work, commitments etc, I, like many others also dream of that better life, a more fulfilling spiritual life in which I can help those less fortunate than I.

So, where is my life taking me?….

Well, It’s taking me where I need to be each day, and I need to come to terms with that very fact, I am where I am because how and what I think, I’m here right now writing this post because this is where I need to be and this is what I should be doing right now…Fact!

I work with people Spiritually and through Psychology each and everyday, I and those who know me know what sort of man I am, I give my all, I give my love, I give my compassion out to humanity everyday and I’m certainly grateful for all the love I have in my life, for all the abundance in my life, for all the support I have in my life and I always give thanks for all that I am in each and every moment, so…..

My life is what I make of it, it will flow in the direction I take it,….

I choose to live a life of Love, Compassion and Support for the betterment of humanity, mother earth and our environment 🙂

Namaste with Love



Moving House Madness, Like Our Life in a Box

Published 21/10/2015 by inspiringyourspirit

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My Dear Friends,

I’m sorry for not posting for these past few days but I have been so preoccupied with moving apartments that i have not had the time to think and had no internet connection at our new home. But during the moving madness I noticed just how much ‘Stuff’ ( for those of you not from the UK or who may not know the term ‘Stuff’, it means things, miscellaneous items etc ) we have accumulated over the years, boxes and boxes of ‘stuff’, many boxes of ‘stuff’ are still boxed since our last move three years ago, and some even longer than that. This brings me to the thought of how we cling to ‘Things’, to ‘Stuff’, in the hope that it will come in useful one day, it brings us fond memories, the suit or dress may fit me again one day when i loose weight, so they follow us from one home to another never seeing the light of day again, taking up much needed space and costing us money in expensive real estate square footage/meterage!

So, then it go me thinking how this clinging to ‘stuff’ actually mirrors our lives, our personalities and our behaviours, where we cling to ‘Stuff’ that hurts us, holds us back and stops us from ever reaching our potential and achieving our life purpose. The clinging to old relationships, holding on to grudges, allowing aspects of our lives and old Karmic ties and bonds from this life; and previous lives to continue controlling us, stopping us in our tracks and leading us back to the past each time we try to move on with our lives!

So, moving home is a great time to have a clear out, to open up those boxes and shed those items from your past, especially those that hold you back, those old clothes will probably never fit you again so give them to friends or to charity, allow someone else to gain the benefit, to bring a smile to their face when they try those clothes on and feel good maybe for the first time in ages! Give those toys and ornaments away, or if you like sell them off and do something nice with the money…but, shedding those items will bring you a new lease on life, it will bring a smile to your face and it in doing so you bring happiness and joy to someone else…even better 🙂

Now, on to your personal life, maybe it’s time you shedded some weight, not physical pounds/Kilo’s, but excess baggage that you have been carrying for years, old karma holding you back, old grudges, old relationships that you have not fully let go, and of course people in your life that continue to hold you back…..

There are many groups out there who can help you with this process of shedding/letting go, if you don’t know where to start or need my help, please let me know and I will be happy to help you with this process.

Make today, the first day of spring, clean out the old and make way for the new 🙂

Namaste with Love

