
All posts tagged Zen

Lost for Words

Published 03/11/2016 by inspiringyourspirit

My Dear friends,

I have been lost for words of late, I just can’t seem to summon up the words to write a post, I have however been doing a lot of painting and drawing, usually following on directly after my meditations. During these meditations I have received strong visions, pictures so vivid that once I come out of meditation I start to draw or paint. So in light of my lack of written posts, I have attached a few of my most recent paintings for you viewing, amusement and or comments.

So in light of my lack of written posts, I have attached a few of my most recent paintings for you viewing, amusement and or comments.

Blessings of love and light to you all

Namaste with Love






travelling light.jpg

lake view1.jpg

Image001.jpgLord Buddha4.jpg

Final Sale.jpg







Lost for Words!

Published 27/08/2016 by inspiringyourspirit


My Dear Friends,

I’m just lost for words!

I have been going through one of the most challenging times of my life and honestly I’m just lost for words……

Each day, for the last few months, I have wanted to put my fingers on this keyboard and spell out my feelings, to share with you what has been going on in my life, but when i go to do so, I’m just lost for words!

I cannot seem to conjure up the words that will make the sense of what my heart has been feeling, I cannot seem to express the brokenness of my heart through words alone, only tears can start to convey how I have been feeling.

Sometimes only my lovely dogs can understand, they come to me when I’m crying, they feel my pain and without any judgement, they lie by my side, no words are needed only their unconditional love, which is ‘Always’ there for me.

I look outside to the world that surrounds me, my family, my friends, and, sometimes I, see only me…The world continues on, I am just a blip on the landscape, a soul in transition, a source of energy that moves along with the movement of time, my life is my life, yes, people care for me but it’s my life and only I am responsible for it, only I can live it, only I can find the words to continue my way….

The world continues on, I am just a blip on the landscape, a soul in transition, a source of energy that moves along with the movement of time. My life is my life! Yes, people care for me, but it’s my life, and only I am responsible for it. Only I can live it, only I can find the words to convey how I feel, only I can feel the pain, only I ,…. Only I……..

As more tears run down my cheek, and, start to wash away my pain, only I can feel the hurt inside, only I can listen to my ego, only I,…. Only I….

Today is a new day, maybe today will bring me more joy….

Only I can make a difference, Only I can take away the pain….

Only I….

Namaste with Love




A Channeled Message I did From Lord Buddha

Published 17/12/2015 by inspiringyourspirit


My Dear Friends,

I just came across a channeled message that I channeled from Buddha back in September whilst I was undergoing an intensive channeling and meditation training session.

The message is so clear and means so much to me, I hope it will mean much to you too!

Namaste, with Love



The breath of life is on the lips of all beings

Innocent hearts are filled with joy and compassion

Cluttered minds create resistance and block the light of God from reaching the souls of many.

Practice stillness, contemplate peace and live in the compassionate light of God and support the birthing of new generations that will come to the light with grace and ease.

Many tears will flow and help wash away the pain, and the smiles that follow the tears will be filled with the innocence of a child at play, this joy will be everlasting joy and will reach the hearts of all beings, bringing ‘Oneness’ and Peace on Earth.

My channeled message from Lord Buddha dated 15th September 2015




We Are All Visitors to This Life, We Are Just Passing Through.

Published 15/12/2015 by inspiringyourspirit



My Dear Friends,

I came across this wonderful quote today and felt the urge to write a simple post 🙂

“We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to love ….and then we return home”…..

Wonderful..I just love it. These wonderful words really do resonate with my heart. As you all know, I recently had an actual death experience, but luckily for me I was brought back by the wonderful paramedics in the ambulance, and since that experience; I have been spending countless hours just thinking, well, not so much thinking, rather; clearing my mind of the clutter and actually observing my life and all that goes on in and around my life.

This ’emptiness of mind’ as I like to call it has given me a new perspective of what is and what is not important. I now 100% realise that love for myself, for my family, for friends and all beings is really important to me. This observation has taught me that I am wasting, yes; wasting so much of my life on trivial, unimportant things. I’m doing far too much to get the job done, but not paying any attention to myself, to my health, to my life. I always do my utmost best to do everything on time, to be perfect or as near perfect as possible, to make everyone happy, to do, to do more and to do even more for everyone….but me!….

Love of self, is really important, because if we don’t love ourselves then how can we expect others to love us?

So, we are now coming close to the end of 2015 and I am not one to have New Year Resolutions, to set myself goals for the coming year but I thought, Hey! Why not this year!….So, I have decided that I will clean up my act, sweep the floors and cobwebs our of my life and start 2016 with a fresh outlook, I will love myself, each and every day, I will honour myself each day, I will be thankful for each day, I will be thankful for all I have in my life, I will hold love and compassion in my heart for all beings here on earth, I will do my best to help make our world a better place to live, I will cut out the wasted hours and turn these hours into positive acts of kindness to myself and to others, I will write more, I will write that book that I have promised to do for the past ???? How many years, I will spend more time with my family and friends, I will spend more time in nature, I will meditate more, I will want for less….and

I will contemplate on and learn from all my past experiences, I will grow more spiritually, I will Love…and…after doing all I can and after ‘Living the rest of my life to the full’…

I will return home 🙂

Tomorrow is a new day, tomorrow is a new opportunity to live 🙂

Namaste with Love




The Pathway of Life is a Spiral, Not a Straight Line!

Published 10/12/2015 by inspiringyourspirit


My Dear Friends ,

Just when you think you have your life and your spiritual journey sorted…then…BAM!..Your whole world gets tipped upside down and you feel you have been blown off your course and it becomes difficult to know where you are on your journey and you get a Deja Vu feeling that you have been here before!

Well, that’s how I feel sometimes, anyway!

Been here, done that……I know you, or I have experienced this; or that before, haven’t I?

Almost certainly 🙂

Our life / lives, reincarnations take us on an endless journey, a journey of discovery, a wonderful journey in which our life / lives play out dependent upon our thoughts and our beliefs. We forge ahead often looking for something such as happiness, peace, love, abundance etc, or if we are on a more specific spiritual journey, maybe even awakening and enlightenment.

I don’t know about you but one minute you think you have that meditation thing cracked, then the next day your ego mind is back in the game filling your tranquil mind full of thoughts, spiraling around one after another like crazy dogs chasing their tails in the park 🙂

Or another day your heart is so full of compassion and kindness that every soul in need that you see breaks your heart and brings you to tears.

So, I have realised that my life is constantly evolving and there is no right or wrong way to travel my journey and I now firmly believe that our spiritual pathway is a spiral and we keep stumbling back across things we have experienced before, maybe even in a previous life, these reincarnated meetings along our journey of life are put there for a reason to remind us, to make us remember and enable is to see deeper truths.

So my dear friends, the next time you get that Deja Vu feeling, think of me and my stumblings along on my journey too 🙂

Namaste with Love





What A Difference A Day Makes!

Published 27/11/2015 by inspiringyourspirit


My Dear Friends,

I came across this image and quote by ‘Thich Nhat Hanh this morning and I just had to use it and create a post as a follow up to my previous two posts. Because his statement is so true “The amount of happiness that you have depends on the amount of freedom you have in your heart”…Wow!

I always felt that my heart was very open and very free, I always hold love in my heart and share my love freely with all, and I truly felt that my life was full of happiness. Yes, we all have bad days, days in which we feel unhappy, unhappy with a relationship, unhappy with our family, our children, unhappiness at work, blah, blah, blah…but generally I felt happy and for most of the time you will always see a smile on my face and I would certainly always try to put a smile on yours 🙂

But how do you really measure happiness?…..

I have been through a few radicle issues and experiences this past few days following on from my sudden death, the experience of watching my body being worked on in the ambulance from above; I guess from the viewpoint of my soul, from my energy being, the true me, and, I realised that I am a being of light, pure energy and my body is just a vessel, a place where my soul has laid its hat for this lifetime, and I am in this body for a brief time, the briefest of time and how easy it is for this life to be STOPPED and for my soul to take flight and move on to its next incarnation, maybe within another physical body here on earth, who really knows!

So what is happiness for me now?…

Well, the jurors are still out thinking about that but what I can say right here and now is….I see life so very differently from that of three days ago, I have always had very strong thoughts on what was and is important in my life, family, friends, humanity, the environment, love, my spirituality etc…But has that changed from this experience?….Yes, it has!

Life is short as I said, and none of us is in control of when its time for us to leave, death is waiting for us all!…… I now have no problem with that, and I now know there is a ‘light at the end of that tunnel’ so to say, and my soul will continue its journey and take me on to continue my service. I now in these past three days sit and contemplate more, I sit in silence, meditate, calm my mind and just be ‘me’, I’m spending more time with me, connecting with my heart and my soul, I look out of the window and actually pay attention, real attention to all the beauty that my eyes can see, what a wonder this is 🙂 The slight differences in the colours of the sky, the shades of blue like the full range of mixed colours on the artist’s palette, the white, the grey and the tints of brown and blue within the clouds, the sun, the shadows, the trees, the green, the brown, the yellow leaves falling to the ground with each gust of wind that passes through the leaves, the noises of my day, the cars on the street, the hum of life as it passes me by, the warmth of my chair, the feeling of unconditional love and warmth as my little dogs pass by my legs as I sit writing this post….My coffee, its aroma, the steam rising from the cup, drawing me in, intoxicating me with its richness, my mind, its openness, its instant ability to just do, the way it directs my fingers to dance its thoughts upon my keyboard…..and my wife ‘May’, the thoughts of her right now, the love she has for me, the support and caring she has for me, her very being, her beauty, her voice, her grace, her compassion, her kindness….My journey, my pathway, my life…where will it take me?

Life is to live, we spend too much time dealing with things of low importance and low value but for most we never even realise these very facts, we amble through life thinking we are happy until the end of days comes and we think ‘I wish I had done that’….!

Well for me, I am going to do ‘That’…I am going to live my life, I am going to do what makes me happy 🙂 …..As I now really, really understand that happiness does not have to have a $ value attached because happiness is what you already have inside your heart, happiness is in each and every one of us….So, my friends, STOP looking for happiness outside, stop looking for happiness through money, just go into your heart and use the senses that were given to you as a child….and LIVE 🙂

Namaste, with Love





Remembering 9.11, And All Those Who Lost Their Lives For No Reason Other than Hatred.

Published 11/09/2015 by inspiringyourspirit


My Dear Friends,

9.11…. 14 years ago, A day still etched in may peoples minds, the day we saw hatred go to another level, the day in which so many innocent people lost their lives for no other reason other than hatred.

9.11, let us pray collectively as human beings, as brothers and sisters of humanity, from different countries, cultures, colours and religious beliefs, let’s today come together as one and pray that their lives were not lost in vain, and pray for world peace, for the coming together in ‘Oneness’ against terrorism, against hatred, against political or religious power or control.

Lets do as the monks did in Bangkok (picture below) After the bombing in Bangkok, Buddhists are changing the energy on the bombing site through meditation and prayer, proving that love is greater than hate. meditate and pray for peace.


Namaste with Love



Alan Watts, Acceptance of Death

Published 01/09/2015 by inspiringyourspirit

My Dear Friends,

I’m a great follower of Alan Watts the British born Philosopher and love listening to his explanations on life, this one re acceptance of death really helped me through a few challenges in my life after the passing of loved ones.

Namaste with Love



A New Day

Published 04/07/2015 by inspiringyourspirit


A New Day.

A new day dawns.

In the early morning, the birds are singing cheerfully in the garden,

greeting the beginning of a new day. I wish our lives could be in healthy growth

every day, so that we will not waste our lifetimes!

Have a wonderful and productive weekend my friends

Namaste with Love



Non Acquisition

Published 02/07/2015 by inspiringyourspirit


‘Non Acquisition’

Only when doing things with non-acquisition can we correspond with liberation. With greed and attachment, the

more we do, the more we are tied up and the less likely we are to achieve liberation.

Namaste with Love



Drop and Give Me Zen!

Published 15/05/2015 by inspiringyourspirit


Getting rid of your baggage and moving on with your life, a new life without regrets, limiting beliefs, shaking off any resentment, jealousy and hatred you may be holding on to from previous life experiences. Forgetting and letting go of your worries, anxieties and concerns and certainly dropping any doubts you may be holding on to regarding your abilities and your future.

Remember my friends ‘A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins With The First Step’, so now is the time for you to start again, place a stake in the ground with an arrow facing forward, don’t look back and stop re-living past experiences because the past is the past and you cannot change it no matter how hard you try, how many tears you shed, the past still remains in the past, so move on, and whilst you are here standing right next to this fresh stake you just placed in the ground, don’t worry about tomorrow either because you cannot influence tomorrow, it will come, and whatever will be; will be!…

So, today is the day, today is for living, ‘Now’ is your time, so enjoy, open your eyes, open your heart and see the wonderful world around you, be grateful for what you have in your life right now, give thanks for who you are, give thanks for the love you have in your life, give thanks for the people supporting you in your life, give thanks for the abundance you have in your life and give thanks for you, honour you, for you are a child of God/goddess/source whatever you choose to believe in, but you are you and your life is what you make of it….so……………….

Live, Love, be happy, be compassionate and wear a smile on your face ‘Now’

Have a wonderful weekend my friends

Namaste with Love



Hugs For Free Today :)

Published 11/03/2015 by inspiringyourspirit


Go on, you know you want one…Reach out, close your eyes and feel the warmth of my hug, my arms around you, comforting you. It comes to you with my love and best wishes for a wonderful day filled with happiness, joy and peace wherever you are in this world 🙂

Namaste with Love



Do You Know Your Yin from Your Yang?

Published 28/02/2015 by inspiringyourspirit

My Dear Friends,

Living in China and having a long personal history of martial arts, Chinese history, culture and my own spiritual practice embedded in China for the past fifty years, has; over the years made me very interested in Daoism/Taoism, Lao Tzu/ Lao Zi, the Dao De Jing/Tao Te Ching, I Ching..there are so many ways they are represented globally 🙂 The difference between Daojia 道家 , Taoist Philosophy and Daojiao 道教, Daoist Religion brings even more confusion to the western world let alone understanding the I Ching (The Book of Change), the oracle of fortune, a guide to success and a dispensary of wisdom. The ancestor of all Chinese philosophy, it is the primary source for the pragmatic mysticism of the Tao Te Ching, the rational humanism of Confucius, and the analytic strategy of Sun Tzu’s Art of War and of course the wonderful Yin 酓 Yang 昜 in traditional Chinese and Yin阴Yang 阳 in modern simplified Chinese.


Yin is the black side with the white dot in it, and yang is the white side with the black dot in it. The relationship between yin and yang is often described in terms of sunlight playing over a mountain and a valley. Yin (literally the ‘shady place’ or ‘north slope’) is the dark area occluded by the mountain’s bulk, while yang (literally the ‘sunny place’ or ‘south slope’) is the brightly lit portion. As the sun moves across the sky, yin and yang gradually trade places with each other, revealing what was obscured and obscuring what was revealed.

Yin is characterised as slow, soft, yielding, diffuse, cold, wet, and passive; and is associated with water, earth, the moon, femininity , and nighttime.

Yang, by contrast, is fast, hard, solid, focused, hot, dry, and aggressive; and is associated with fire, sky, the sun, masculinity and daytime.

Yin and yang applies to the human body. In traditional Chinese medicine good health is directly related to the balance between yin and yang qualities within oneself. If yin and yang become unbalanced, one of the qualities is considered deficient or has vacuity.

Anyways, I could go on forever trying to explain Yin Yang, The Dao/Tao so I thought I would share with you this very short cartoon animated Ted Talk video explaining Yin Yang, I hope you enjoy it and that it will inspire you to learn more about Daoism 🙂

Namaste with Love



Connecting With and Understanding Yourself…. Enjoying Your Life To The Full

Published 26/02/2015 by inspiringyourspirit


Understanding Self:

Getting to understand yourself, is an art form that many never achieve in their lifetime, many people believe they know who they are but actually they don’t have the slightest clue!

How often do you shut your self away from the world, and by shutting away I don’t mean going to the top of the Himalaya’s and sitting in a cave by yourself for ten years 🙂 What i mean is; do you switch off from the world each day, do you set yourself time each day to have no interruptions, in a room with just you, no tv, no radio, no newspapers, books, magazines, no phone, no computer,no electronics, no people, no children, nothing to disturb your time with yourself?


It’s not easy at first, setting aside time in what you probably believe is already a fully scheduled day, getting up, shower, breakfast, dressing for school, work or getting yourself and or your children ready for your day, attending back to back meetings, dropping the kids to school, picking them up, taking them to after school activities, checking homework, making dinner, eating dinner, bathing and dressing the children, putting them to bed, watching tv, reading a book, getting yourself ready for bed…etc, etc, the list is endless, or so we all believe!

We just don’t have any time in our lives for ourself!


It’s your life, you can make choices re your life, you are the master of your schedule and you, only you can make the time! After all, it’s certainly in your own best interest to make time for yourself, your body needs this time, your mind needs this time and your heart certainly needs this time! So why is it we are so bad at setting time for ourselves?….Well, we feel guilty, that’s why! We feel that we are being self indulgent by setting ‘valuable’ time aside just for ourselves,…..Bullsh*t (sorry for the bad language my dear friends)……., take it from me…STOP IT, NOW!, Set up time each and every day to give yourself quality time on your own, start small, it can be 10 minutes per day at first, try this for a few days then increase your time slowly to 15, 20,30 minutes, or even better 45 minutes or an hour, but make sure you set your schedule, set your time, your phone whatever to remind you to go and enjoy time with yourself, don’t give up on yourself, keep the commitment to this time each and every day and I guarantee you will start to know yourself so much better than you do right now, you will have no external influences, just you, your time is your own for you, only you and your meditation, reflections on who you are, where your life is right now and where you want to be, this quality time will enhance your levels of understanding for others, you will be more empathetic towards yourself and to others, your life will benefit from the quality time you give yourself…TRUST ME… give it a try, if you need help, I’m here to help you, if you need help with meditations, just let me know and i will send you some to help you along the way, but please, please my friends…get in touch with yourself and start to enjoy the rest of this life 🙂

Namaste with Love




Going with the Flow of Life

Published 16/02/2015 by inspiringyourspirit


Do not struggle with life.
Go with the flow of things,
and you will find yourself
at one with the
mysterious unity of the universe.

Self observation brings man to the
realisation of the necessity of self change.
And in observing himself
a man notices that self observation itself
brings about certain changes in his
inner processes.
He begins to understand that
self observation
is an instrument of self change,
a means of

and remember..

You are never alone or hopeless
during your life’s journey.
The force that guides the stars
guides you too.

Namaste with Love

Dormant Seeds Ready to Sprout

Published 10/02/2015 by inspiringyourspirit


Excerpt from Grist of the Mill Ram Dass

There is a story about an old Zen monk who was dying, who had finished everything and was about to get off the wheel. He was just floating away, free and in his pure Buddha-mind, when a thought passed by of a beautiful deer he had once seen in a field. And he held on to that thought for just a second because of its beauty, and immediately he took birth again as a deer. It’s as subtle as that.

It’s like when we begin to see the work that is to be done, and we go to an ashram or a monastery, or we hang out with satsang. We surround ourselves with a community of beings who think the way we think. And then none of the stuff, the really hairy stuff inside ourselves, comes up. It all gets pushed underground. We can sit in a temple or a cave in India and get so holy, so clear and radiant, the light is pouring out of us. But when we come out of that cave, when we leave that supportive structure that worked with our strengths but seldom confronted us with our weaknesses, our old habit patterns tend to reappear, and we come back into the same old games, the games we were sure we had finished with. Because there were uncooked seeds, seeds of desires that sprout again the minute they are stimulated. We can stay in very holy places, and the seeds sit there dormant and uncooked. But there is fear in such individuals, because they know they’re still vulnerable.

Nothing goes under the rug. We can’t hide in our highness any more than we’ve hidden in our unworthiness. If we have finally decided we want God, we’ve got to give it all up. The process is one of keeping the ground as we go up, so we always have ground, so that we’re high and low at the same moment – that’s a tough game to learn, but it’s a very important one. So at the same moment that if I could, I would like to take us all up higher and higher, we see that the game isn’t to get high – the game is to get balanced and liberated.

Namaste with Love



The New ABC’s Attention, Balance, Compassion

Published 27/01/2015 by inspiringyourspirit


I’m a Mindfulness practitioner and teacher myself but although Mindfulness is a word commonly used and many people say they are Mindfulness practitioner’s, life coaches etc, may are not! Also, many people ask me what Mindfulness is and how it can be useful for them,their family, their children, their employees, their teams etc so I thought I would share this short TedX video by Susan Kaiser Greenland, her talk explains the simple meaning of Mindfulness into a new learning process “Teaching The New ABC’s, Attention, Balance and Compassion.

I do hope you like this short video and that it will bring you a greater understanding of how Mindfulness could fit into your life and the life of your family,friends and workplace.

If yo need any help, please let me know.

Namaste with Love


Do you Know Love

Published 26/01/2015 by inspiringyourspirit


Those who know Love
Know its facility in all matters,
Others find it useful occasionally
While the broken-hearted bitterly laugh
And deny Love altogether.
Can you hear in their laughter
The sound of Heaven?

God is not to blame for the separation.
He has never turned his back on you.
Blame is the disease
Which blinds you of unity’s truth.

Wake up; the nightmare is over.
The light is in them
As well as in you.
The thinest of veils
Divides the two.
You are one Self.

You are not weak, but strong.
You are not limited, but unlimited.
You are not unloved, but much beloved.
You have suffered only for this,
That you may bless those who suffer still.

Take your time to contemplate the words above my dear friends and think of ways in which you can help others to see that they too are loved, share your love with them and make their day 🙂

Namaste with Love

We are all Vulnerable

Published 23/01/2015 by inspiringyourspirit


There is a story about an old Zen monk who was dying, who had finished everything and was about to get off the wheel. He was just floating away, free and in his pure Buddha-mind, when a thought passed by of a beautiful deer he had once seen in a field. And he held on to that thought for just a second because of its beauty, and immediately he took birth again as a deer. It’s as subtle as that.

It’s like when we begin to see the work that is to be done, and we go to an ashram or a monastery, or we hang out with Satsang. We surround ourselves with a community of beings who think the way we think. And then none of the stuff, the really hairy stuff inside ourselves, comes up. It all gets pushed underground. We can sit in a temple or a cave in India and get so holy, so clear and radiant, the light is pouring out of us. But when we come out of that cave, when we leave that supportive structure that worked with our strengths but seldom confronted us with our weaknesses, our old habit patterns tend to reappear, and we come back into the same old games, the games we were sure we had finished with. Because there were uncooked seeds, seeds of desires that sprout again the minute they are stimulated. We can stay in very holy places, and the seeds sit there dormant and uncooked. But there is fear in such individuals, because they know they’re still vulnerable.

Nothing goes under the rug. We can’t hide in our highness any more than we’ve hidden in our unworthiness. If we have finally decided we want God, we’ve got to give it all up. The process is one of keeping the ground as we go up, so we always have ground, so that we’re high and low at the same moment – that’s a tough game to learn, but it’s a very important one. So at the same moment that if I could, I would like to take us all up higher and higher, we see that the game isn’t to get high – the game is to get balanced and liberated.

Have a balanced weekend my friends, love life, be in peace and be thankful for who you are 🙂

Namaste with Love

It’s More Fun Being Compassionate and Kind.

Published 22/01/2015 by inspiringyourspirit

soul smile

It’s actually so much easier
and much more fun
Being compassionate, kind
Generous and forgiving.
But people tend to forget this
And wonder why they find themselves
Living in a world which is
Out of balance.

When we forget ourselves
We loose touch with the Earth,
Believe in powerlessness,
Invent a wrathful God
Cruel leaders
Uncaring parents
Rebellious children
A desolate world.

Your relationship with the Universe
Reflects what you remember.
There is no advantage to living in fear.
Wake up my friends
And pay attention.

Namaste with Love