
All posts tagged Gia

Lost for Words

Published 03/11/2016 by inspiringyourspirit

My Dear friends,

I have been lost for words of late, I just can’t seem to summon up the words to write a post, I have however been doing a lot of painting and drawing, usually following on directly after my meditations. During these meditations I have received strong visions, pictures so vivid that once I come out of meditation I start to draw or paint. So in light of my lack of written posts, I have attached a few of my most recent paintings for you viewing, amusement and or comments.

So in light of my lack of written posts, I have attached a few of my most recent paintings for you viewing, amusement and or comments.

Blessings of love and light to you all

Namaste with Love






travelling light.jpg

lake view1.jpg

Image001.jpgLord Buddha4.jpg

Final Sale.jpg







The Earth from the Hubble Telescope, What a Delicate Place we Live In!

Published 02/02/2016 by inspiringyourspirit


My Dear Friends,


I came across this wonderful picture today taken from the Hubble Telescope and after looking at it for a few minutes, It looks like the world is being held in the loving embrace of an Angels wings, which then got me thinking just how delicate our world is and how we need to do something to protect it.

I have written about our environment many times, however, like many who write on environmental issues; most readers think it will be all sorted out for them, someone else will make the effort to stand up and be counted, someone else will go out and clean up their local area, someone else will go on a march re climate change or pollution to our environment.

So many people look at the news and see the devastation that is happening to our environment all around the world, oil spills, water pollution, fracking, toxic waste dumping, but very few people will actually do anything unless it happens on their doorstep, and I mean on their doorstep, most people won’t even do anything if it happens in their country, their county, or their city…. so unless it’s on their doorstep; they just turn a blind eye and say, ‘ it’s not my problem’!

However, it is our problem because to use the following example, the terrible radiation leak from the Tsunami hit Nuclear plant in Japan is now polluting the oceans of our world, millions of fish, Whales, Dolphins and sea creatures in the Pacific Ocean are dying because of this natural disaster! So, will you do anything if all of a sudden you cannot eat any fish from the ocean? or You cannot go into the ocean for a swim when you are on holiday in the Philippines, Thailand, Indian Ocean, Australasia, West Coast of America, Hawaii, Chile, Argentina, Mexico etc?

I wish we could lift our heads, take notice and take ownership; because we are ‘ALL’ part of the problem (as consumers) and we are all capable of doing something about it, we can stop buying goods that pollute our environment, we can stop using plastic bags, buying plastic bottles of juice, water etc, we can source from more environmentally friendly companies, we can join a local clean up group, we can sign a petition to save our planet, there is so much we can do to make change happen, but as long as we say ‘It’s not my problem’ then we will NEVER make CHANGE HAPPEN!

We live on a beautiful planet, that looks after us each and every day, now my dear friends, it’s our turn to do the looking after….

Go on, do your bit, it will make you feel Sooooooooo Goood 🙂

Namaste with Love




What is the difference between I like you and I love you?

Published 06/08/2015 by inspiringyourspirit


What is the difference between

I Like You


I Love You


Beautifully answered by Buddha:

“When you like a flower, you just pick it. But when you love a flower, you water it daily and enjoy it.

The one who understands this, understands life”!

Blessings of love and understanding my friends,

Namaste with love



My Spiritual Journey Part 5

Published 28/10/2013 by inspiringyourspirit


My Spiritual Journey Part 5

My Dear Friends,

I’m so sorry that it has taken me so long to provide you all with an update to My Spiritual Journey, however the pain I got from writing Part 4 was so great that I felt literally lost for words and I found it so difficult to draw any enthusiasm to write Part 5 ☹

It has been so long since I placed electronic pen to paper and even now I am finding it difficult to have a clear mind and tell you more about my journey thus far but I do know that if I stick to it my spirit will come through and help me place these words on this social media writing tablet ☺

The passing of my father and my immediate accident took their tool on my health and my wellbeing, they also impacted my spiritual journey so much so that they now effect everything I do each and every day, I do get extremely saddened and frustrated by the sights I see and experience every day, especially those of negativity, hatred, death through wars, starvation and the general lack of compassion in our world. I do however gain great strength from the good, the light I see everyday, the smiles I see and the wonderful words I read through my fellow bloggers posts and their comments and replies to mine, these special wonders give me so much strength and forge me on to bigger and better things in my life.

I am; through my life’s experiences so much stronger, all I really need is to gain some inner strength to do what I really need and must do with my life, I need to stop procrastinating because once I do, the words just flow and I do really help people that are less fortunate than myself, I can and do offer support to the many and I am starting to fulfill my life’s destiny with growing vigor.

Since the passing of my father, I did go into a shadowed depressive state, outwardly I looked fine, I was strong for those that needed me and I continued my work with a cheery smile on my face, my clients, colleagues and family saw me as no different than before and I even became stronger and more helpful (in their eyes), however, inside I was dying, my experience of loosing my dear Father and my severe pain was so much to bare, the loss of my own dignity was hard for me to handle because I have always been the strong one, the leader, the father and the coach. I found it difficult to feel safe anymore, I was very careful when walking in the rain or on wet marble tiles, I held out my had for support and held the guard rail when walking down stairs, I became more nervous with heights, felt uneasy in crowds and aged about 30 years in the process. My dear wife May was and is always here for me, she did even more for me each day, she helped me through this period with a huge smile on her face and spoke softly to me when I needed comfort but not once did she criticize or get angry with me, she just allowed me to live and experience the time for I guess she knew me better than most and knew I would pull through with the help from her and my spiritual calling.

My spiritual feelings and intuitions went from strength to strength, each day something new would happen, people would be drawn to me from all over the world and my own law of attraction gained strength. I never sought out people to help me on my way, I did not actively look for information in books or on the internet, things just came to me, people would just come to me and all of a sudden everything made sense.

I had many experiences with mediums, clairvoyants and healers, now because I looked them out but they just happened to connect with me. Some of these ladies and gentlemen blew me away, their intuition, guiding and knowledge of me, my journey and my past lives were all 100% spot on and more importantly they all agreed on my journey, my pathway and my calling. I have always kept my thoughts to myself, I am a very humble man, I try to help everyone I come across, often to my detriment, although in saying that I also believe in Karma and the love of giving so I guess my gifts of giving and selflessness will return good for me in the end ☺

A friend of mine told me about a visiting Intuitive healer who was visiting Shanghai I will call her (Heather), so I booked an appointment with her, I duly turned up at her hotel a day or so later and she invited me in, sat me down on a massage table and asked me what I had come to see her for!..My simple answer, “I don’t really know”….She said would I like to do a past life regression, look at my future or for her to answer any specific questions…again my answer “ Sorry I don’t really know”. So Heather said well, let’s try hypnosis and see what we find together so I laid down on the table and we began, Heather gently started to hypnotize me, I thought to myself…. Ha, this is the same process I use to hypnotize, I know this method and there is no way she will hypnotize me…then…bang! I was floating on a cloud, high up in the mountains looking down on the earth, the sky was clear apart from the odd puffy white cloud and I could feel the warmth of the sun on my face as I lay out on the comfortable cloud, I was completely ‘At Peace with the World’….and then; all of a sudden a white light from above came straight down to me, the white light formed itself into a ball of spinning pure white and golden energy, my hands reached up and grasped the ball of light, I could hold the ball in my hands and as I explained the experience to Heather, the ball re-formed itself into a pyramid shape, which was spinning in my hands , the heat and radiance of the light was incredible, I could feel the energy, the sheer power that was entering my body at the point of contact to my body, straight to my heart! I was articulating this experience in minute detail to Heather which was great because she taped the session so I would have it to go back to when I need clarification on the message/s I received in the future. The energy and light became stronger, a hand reached down to me from the heavens, the hand was holding a sword which was pointing directly into my chest, into my heart, I reached up and grasped the hand and the sword and the light became brighter and the energy source even stronger, I was saying “ the energy is incredible, its coming directly down the sword and into my heart, its moving out through my chest, to my shoulders, to my arms to my hands, through my stomach to my hips, to my legs to my feet to my toes, I can feel the energy the vibration in every cell of my body”! My whole body began to shake, I was bouncing up and down on the massage table as I held the hand and sword while it channeled its/their energy down into my heart, into my body, this continued for what seemed to be a long time and all the time I was articulating the feeling, the sight, the sounds and the brilliance of the experience, messages were coming to me quickly, it was like a video tape was playing on fast forward through my mind, images flashing before my eyes, sounds and voices flashing through my mind and through my ears, images of the world, of our environment, of our people, our brothers and sisters in every far away land, starvation, global warming, wars, pollution, the disabled, children in severe poverty, every possible image and message of good over bad was flashing through my mind in quick succession….I began to cry out loud, to sob as I gave commentary to Heather as my journey unfolded right before her eyes, I then began to settle, the vibration slowed and the light and energy disappeared along with the hand and sword and I was still, silent on the table. I could hear the soft voice of Heather, she was calling me back, bringing me back and grounding me again!

As I sat up, I began to cry again as I relived the experience with Heather, we talked about the journey and the message/s, she said this had only every happened to her twice and, me and another gentleman in Malaysia and our experiences were almost identical.

Heather could not say why I had had this experience only that it was a message from God or one of the Arch Angels, probably Michael or Gabriel, for me it was another place on my journey another look at my future and more clarity as to what I need to do to help others in our world. I do know I am on a special journey, one in which I grasp with enthusiasm and love, I know I don’t know everything and I am learning more each and every day, I reach out my hands to the world and say “I am here, I am here for you and my heart and love is open to you all, I will learn from my experiences and share my love and compassion with anyone, regardless of race, colour, religious belief, to mankind and animals alike and I will do all I can to help heal our world” This is my message and is only still a part of my Spiritual Journey, Part 6 I do hope will follow soon and I promise I will try to bring you all up-to-date within part 6 or part 7.

So my dear friends, I bow to you all, my love and compassion is with you each and everyday, If I can be of help, please ask and I will ‘Always’ do all I can to support you on your spiritual journeys.

With Love