All posts tagged ECO

Get Up Off Your Ass, Break Away From Your TV and Do Something To Stop This Madness!

Published 28/04/2015 by inspiringyourspirit

My Dear Friends,

I urge you all to please watch this powerful short video and if you are like me it will leave you in tears and it will touch your heart, and I hope also urge you to stand up, break away from your tv and actually start doing something to help save our environment, this message is for YOU, You, yes YOU….Please share this with your friends, your social networks, and anyone who you care about….Please, please help me to help get this message out.

Namaste with Love



Where to Next?

Published 20/11/2014 by inspiringyourspirit




big guns

If we are to start making any headway towards changing our world for the better, to bring about peace, to eradicate disease and to bring about an end to poverty and starvation for millions of our brothers and sisters around the world, we will need to bring out the ‘Big Guns’

We need to start listening to each other, start to understand the other side of the story, give our compassion to others irrespective of their colour, religion or social status, forgive and forget what has gone on in the past and forge forward together as one humanity in the search of peace and in love of each other toward a common goal of life and environmental sustainability of our crops and waters and the protection of our planet, we need to build up our patience and understanding of other cultures and ways of life and most of all we need to be truthful and honest with each other.


Namaste with Love

Life, A Journey Through Time.

Published 12/11/2014 by inspiringyourspirit

My dear friends,

Please take time out to watch this wonderful Ted Talk by Frans Lanting, his wonderful pictures and story will take you through the creation of earth and the importance of us all coming together as one for its protection and future life for our families.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this wonderful video.

Namaste with Love

Our World Needs Help and So Does Humanity, Will You Help?

Published 22/10/2014 by inspiringyourspirit

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We can all Help!

How About You?

Namaste with Love



Its Time to Spread Some Kindness and Help Grow Love In Our World

Published 21/10/2014 by inspiringyourspirit


Its time to spread some happiness
Its time to spread some joy
Its time to place a smile on your face
Its time to give hugs for free
Its time to help your neighbors
Its time to call your family
Its time to say I Love You
Its time to give a donation to charity
Its time to volunteer at your local homeless center
Its time to plant a tree
Its time to save the Whale
Its time to pick up litter
Its time to protest against war
Its time to stop honor killings
Its time to care for our planet
Its time to help the aged
Its time to pay a fair days pay
Its time to rescue an animal from a shelter
Its time to stand up for Women’s rights
Its time to stand up for Gay rights
Its time to stop wasting money

13 - 1-2

Its time to take control of our lives
Its time to stop listening to the media
Its time to stop wasting energy
Its time to stop global warming
Its time to listen to our ancestors
Its time to agree to disagree
Its time to stop religion-to-religion fighting
Its time to stop corporate greed
Its time to clean up our act
Its time to stop and think
Its time to meditate
Its time to care about humanity

2014 - 1

Its time to stop deforestation
Its time to stop Monsanto
Its time to stop GMO
Its time to clean up our Oceans
Its time to end poverty and hunger
Its time to educate every child
Its time to love one another
Its time to sort out political greed and dishonesty
Its time to sort out pollution
Its time to choose renewable energy
Its time to recycle
Its time to change your light bulbs to compact fluorescent bulbs
Its time to turn off your electric gadgets at night
Its time to hang out your washing instead of using the dryer
Its time to go vegetarian for 1 day a week
Its time to rethink bottled water use glass not plastic
Its time to get out your bicycle
Its time to walk to work or share a ride
Its time to turn off lights
Its time to recycle old cell phones
Its time to sort out your unwanted goods and give them to charity
Its time to use reusable shopping bags
Its time to read
Its time to take your child to see nature
Its time to play real games with your child
Its time to live your life


I’m sure you can add more ‘Its time’ suggestions my friends.
Namaste with Love

Souls are Souls No Matter What Species They Come From!

Published 18/09/2014 by inspiringyourspirit


Souls are souls no matter what species they come from and it’s our responsibility as the ‘So Called’ most intelligent beings on earth to make sure we are all treated with respect and we save our endangered species from possible extinction!

IMG_5130 lezard

Let’s start working together, brothers and sisters from all countries coming together for the sake of humanity
‘If Not’, we stand a very good chance of making the human race extinct too!




Namaste with Love



How Important is Our Environment To You And Your Family?

Published 16/08/2014 by inspiringyourspirit


Computers, mobile phones, social media, computer games, on-line studying…. Technology brings us everything these days, which is great because without technology the internet and social media I would not be writing this blog post right now, and without these wonders of our modern world, you my friends in many different countries around the world would not be able to communicate with me with seconds of me pressing the publish button!

So I do have a great admiration for technology and what great benefits it brings to our lives, however I also feel that our children and grandchildren are somewhat missing out on what mother nature and our environment can bring to us, the beauty, the colours, the smells and the sheer enjoyment of spending time outdoors away from technology once i a while should be enjoyed by every child and without your help as a parent or grandparent, our children are likely to stay inside, fixed to a computer screen, chatting with their friends by IM and maybe even reading about or watching videos containing nature.

Give them the opportunity to experience nature and they will, I’m sure, have a wonderful time.

Allow your children and grandchildren to become aware of our environment and how they themselves can help save our planet and its endangered species so they in-turn can pass on this love to their children and grandchildren.


Namaste with Love




The Time Is Now: What Will You Do?

Published 16/07/2014 by inspiringyourspirit

My Dear Friends,

I was blessed to be drawn to this wonderful video poem by Jamie Dunmore, his message is clear as he speaks to the world as a ‘Human Being’ asking us a simple question…What Will You Do?

Please take the time to watch this wonderful short video and please share with your networks because it is indeed ‘Time For Change’

Namaste with Love



Before We Became Civilized Men….!

Published 18/06/2014 by inspiringyourspirit

civilized men


What ever happened to our so called civilized society?

Greed has taken over and so called politics and laws have made things worse; so much so that our countries are at battle with each other for natural resources.

It’s about time we sat back and thought up a new way of life, life for all humans to live in harmony with mother nature for the good of our world and for our future generations to come!


Namaste with Love



Sometimes ‘Less is More’ So Here Goes, All You Need Is Love

Published 20/05/2014 by inspiringyourspirit



My Dear Friends

Relax and Calm your Mind

All You Need Is Love


All Our World needs Is Love


All Our Environment Needs Is Love


All Humanity Needs Is Love


Love Is On My Mind

Namaste to you all with LOVE



Beauty Is Everywhere, We Just Need To Open Our Eyes

Published 06/05/2014 by inspiringyourspirit


Beauty is everywhere; we just need to open our eyes!

Our newspapers, TV, radio, the internet and social media messages continually bombard us with the doom and gloom of our world, wars, financial crashes, environmental catastrophes, rioting, political unrest whilst the rich and famous earn more and gain the majority of our time via their exposure through the biased and rumor hungry and often one sided media outlets. These messages bring us down, they make us feel sad, depressed, frightened for our lives for our children’s futures or we just switch off, we switch our selves off from the realities that are going on all around us; each and every day!

However my friends, there is a beautiful world outside, we just need to open our eyes and let it in!

I myself sometimes get caught up with all the troubles going on in our world, the extremes of poverty in many countries, the pollution, the environmental catastrophes taking place at the hand of mankind, the wars raging around the world for no reason other than greed, politics or genocidal control….. I cannot block them out so I try my best to do all I can to help stop it!

But I’m one man, I cannot do it all alone, so I’ve resigned myself to do my best; little by little, each day something good that will benefit humanity, and or mother earth.


Love is all-important, love for yourself is a great place to start, then when you have achieved love of yourself you will be able to give love to others, love is infectious and as John Lennon said “Love is All You Need”

As I look around me now I see and hear beauty, the blue sky, the sun shining; its rays gently warming my skin, the pigeons flying gracefully around the buildings; airing their wings, the river running by on its way towards the ocean, the branches and leaves on the willow trees swaying in the gentle breeze, the rich green of the trees in the gardens below my window and the subtle colours, white, pink, yellow and red of the flowers in the garden, my two puppy’s sleeping at my feet; their trust and love for me complete and unconditional, the sound of children playing, the old ladies chattering in the gardens as the children play. Life is wonderful if we learn to open our eyes and let it in!

Mindfulness, “paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally.” Dr. Kabat-Zinn

Have a quick look outside and see the beauty all around ☺

Namaste with Love

My Spiritual Journey Part 7

Published 28/04/2014 by inspiringyourspirit

mauna kea summit

My trips to Hawaii

During a healing session for my shoulder about 2 years ago when I was still dealing with the recent passing of my dear Father and recovering from my accident and subsequent surgery, the healer said ‘You have a calling towards Hawaii, something very strong is drawing you towards those Islands, maybe you need to go there, stay a while and maybe learn the healing of Ho’oponopono’! I had no idea what Ho’oponopono was or had I ever thought of going to Hawaii mainly because it was so far away from the UK where I was brought up or for that matter from China where I now live, Hawaii in my mind was a holiday destination, a place for surfing, Hawaii 5’O and Magnum PI, TV programs I remembered from my youth ☺ Anyways after the session I felt the drawing towards Hawaii was becoming ever stronger, I immediately started to look at travel information, flights from Shanghai to Tokyo in Japan then a change of flight to Oahu then another flight to the Big Island, a lengthy journey but one in which I seemed destined to follow! We made our plan to visit the Big Island because May and I wanted to see a live volcano and experience the sunset on Mauna Kea at 14,000ft, above the clouds, to me that was my spiritual calling towards these beautiful islands.

Our trip came around quickly and May and I were soon on our way, the journey was a little torturous, three flights and around 20 or so hours and we had arrived on the Big Island, we picked up our car and drove to the villa we had booked, one which I was immediately drawn to called ‘Bali Temple’ situated on a old lava flow close to the ocean, the black volcanic beach, spinner dolphins and Kilauea, the volcano I so wanted to see.


The villa was all we had imagined, built on the lava flow in amongst the coconut trees, surrounded by native flowers from the islands a gentle breeze from the ocean, sounds of the waves crashing against the rocks and a lullaby each night from the frogs and insects living around us, total relaxation which I needed so badly after so much trauma in my life. I had not experienced anything like this before, yes, I had been on many holidays to exotic places, tropical islands in the sun and very remote and peaceful locations; but somehow Hawaii was different, it felt like I was home and I felt totally at ease here. The first morning we decided to visit a local pool, which was served with a mix of fresh water and salt water, the Pacific ocean fed the pool with fresh salt water all day long through a small inlet tube and the fresh water came from underground and was heated naturally by Kilauea the volcano we had come to see, the pool was set in a beautiful natural location surrounded by coconut palms, lush grassed picnic areas, the blue ocean and teaming with small brightly coloured fish, shrimps and crabs fresh in from the sea. I spent a couple of hours relaxing my bones in the lovely warm water floating on the surface and enjoying the sun, I have perfect flotation balance so I can lie flat and float on the surface for hours on end, just meditating. All of a sudden I heard a scream, the scream awakened me from my deep meditation, the scream was also accented by the feeling of my feet touching some rope, I popped up like a cork from my lying position to realize I was being drawn out to sea by the tidal pull, I was on my way out of the pool, the ocean pulling me away. Luckily I was in time, the lady’s scream had alerted me and I was able to scramble back to the safety of the pool! Thank God because my recently fixed shoulder would not have managed to help me swim against the waves out in the open ocean. As I caught my breath the lady came up to me, she introduced herself and told me what she had just witnessed. The lady and I exchanged names and I thanked her for awakening me, in fact; saving me from certain peril!

She saw my surgical scar on my shoulder and asked me what had happened, after a brief discussion she started telling me her life story, where she was from in the USA, what had happened to her throughout her life, the traumatic relationships she had gone through and the cancer that had taken hold of her, the years of struggle she had gone through, the loss of her business, loss of property, the fights and the recovery to now living in Hawaii where she is happy and I’m glad to say cancer free ☺ She said ‘I have never told anyone my story Mark, I’m a private person who just gets on with it, makes the best of the situation and look after myself, but strangely I felt the need to tell you, to share all with you and tell you my life’s story, I don’t know why but you have something special that made me tell you’!

After about an hours conversation, I thanked her for her kindness and we went our separate ways, I got out of the pool and told my wife what had happened; the trauma in the pool and the conversation with the lady, wow! Why did she come to me, and what made her tell me her life’s story? All I remember is I listened and the words I spoke came from within, I know I did not need to think about my answers, the words just flowed like the waves of the ocean, she felt calm and totally at ease with me and our meeting; although brief was very meaningful and it happened for a reason.

May and I fell into the local lifestyle easily, we spent our days, sitting by the ocean, watching the turtles play in the surf, snorkeling in the warm tidal pools enjoying the fresh air, the blue skies, the local produce and the warm sun, perfect and total relaxation in paradise.

During our trip we visited Kilauea the live volcano, we were in awe of its magnificence, its power, the devastation that Pele The Goddess of Kilauea has caused over the years, the energy that she has and the draw that her energy has over the people that visit it. May and I went back many times, we walked over the lava flows, explored the vastness of its rugged and natural beauty, walked through the lava tubes, felt the steam rising from deep below and smelt the pungent air from the depths of Gaia, we took a helicopter flight over the volcano to see its summit, gazed down into the depths and watched the molten lava flowing from Kilauea down to the sea, the steam rising from the ocean as the molten lava enters the Pacific and is calmed by nature itself. I felt my energy increase throughout our visit, I was becoming physically stronger and mentally I was starting to recover from my recent traumas and my surgery.


The Big Island has many communes, groups of ‘New Age’ families and young people living simply and enjoying life in paradise, we visited their markets, brought fresh produce and enjoyed our interactions.

One day my wife and I were driving along a long country road, miles from anywhere heading up the east coast towards Hilo, a hitchhiker was walking along the road with his hand out looking for a ride. Now, we hade been in Hawaii for about two weeks already, we had driven past many hitchhikers and I had never stopped to pick anyone up, this is just not the thing to do back in China or the UK, but for some reason I started to pull over just as we passed this young man, my wife of course asked my what I was doing, ‘why are you stopping’? I replied, ‘I have no idea, but I just know I need to give him a ride’!

The door opened and this young late twenties/early thirties man in shorts with a mass of curly hair, bare chest, bare feet and a beard said ‘ thank you sir, wow! You have an amazing aura, thank you for stopping’, he got in the car, we asked him where he needed to go and he just said ‘just drive and I will tell you when to stop and let me off’, these roads were very remote with thick rainforest type natural deep vegetation either side of the road, as we drove he asked me some questions but said that we were destined to meet, my energy was so strong and he needed to feel it, he said I had lots to do on my journey and said I was doing great work, and I should let go, feel free and enjoy the good that will come from my life and its interactions with others who need my help! A couple of miles further on he said, stop!. My wife and I questioned him because we were literally in the middle of nowhere, he got out of the car and as we drove away, we both looked back and he had gone, disappeared from view, nowhere was he to be seen! My wife and I could not believe what had just happened, we were both a little shocked by the experience, the words that came from the man were very softly spoken, he was obviously very spiritual, his aura and energy very calm and he was a lovely person. Why did I stop and pick him up? Who knows! What was the purpose and meaning behind what he said to me? Who knows! All I know is, I was meant to pick him up and I was meant to learn from him.

I’m feeling drained right now, my energies have been exhausted by the recollections of these two encounters in Hawaii…more to follow soon, I promise ☺

Namaste with Love


Trees…Who needs them! What have they ever done for us?

Published 01/04/2014 by inspiringyourspirit


I was recalling a famous Monty Python sketch from ‘The Life of Brian’ When they were debating ‘What did the Romans ever do for us’! And then via tongue in cheek answers one of the actors (John Cleese I think) mentioned, ‘Well, they did bring us roads’!, and another said, ‘Well apart from roads, what did the Romans ever do for us’? and the reply was , ‘Well they did bring us sanitation’! and the reply was, ‘Well apart from roads and sanitation..what did the Romans ever do for us’? and the reply went on with ‘Well, they did bring us law and order’!…and on and on the sketch went, very funny in my opinion 🙂

…Of course the Romans did bring a lot to humanity, not all good I haste to add! but this brings me back to my point about trees.

Trees are the lungs of our earth and we are cutting them down at ever alarming rates, wiping out whole eco systems and many species of flora and fauna in the process. In fact, I wonder how many species have been wiped from the face of our earth that we did not even know existed!

The picture above says it all really, we place so much thought, investment and care for material things like computers and the internet but no real care or investment at all on making sure we have air to breathe!

Next time you exhausted maybe after a run or when you come up to the surface after swimming under water and you take a breath of life giving air….remember, our trees helped give you that breath, that fresh air that fills your lungs and allows your body to continue on its pathway.

Namaste with Love

Why Oh Why Are We Allowing This To Happen?

Published 17/03/2014 by inspiringyourspirit

Our natural world, our forests, our oceans and our wildlife is disappearing fast, all in the name of consumerism, we the consumers are allowing these corporations to destroy our would, our children or their children will not have the privilege to know what wildlife is, they will not know what a rain forest is, they will not know what a Rhino, a tiger or an Elephant is! These beautiful creatures like the Dodo will be forgotten forever and placed in some sort of electronic history book…. a picture of time gone by…another beautiful animal lost forever!

Its a sad, sad world we live in, that we allow ourselves to look at images or video’s like this and do nothing!

Tears are in my eyes

Namaste with Love to all living things

Just Breathe and Love Your Life

Published 08/03/2014 by inspiringyourspirit

Just Breathe

Just Breathe

Enjoy Your Life

Be Thankful For What You Have In Your Life

Allow the Air to Purify Your Soul

Cleanse Your Mind Of Negative Thoughts

Just Breathe

Namaste with Love

Progress, when and where did it all go wrong!

Published 20/02/2014 by inspiringyourspirit


We all want progress in our lives,
we need it to drive us forward to a better way of living,
new technology brings us greater efficiencies and economies of scale,
but progress is not always great,
it can bring about sadness,
poverty for some and riches for others,
it can stamp out communication abilities whilst increasing our connections,
it can bring about loneliness whilst making more cyber friends,
it can take us away from nature but bring us more pictures
…where will it end and will it be Progress for all and will it include our environment?

Just a thought!

Namaste with Love

The Four Agreements for Your Life

Published 16/02/2014 by inspiringyourspirit


The Four Agreements.

Be Impeccable with your Words
Don’t Make assumptions
Don’t take anything personally
Always do your best

Speaking with integrity, not speaking ill of yourself or gossiping about others, having the courage to speak up and ask questions, communicate clearly in order to be understood and not cause misunderstandings, drama or a crisis. Don’t take everything others say to heart, their words if against you are not really about you they are a reflection of how they feel about themselves and they do it to protect their own reality not yours, when you become immune to what others say and think of you, you will no longer feel like a victim. Always do your best for you, not just because of others. Stay healthy, do your best to live a good healthy life, you have a choice what you feed yourself and if you exercise or not…it’s your choice so do your best to make the right choices for your life and live it to the full 🙂

Namaste with Love

Rent your Electric Car by the Hour from a Vending Machine

Published 28/01/2014 by inspiringyourspirit

Yes please 🙂 the more of these vending machines set-up in China; the happier I will be 🙂 As you all know I live in Shanghai China and the pollution here is terrible due to the high rise in car ownership and of course the factories pumping out waste to keep up with global manufacturing demands. Im also personally happy to see companies and governments investing in green technologies whom have the foresight to make these ideas/projects come to fruition.

Namaste with Love

Hey You, Yes You…If your could escape, where would you escape to?

Published 18/01/2014 by inspiringyourspirit



Hi Everyone and Good Morning from not so sunny Shanghai where the pollution level today at 11:13am is stated to be 225 Very Unhealthy with health warnings of emergency conditions. The entire population is more likely to be effected. Actually I think the true reading at this time will be more like 400+ but who am I to say!


Anyway back to my post for today 🙂

I would love your feedback, your comments and your thoughts on this one please because I’m feeling lonely here in my apartment looking out at this grey polluted sky 😦

So Escape! If you could escape, escape to anywhere, real or fantasy, where would it be to and why?


In my case, I would escape to the mountains, to the forest to the trees where I could breathe the fresh mountain air, fill my lungs with invigorating fresh life giving air to feel the cool breeze and the gentle warmth of the sun on my face, to smell the grass, the sweet intoxicating scents of nature, the flowers, the herbs, the soil. To watch the birds dance in the air, chasing each other from tree to tree from branch to branch, to observe the butterflies and the bees as they go about their daily task of collecting natures goodness and helping spread the love from one flower to another. And, to sit in silence, to hear the quiet, the gentle rustle of leaves as they sway in the wind, the sound of water flowing in the steams and the distant splash of a fish jumping after dragonflies as they skim over the lake, far, far away from the madness of city life, from the life of constant drive, noise, selfishness and anger away from the fast lane of life to where we were all destined to be, with Mother Nature, with Gaia…Home 🙂



Please let me know where you would escape to and why 🙂

Namaste with Love



What will you be drinking today?

Published 15/12/2013 by inspiringyourspirit



My Dear Friends,

What will you and your family be drinking today?

Spare a thought when you reach into your refrigerator for that expensive bottle of mineral water and think of the millions of people around the world that don’t have any clean water to drink today!

Water is life….and lack of it is death.

Namaste with Love

