
All posts tagged Nature

So much Sunshine on a Cloudy Day!

Published 15/10/2016 by inspiringyourspirit

My dear friends,

‘Today’s a new day and there is no sunshine’,…  but when I really open my eyes and look with my heart, I see sunshine everywhere 😄 

The trees 🌲 giving out their oxygen so we can breathe, bring a smile to my face. The flowers in the park sharing their fragrance with all those who stop and take in their beauty . The children running around with endless energy and enthusiasm their grandparents and parents sharing their games. Even the dark clouds passing overhead , heavy with rain and fit to burst, bring me joy as they will nourish the earth beneath my feet and quench the thirst of the trees and the flowers 🌹 

Sunshine is there for all to see , we just need to ‘stop’ for a while and take in the beauty that is ‘always’ around us 😄

I wish you all a very happy weekend

Namaste with love ❤️ 



Taking Time Out in the Concrete Jungle of Shanghai

Published 17/05/2016 by inspiringyourspirit

My Dear Friends,

One of my dear blogging friends Saymber said to me a few days ago, and I quote “.it’s important to stay grounded in these things. I would suggest a nice bit of time outside without shoes and socks and maybe some of your favorite music”. I replied that  its not so easy living in a concrete jungle with 28,000,000 (that’s 28 million) other souls, but I agreed with her that what she was saying was so true and i really needed to get myself grounded, take my shoes and socks off and re-connect with Mother Earth, so today, I did it 🙂 And I feel fantastic 🙂 I took a walk to my closest Buddhist temple for some we deserved meditation and prayers and on the way back I spent some quality time reconnecting, standing amongst the trees, observing the gentle breeze in the leaves, listening to the birds and totally clearing my mind.

Mother nature is so beautiful and she will share her beauty with you whenever you need it, she can be found on the corner of a busy street, under a shady tree set in the concrete walkway, or even in a simple window box of flowers, all we need to do is ‘Open our Eyes’ 🙂

Blessings Saymber, and thank you Mother Earth for bringing me home today,

Namaste, with Love



What is the difference between I like you and I love you?

Published 06/08/2015 by inspiringyourspirit


What is the difference between

I Like You


I Love You


Beautifully answered by Buddha:

“When you like a flower, you just pick it. But when you love a flower, you water it daily and enjoy it.

The one who understands this, understands life”!

Blessings of love and understanding my friends,

Namaste with love



Happiness, What Does It Mean To You?

Published 25/03/2015 by inspiringyourspirit


Happiness, what does that word mean to you?

The Oxford English Dictionary’s definition of Happiness is ” The quality or condition of being happy.”

But what does that mean, whats makes us/you happy?

Well for me, being happy and happiness generally is simple, it is often the most simple things in life that make me happy e.d:-

Seeing my wife laugh

Hearing the voices of my children on the phone

My Dogs wagging their tail

The comfortable feeling after a good meal

The taste of honey on fresh brown toast

My morning coffee

Watching children play without a care in the world

Hearing the birds sing

Watching the sun rise or the sun set

Being in nature

The smell of freshly mown grass

The sound of the ocean, waves crashing on the shore

Feeling the sunshine on my face

Listening to the soft breeze through bamboo leaves

Walking alone in the countryside

Meditation and what its peace brings to my life

Meeting friends on a Friday evening for drinks and some laughs

My dogs cuddling on my lap, fast asleep and safe

My spiritual journey and what it still has in offer to me

The unconditional love of my wife

I could go on and on with this list because there are so many things in my life that i’m thankful for and of which make me happy.

How about you, what makes you happy?

Namaste with Love




Love, Compassion and our Best Wishes for 2015

Published 05/01/2015 by inspiringyourspirit

meditation Grampians

My wife and I meditating at the top of the Grampian mountains on New Years Day 2015.

I would like to take a moment to thank you all for all your follows, your comments and your support during 2014 and for the friendship and love you have sent me from all around the world.

Love, compassion and awareness of life and the world we live in is what I stand for, I try my best to promote these things through my blog and my daily activities, it is not always easy, there are often set-backs, challenges and sometimes even extremely negative and abusive responses and comments to my posts, I do however take these negative comments in my stride and think of all  for the love and support that you guys give me which in turn provides me with the strength to continue on in the hope that we can together help make change.

May and I had the opportunity to spend Christmas and New Year in Australia this year, we spent most of our time in nature, meditating and connecting with the beauty and spirit of Australia’s outback, the positive energy, the weather, the trees and the mountains gave us strength and we are both re-energized to do even more this year 🙂

The dawn of 2015 brought about the sad deaths of 36 people in Shanghai, the city where we live, those souls were lost to our world after a deadly stampede on New Year’s Eve killed 36 and caused the cancellation of celebrations across the city. At least 47 people were injured, including 40 still serious enough to required hospitalization, the Shanghai government said on its website. “The stampede — the city’s deadliest disaster since 2010 — started about 11:35 p.m. on New Year’s Eve as tens of thousands of people crowded into the historic Bund riverside district for a light show”.


My prayers go out to those who are no longer with us and to their families and friends during this time of sorrow, may their souls rest in peace.

2015, what will it bring us?

I do hope that 2015 will bring about greater self realization, more compassion and a greater understanding of our world to us all. For us to work together in the name of peace and move forward towards a happier world where we can all live without the need for war, where we actively work together as one to find ways in which we can bring about the end of poverty, feed the hungry and save our environment from the ravages and destruction of our insatiable greed for more!…We can, I believe; achieve great things in 2015, we are on our way, our voices are now at last being heard, the powers that be are now starting to take notice, we can make a difference, we can bring about change.

I know you are there and I am very happy!

Namaste with Love

Happiness, Gratitude & Joy, So Much To Be Thankful For!

Published 01/12/2014 by inspiringyourspirit

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The smile of a child, laughter, tears of joy, a hug, the purr of a kitten, a dogs wagging tail, birds singing in the trees, the warmth of the sun on your face, the smell of freshly baked bread, coffee, a freshly cut grass, sunrise and sunset


Waves crashing on the rocks, the surf on a sandy beach, the rain on a window, fresh garden flowers, a walk in the woods, the sound of a gentle stream, the winds rustling through bamboo leaves, fish splashing on a still pond, the call of a dove, the unconditional love from your dog, the call from a loved one


A romantic meal for two, watching the stars together, planning a vacation, the love of a child, parents past and present, family, friends, enjoying your work, a good nights sleep, food on the table, meditation, love, romance.


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Mother Nature, Peace, Fresh Fruit & Vegetables, Hobbies, Exercise, Angels, Crystals, Champions of freedom and peace, humanitarians, teachers, gurus, masters, artists, musicians, dancers, works of art, music, lullaby’s and hymms.

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So much to be thankful for, each and everyday 🙂

Namaste with Love



Life, A Journey Through Time.

Published 12/11/2014 by inspiringyourspirit

My dear friends,

Please take time out to watch this wonderful Ted Talk by Frans Lanting, his wonderful pictures and story will take you through the creation of earth and the importance of us all coming together as one for its protection and future life for our families.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this wonderful video.

Namaste with Love

Weekend, Time to Reflect on Life & Recharge Batteries

Published 07/11/2014 by inspiringyourspirit


Take time out this weekend to connect with nature, breathe in the fresh air and breath out love to our planet and if you have time meditate, connect with your inner soul, with your heart and give thanks for your life:)

Namaste with Love

Souls are Souls No Matter What Species They Come From!

Published 18/09/2014 by inspiringyourspirit


Souls are souls no matter what species they come from and it’s our responsibility as the ‘So Called’ most intelligent beings on earth to make sure we are all treated with respect and we save our endangered species from possible extinction!

IMG_5130 lezard

Let’s start working together, brothers and sisters from all countries coming together for the sake of humanity
‘If Not’, we stand a very good chance of making the human race extinct too!




Namaste with Love



How Important is Our Environment To You And Your Family?

Published 16/08/2014 by inspiringyourspirit


Computers, mobile phones, social media, computer games, on-line studying…. Technology brings us everything these days, which is great because without technology the internet and social media I would not be writing this blog post right now, and without these wonders of our modern world, you my friends in many different countries around the world would not be able to communicate with me with seconds of me pressing the publish button!

So I do have a great admiration for technology and what great benefits it brings to our lives, however I also feel that our children and grandchildren are somewhat missing out on what mother nature and our environment can bring to us, the beauty, the colours, the smells and the sheer enjoyment of spending time outdoors away from technology once i a while should be enjoyed by every child and without your help as a parent or grandparent, our children are likely to stay inside, fixed to a computer screen, chatting with their friends by IM and maybe even reading about or watching videos containing nature.

Give them the opportunity to experience nature and they will, I’m sure, have a wonderful time.

Allow your children and grandchildren to become aware of our environment and how they themselves can help save our planet and its endangered species so they in-turn can pass on this love to their children and grandchildren.


Namaste with Love




As A Father, I want My Children to Know That Rhinos, Elephants and Sharks Are Not Just A Picture In A Book.

Published 21/02/2014 by inspiringyourspirit

Hey You, Yes You…If your could escape, where would you escape to?

Published 18/01/2014 by inspiringyourspirit



Hi Everyone and Good Morning from not so sunny Shanghai where the pollution level today at 11:13am is stated to be 225 Very Unhealthy with health warnings of emergency conditions. The entire population is more likely to be effected. Actually I think the true reading at this time will be more like 400+ but who am I to say!


Anyway back to my post for today 🙂

I would love your feedback, your comments and your thoughts on this one please because I’m feeling lonely here in my apartment looking out at this grey polluted sky 😦

So Escape! If you could escape, escape to anywhere, real or fantasy, where would it be to and why?


In my case, I would escape to the mountains, to the forest to the trees where I could breathe the fresh mountain air, fill my lungs with invigorating fresh life giving air to feel the cool breeze and the gentle warmth of the sun on my face, to smell the grass, the sweet intoxicating scents of nature, the flowers, the herbs, the soil. To watch the birds dance in the air, chasing each other from tree to tree from branch to branch, to observe the butterflies and the bees as they go about their daily task of collecting natures goodness and helping spread the love from one flower to another. And, to sit in silence, to hear the quiet, the gentle rustle of leaves as they sway in the wind, the sound of water flowing in the steams and the distant splash of a fish jumping after dragonflies as they skim over the lake, far, far away from the madness of city life, from the life of constant drive, noise, selfishness and anger away from the fast lane of life to where we were all destined to be, with Mother Nature, with Gaia…Home 🙂



Please let me know where you would escape to and why 🙂

Namaste with Love



Listen to the sound of the bell and allow your mind to return to the garden of your heart.

Published 17/11/2013 by inspiringyourspirit

My Dear Friends,

Listen to the sound of the bell and allow your mind to return to the garden of your heart and see the flowers of peace bloom.

It’s early on Sunday morning here in Shanghai, and before i head out for the day with my camera on to the streets of Shanghai I wanted to share this beautiful video with you, i’m sure some of you may of have already seen it but I’m also sure you will be happy to watch and listen to its beautiful message again.

Please sit back, put your headphones on, turn up the sound a little, relax, enjoy the peace and the miracle that happens in our world of nature.

Namaste with Love



Mommy, she’s showing us she’s all Free!

Published 13/10/2013 by inspiringyourspirit


Wow!……All beings deserve the freedom to live their lives as God intended them to do…

Please watch this beautiful and inspiring short video and gain from it what you will, for me it is inspiring and it helps clarify my mind to do even more to help mankind and all the beings living along side me on this beautiful planet.

We can do so much to make changes happen.

We can do so much to help our fellow brothers and sisters and free them from enslavement.

We can do so much to help save our endangered species.

We can do so much to clean up our environment.

We can do so much to save our planet.

We can!

Namaste my friends

With Love


We Are All Connected

Published 30/06/2013 by inspiringyourspirit


Can you hold out your hand in friendship to someone or something today? Can you extend your arms openly to someone or something today?

We are all connected, we owe our fellow beings on this earth respect for whom and what they are and for what they bring to our world.

We are all connected, so share some happiness and love today, hold out your hands and extend your arms in peace, love and compassion.

Be one with everyone and everything today.



Variables with Kimi Werner: Video

Published 01/06/2013 by inspiringyourspirit

This is amazing, the beauty and peacefulness of the free dive and her connection to nature is incredible.


You are the Light..Let it Shine

Published 23/03/2013 by inspiringyourspirit


‘You’, ‘Yes You my friend’ are the light of god. You are here by God’s grace, it’s irrelevant which religion you believe in but ‘You’, ‘Yes You’ are a gift to this world from your God.
Every human on this planet was brought into life on God’s wish, we were all born for a reason, it is our destiny to do good, to exude Love, compassion and Happiness and bring light to this world and to look after our world, look after and protect each other and our environment…Most; however get lost along the way!



Our abilities to shine our light, to do the right thing, to help others, to help protect our environment and to heal ourselves becomes lost and blocked over time when during our childhood and teenage years we were told things like, ‘Don’t Be Silly’, ‘Ah, they are all right they are just beggars, they probably have more money than us’, ‘ It’s no good giving money because it gets taken by their government’, ‘You cannot do this’, ‘You cannot do that’, ‘You need to see the doctor because your ill’, ‘Don’t talk to that imaginary friend, he or she does not exist’, ‘Oh that’s ok it’s not in our country, you know what those foreigners are like’ etc; etc.


Were brainwashed to give up our natural skills and abilities, to live life with an open mind and an open heart, to see with compassion, to use our intuitions and inner abilities to diagnose our ills and heal ourselves. Our parents, siblings and families help us during our growing years to block out the realities of life and keep us ‘Safe’ from the world and all it’s dangers and we become conditioned to follow like sheep and do as everyone as done before us! ‘Please don’t get me wrong’, our parents are doing what they think best and passing on the knowledge that was passed on to them.

It’s interesting and encouraging to see that ‘Slowly’ things are now changing, more people all around the world are starting to wake up, they are opening their eyes for the first time and noticing that ‘This World is in Pain’, ‘People are in pain’, ‘Countries are in pain’, ‘Our environment is in pain’ and ‘Pollution and contamination is everywhere’.
Our oceans are full of garbage and our man made poisons and toxins are killing off our natural sources of food and water.


The lungs of our planet (our trees) are being cut down in the name of ‘progress and profit’ and replaced with more housing and more factories, which then adds to the pollution in areas that were once pristine and toxin free! De-forestation adds more dust and sand particles to the atmosphere (Google PM2.5 to learn more) which then creates a change in the weather so more storms are created which then increases breathing related problems like asthma, bronchitis and even worse.



I ask you all to begin today and for you to see the difference between the absence of light versus the mental construct of darkness or the dark forces in the Universe.

Darkness cannot deny light, never has, never will. In many situations, you can cover up your light, deny your light, and ignore your light. Some do this to such an extent that they may not remember their own Divinity, their own light, their own birthright, their own Spiritual heritage; however, that does not mean there are dark forces attempting to take your soul, or dark forces effecting your existence.
Begin today to see that darkness is part of your conditionings, a mentally established, manufactured assembly, and a fabrication of your religion. It is one of the great illusions. You are born from the light of God, uncover it, and allow that light to shine big and bright!

And please, open your eyes to what is really happening all around us, Our Planet is being Destroyed little by little, each and every day…What will it take for your to do something?


Namaste with Love


Feeling the Hurt: The Disconnected Self

Published 04/03/2013 by inspiringyourspirit


The disconnected self. We all may feel this way, at least on occasion.

The sensation exists that we are beings separated from each other by space, time, or material construction. We will categorize and classify these differences and even exploit them if it suits us. However, as different as we may be, we also cannot deny our connections and similarities.

To truly understand and feel the hurt that we and others experience, we rely on our empathic skills. The word “compassion” itself means having sympathy for the suffering of others. It is no stretch of the imagination to know that people do suffer in the world. There are many kinds of trauma–physical, emotional, and psychological–that so many of us endure.

We have had the pain, terror, and horrors of war for about as long as humans have been around. The natural world itself is full of the struggle to survive under the most basic of circumstances. There is the expression, “It is a dog-eat-dog world out there.” We must understand the hurt, pain and suffering we have before we can try to help make things better.

We are, indeed, fortunate if we have someone with whom we can talk about these matters. For many people who follow certain religions, they turn to church leaders to get them through difficult times, such as when there is a death or serious illness in the family. Laypersons have counselors, mentors, and other healers–trained people who will coach us through hard times. They help us see the possibilities; they listen to our troubles, and help us take the right steps back on the positive side of things.

Compassion is not only a skill of those trained to work in those kinds of situations. It is something any of us may choose to do, because if we are honest with ourselves, we know there is a lot of pain and suffering out there, and we often cannot alleviate the pain alone. It is a positive action to be concerned about doing something to make the pain more bearable.

Some will advise that it is best to not look at the difficulties or look upon a particular horror directly, feeling it is a waste of time or counter-productive. Yet, look at the many appeals for help we see televised or that come to us on the internet these days. They can be rather graphic and show some of the real struggles of the young and old alike. We cannot deny the things that present themselves to us.

Eagerness to go out and work on eliminating them actively calls to each of us in different ways. There are people who see very little benefit in talking the problem over first, or realizing that they are not the first or only people who have suffered in this particular way or with this certain problem. Avoidance and fear do not help, clearly.

However, before we can know how much attention to place or how much work will be involved in maintaining a healthy attitude, we must first really see, know, and understand the extent of the problem, how deep it goes, how long it is been around, etc. In order to know how best to apply our energy or work on some sort of action plan, it is best to have a goal.

The goal of compassion is to alleviate suffering. This basic understanding is what a compassionate person knows from the very beginning. How to go about doing that is something unique to each situation, which is why it pays to look before we leap, so to speak. We may not be equipped to handle every case of suffering that crosses our path in life. We may feel best suited to help where and when we can, knowing that we cannot handle it all, or there are just some circumstances or situations that are beyond our capabilities.

This brings us back around to the concept that we are individuals, all having separate experiences. There can be some rather significant obstacles to overcome, when it comes to helping others, such as time and distance. When we see a situation in some far-off, war-torn land, we might wish we could be there to help in some way to care for the orphans or the sick and injured. More directly, there may be nothing more helpless than the feeling when a loved one is hurt or injured in some place where we cannot reach them or be with them in times of strife.

While it may be true that we all have our own unique perspective on our human lives, together we can create and accomplish great things. Compassion is one act that we can choose to do–one that will help others as we help ourselves to get beyond the pain and negativity that can hold us down. Together we rise, if that is our choice, and we are willing to do the work involved.

This is when we can actively choose to lessen the obstacles of time and space. Realistically, we may not be able to travel at a moment’s notice halfway around the world, but we can hold compassionate attention and cohesive energy to aid persons who need the spiritual support we can provide. We can work on making the steps happen to get there in person while we keep in touch with the suffering that exists.

Nobody says life is easy. It may not lessen the huge problems that negativity brings to the existence of the human struggle, but each little act of compassion and support we give each other sure does knock down the negativity and other obstacles bit by bit. To say we have done our one small part to make things better is something each of us can do–and it is up to us to do it.

Choose and act accordingly–there is great power in that.

Article written by Kathy Custren



Fragility of Life

Published 23/02/2013 by inspiringyourspirit

The following post was written by a dear blogging friend of mine Sue Dreamwalker The subject matter is very dear to my heart and it’s words are so meaningful and important not only for the survival of these species but also for the survival of all species here on Mother Earth including the survival of humanity itself!

We notice these posts, articles and images on the internet, in magazines and newspapers and on the television each and everyday but once we turn the page, click on another icon on our computers or switch channels on our TV’s all is quickly forgotten…because we think ‘Someone Else will Do Something About It’….but they never do…It Is Our Responsibility to Make Change 😦

We must take note and come together as one to make a change so that we have a planet to live on for our lifetime and for the lifetimes of our children and their children.

Namaste with Love


Do we really understand the fragility of Life?

Have we ever thought of consequence and all the Strife?

So we can run around in cars and have our pretty things

Have you ever thought of all the pain we Human’s bring?


Have you ever considered just how you’d feel if orphaned you were left

As your mother became a trophy with her skin stripped from her chest?

Did you never spare a thought for the Ocean and her depths?

A dumping ground for all our waste no longer we respect,


And have you thought how hard it is to find enough to eat

When driven from your home

Have you ever wondered how far that you would roam?


And did you never think as the Ice melts in your drink

Of the Polar Bears home that in the Ocean sinks..


It’s time to understand that we cannot turn away

For we are each responsible for the world we live today

We humans have tipped the scales as we destroy with tools of greed

It’s time to re-awake and replant a caring seed.

© Sue Dreamwalker – 2013 All rights reserved.

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