Martin Luther King

All posts tagged Martin Luther King

One World, One Chance and Life as we know it!

Published 28/02/2014 by inspiringyourspirit

one world

Now, I know I am not His Holiness The Dalai Lama, Jesus Christ, Allah, The Buddha, Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu, Tich Nhat Hanh, Dr. Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Amma, Oprah, Deepak Chopra, Biame, or any other global leader, I am just a simple man, someone who cares, someone who wants to make a difference, someone who sheds tears at the state of our world and someone who believes that we can make a difference and who believes in the faith of coming together as one in the name of our children.

So let’s take a look at the following statement.

“An individual has not started living until he/she can rise above the narrow confines of his/her individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.”

Wow! Now that’s a statement!

But what does it mean to you and I, to us so called normal people on the streets of earth!

Well, I think this statement is a sort of wake up call to us all, we need it shouting from the rooftops, into our ears in every language known to mankind, in every country, every state, every city, every town and every village…. We really need this wake up call, a call to action, a call to make us wake up and smell the roses, a call to enlighten us all to the state of our world.


I could go on for ever and a day telling you about poverty, about disease, about starvation, about genocide, about wars, about natural disasters, about corporate and political greed and control; but will it make a difference to you? Maybe to some of you who read my blog and some of you who have a spiritual bias and a care for what’s right and wrong with our world, but to the majority of people in our world, to the majority of our brothers and sisters in every country, they will not even take a moment to read this blog because it is not on their radar, they have no interest in what is going on in other countries, they have no care if a child dies today from starvation or dysentery, they have no care that young teenage girls and boys are being trafficked from one country to another into prostitution and slave labor, they have no care that our planet is being devastated by fracking to satisfy insatiable corporate greed, they have no care that our forests; the lungs of our planet are being wiped out to feed the need of companies worldwide, they have no care that our oceans and rivers are being polluted beyond all recovery….


But would they pay attention if our voices were louder, if we were more actively promoting each other, passing on our words of wisdom, passing on our voices of concern and bringing them a connection, I mean a real connection of what is happening in our world directly to them, show them how one thing connects to another and how each of us is connected through our lifestyles, our purchasing habits, through our food and through our drinks!

We MUST speak out, we must awaken more people all around the world and raise them up from the narrow confines of their own individualistic concerns and make them aware of the realities and suffering that our brothers and sisters, our planet and all the creatures on it are going through in order to provide the food on their table, the clothes on their back, the furniture they sit on, the fuel that heats their home and all the commodities that go into the production of the everyday goods they use and take for granted! Let’s together awaken the people of our planet , help them to see beyond their own front door, to take real notice, to make changes to their lifestyles, changes for the better, that will bring lasting effects and start healing our world for our children and grandchildren’s sake !

Today, Friday 28th February could be the start of that process, If I send out this blog and one of you sends out to two and those two send to 4 and those 4 send to 8 and those 8 send to 16 and those 16 send to 32 and those 32 send to 64, etc we could soon awaken our world!
Please take action my friends ☺

Namaste with Love

Don’t Be Afraid to do the Right thing!

Published 30/01/2013 by inspiringyourspirit
