One World

All posts tagged One World

One World, One Chance and Life as we know it!

Published 28/02/2014 by inspiringyourspirit

one world

Now, I know I am not His Holiness The Dalai Lama, Jesus Christ, Allah, The Buddha, Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu, Tich Nhat Hanh, Dr. Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Amma, Oprah, Deepak Chopra, Biame, or any other global leader, I am just a simple man, someone who cares, someone who wants to make a difference, someone who sheds tears at the state of our world and someone who believes that we can make a difference and who believes in the faith of coming together as one in the name of our children.

So let’s take a look at the following statement.

“An individual has not started living until he/she can rise above the narrow confines of his/her individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.”

Wow! Now that’s a statement!

But what does it mean to you and I, to us so called normal people on the streets of earth!

Well, I think this statement is a sort of wake up call to us all, we need it shouting from the rooftops, into our ears in every language known to mankind, in every country, every state, every city, every town and every village…. We really need this wake up call, a call to action, a call to make us wake up and smell the roses, a call to enlighten us all to the state of our world.


I could go on for ever and a day telling you about poverty, about disease, about starvation, about genocide, about wars, about natural disasters, about corporate and political greed and control; but will it make a difference to you? Maybe to some of you who read my blog and some of you who have a spiritual bias and a care for what’s right and wrong with our world, but to the majority of people in our world, to the majority of our brothers and sisters in every country, they will not even take a moment to read this blog because it is not on their radar, they have no interest in what is going on in other countries, they have no care if a child dies today from starvation or dysentery, they have no care that young teenage girls and boys are being trafficked from one country to another into prostitution and slave labor, they have no care that our planet is being devastated by fracking to satisfy insatiable corporate greed, they have no care that our forests; the lungs of our planet are being wiped out to feed the need of companies worldwide, they have no care that our oceans and rivers are being polluted beyond all recovery….


But would they pay attention if our voices were louder, if we were more actively promoting each other, passing on our words of wisdom, passing on our voices of concern and bringing them a connection, I mean a real connection of what is happening in our world directly to them, show them how one thing connects to another and how each of us is connected through our lifestyles, our purchasing habits, through our food and through our drinks!

We MUST speak out, we must awaken more people all around the world and raise them up from the narrow confines of their own individualistic concerns and make them aware of the realities and suffering that our brothers and sisters, our planet and all the creatures on it are going through in order to provide the food on their table, the clothes on their back, the furniture they sit on, the fuel that heats their home and all the commodities that go into the production of the everyday goods they use and take for granted! Let’s together awaken the people of our planet , help them to see beyond their own front door, to take real notice, to make changes to their lifestyles, changes for the better, that will bring lasting effects and start healing our world for our children and grandchildren’s sake !

Today, Friday 28th February could be the start of that process, If I send out this blog and one of you sends out to two and those two send to 4 and those 4 send to 8 and those 8 send to 16 and those 16 send to 32 and those 32 send to 64, etc we could soon awaken our world!
Please take action my friends ☺

Namaste with Love

The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it!

Published 01/11/2013 by inspiringyourspirit

Chinese Proverb

Our World, We are in this together, if we want things to change then ‘WE’ had better do something about it!

Some say “change cannot Happen”

Some say, “This is what life is, we need to live with it”

Some say, “Nothing can be done, they are stronger than us”

Some say, “I wish things were different”

Some say, “It’s not my problem”

Some say, “It’s their fault, they brought it on themselves”

When i read the news, watch the TV and listen to speeches regarding the problems of this world it makes me sad 😦 and I know I as one cannot wave a magic wand and make our world the perfect place to live. I alone cannot bring about world peace, end starvation, bring jobs to the jobless, solve the global financial crisis, cure disease and bring an end to war….however, I do know that i am one voice, one soul and I have a right as a human being of this planet to stand up and say…Enough is Enough!

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We need change, we need our voices to be heard, we need our elected governments to listen, we need the corporations and the people that lead them to listen to our voices…..We need change….Not one person, not 100 people, not, 1,000 people but millions of like minded souls of this earth from different walks of life, from different countries, from different religions, with different languages  with different cultures need to be heard…….

Our world is in a self distructing spiral, spinning rapidly out of control, and the majority of people at the lower end of  the financial spectrum are the ones who are being hit the most and unless we fall into that category the majority of our worlds population pay no attention, they go about their days blinkered to the realities that are happening in our world…to our brothers and sisters, to our environment and to OUR world.

The Russell Brand interview on Newsweek that I posted yesterday got me thinking again and I thought, ‘WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE, WE CAN MAKE CHANGE HAPPEN’ but we need to do it in every town, every city, every country and we need to speak as one, ONE GLOBAL VOICE which MUST be listened to, a voice of our world, none of us owns this planet, none of us including our governments own the lands we call our countries, not one country or government or corporation owns our oceans, no one owns our sky, our atmosphere and our space…we are only guests here, we are supposed to be custodians of this world we call home…..The problem is we have FORGOTTEN and we allow ourselves to be controlled to the extent that we no longer have a voice!

Listed below are a few people from different walks of life, from different religions, from different timelines in history, with different languages and cultures, all of which were instrumental in change…You may have more to add to this list and you may disagree that some of them should not be on this list at all…but who am I I to say if they deserve to be on this list or not!….It’s all down to choice.


All I can say is….Like these people, we can make change but this time we need to do it together….as ONE GLOBAL VOICE.

Namaste my friends

With Love



The information below is courtesy of

people Abraham Lincoln – Abraham Lincoln overcame many setbacks to become the most influential American President. In his famous Gettysburg speech, he inspired the nation with his noble words and helped to bring about the abolishment of slavery.
people Benjamin Franklin. Great polymath and promoter of American ideals at home and in the US. A practical man of great dynamism and good character.
people Mikhail Gorbachev. Had the courage, tenacity and strength of character to give up the absolute power of Soviet Communism. Moved the Soviet Union to democracy and respect for human rights. Gorbachev enabled the Berlin Wall to come down giving freedom to Eastern Europe.
people Jesus Christ. Prophet and inspiration of Christianity. Taught a message of love, forgiveness and faith. Born in a turbulent period of Roman rule, after his crucifixion, his message inspired millions around the world.
people William Wilberforce. Fought tirelessly for ending the slave trade, at a time when many accepted it as an ‘economic necessity’. He awakened the conscience of many of his fellow countryman and made slavery appear unacceptable.
people Nelson Mandela. Campaigned for justice and freedom in his South Africa. Spent 20 years in jail for his opposition to apartheid. On release he healed the wounds of apartheid by his magnanimous attitude to his former political enemies.
people Albert Einstein. His theories of relativity were a very significant scientific breakthrough. As well as being a genius scientist, Einstein was also a champion of human rights and campaigned for a more peaceful world.
people Marie Curie. Marie Curie was awarded a Nobel Prize for both Chemistry and Physics. Her discoveries with radiation helped advance medical science. Also, her achievements were even more remarkable at a time when few women gained education.
people Thomas Jefferson. One of America’s founding fathers, Jefferson helped draft the Declaration of Independence and foster a belief in human rights. Amongst other achievements, Jefferson passed one of the first bills on religious tolerance in his state of Virginia.
people Martin Luther King. Inspiring leader of the non-violent civil rights movement. Inspired millions of people black and white to aspire for a more equal society.
people William Shakespeare. Shakespeare remains the King of English literature. His plays and poetry captured the richness and diversity of human existence in the most powerful and poetic way.
people Leonardo da Vinci – One of the greatest minds in human history. There were few areas, Leonardo didn’t delve into. In many areas he was a couple of centuries ahead of scientific discovery. He helped make great advances in anatomy, astronomy, physics, science and others. He also painted the most iconic picture in history – The Mona Lisa.
people Muhammad Ali – Champion boxer and great character. Refused to fight in Vietnam war and became a champion of civil rights and African interests.
king Helen Keller – Despite disability of both deafness and blindness, she learned to read and write, becoming a champion of social issued and helping to improve the welfare of deaf people.
people Rosa Parks Rosa Parks became a well respected figurehead of the American civil rights movement. Rosa showed what ordinary people can do when they stick fast to their beliefs in testing conditions.
people Mother Teresa – Lived a life of poverty to try an ameliorate the conditions of others. Her devotion and compassion inspired the lives of many thousands she came into contact with.
people Mahatma Gandhi – Gandhi was the principle figurehead of the Indian independence movement. Taught a philosophy of non-violence and peaceful protest.
people Winston Churchill. In the worst moments of 1940, the Nazi war machine looked invincible as it swept through Europe. Churchill inspired the free nations to keep alive the fight against the tyranny of Hitler’s Germany.
people Buddha – The Buddha was a young prince who gave up the comforts of palace life to seek the meaning of life meditating in the forests. After gaining realisation, the Buddha spent the remainder of his life travelling around India teaching a middle path of meditation and inner peace.
people Socrates – Socrates showed the power and integrity of independent thought. Socrates taught by encouraging people to honestly question their pre-conceptions. His method of self-enquiry laid the foundations of Western Philosophic thought.
people Tom Paine – Free thinking radical who passionately argued for greater democracy and representation for ordinary people. Influential in American and French revolutions, though narrowly escaped with his life after falling foul of Robespierre.
people Jane Goodall – Made groundbreaking study into the behaviour of chimpanzee’s. Became a noted campaigner and activist for environmental protection and kindness to animals.
people Florence Nightingale. Florence Nightingale helped to revolutionise the treatment of patients after her experience of treating wounded soldiers in the Crimean war.
people Anne Frank. Anne Frank was nobody special, just an ordinary teenage girl. But, she became a symbol of how ordinary people can get caught up in man’s inhumanity. But, despite the most testing of conditions Anne retained an optimistic spirit.
people Galileo – Scientist who helped make great strides in Astronomy and helped challenge ruling religious orthodoxy.
people Swami Vivekananda – Arriving in American as a penniless Hindu sannyasin, Vivekananda became the star of the 1893 World Parliament of Religions calling for religious tolerance and religious unity. Also encouraged the education of women and inspired fellow Indians to take greater pride and belief in the best of Hindu culture.
people George Orwell – George Orwell was a democratic socialist who fought in the Spanish civil war on the side of the republicans. He gave up his privileged education to spend time with the unemployed of the Great Depression. His greatest contribution was warning of the dangers of totalitarian regimes – whatever the ideology may be behind them.
people John M Keynes. The greatest economist of the twentieth century. Keynes laid the framework for modern macroeconomics offering solutions to the dreadful calamity of the Great Depression
people Marcus Aurelius – Roman emperor and philosopher.
people William Blake – Poet and artist. – “To see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour.”
people Catherine The Great – Queen of Russia who was noted for taking a more enlightened approach towards her subjects.
people Princess Diana – Involved in many humanitarian charities. Helped to destigmatise issues such as AIDS.
people Confucius – Influential Chinese philosopher who laid ground work for much of Chinese philosophy and society.
people Mozart – A musical genius who gives joy to millions of people
people John Keats – Romantic Poet.

A thing of Beauty is a joy forever.

people Raisa Gorbachev – Wife of Mikhail Gorbachev. Engaged in humanitarian works and supported her husband during great change of his Presidency.
people Eleanor Roosevelt. Supporter of the rights of women and opressed in society. Helped to draft the UN Declaration of human rights.
people Woodrow Wilson. Woodrow Wilson had a vision for a League of Nations – a forum where nations could come together to solve disputes. The League of Nations struggled to make an impact before the Second World War, but, became more effective.
people Leo Tolstoy – Influential Russian author, whose great epics include War and Peace. His philosophy of non-violence and a return to rural simplicity inspired other politicians such as Gandhi.
people Sri Krishna – Revered as Hindu Spiritual Teacher. Responsible for the immortal dialogue contained in the Bhagavad Gita.
people Louis Pasteur – French scientist who found many important improvements in medical science, e.g. vaccination for Rabies – and a safe way to pasteurise milk.
people Rumi – Sufi poet
people Charles Darwin. Darwin published his Origin of Species detailing a belief in evolution at a time when such a decision was very controversial.
people Akbar – The Great Moghul Emperor who went a long way to uniting India under his rule. Though a great warrior Akbar was also known for his love of culture, music and philosophy. He introduced enlightened laws on religious tolerance in his kingdom and encouraged representatives of different religions to come to his court.
people Barack Obama. America’s first black president. Offered a positive message of hope to America and world. Barack Obama stood for a return to American values based on liberty and respect for human rights. Awarded Nobel Peace Prize in 2009
people C S Lewis – Author of best selling chronicles of Narnia and Christian apologist.
people Saladin – Muslim leader during crusades, respected by even opposing armies
people Oprah Winfrey – US talk show host who became an important figurehead for women in America. Encouraged belief in self-improvement.
people Martin Luther – Martin Luther was the most influential figure in the reformation of the sixteenth century. It was Luther who challenged the excesses of the Catholic church leading to the protestant movement – and forcing the Catholic Church to reinvigorate itself.
people Edward Jenner – led pioneering work on the development of an inoculation against the deadly smallpox. Opened up the way to more immunisations, arguably saving the lives of millions of people around the world.
people Sir Isaac Newton – One of the greatest scientists of all time. Isaac Newton led the foundation of modern physics with his development of theories on gravity and mechanics
people St Francis of Assisi – Christian mystic who founded new order committed to essence of Christian gospels.
people 14th Dalai Lama – Spiritual leader of Tibetan people. Helped to popularise principles of Buddhism around the world
people Pablo Picasso – Iconic twentieth century artist, known for his commitment to peace.
people John Lennon – Iconic singer song writer. Member of the Beatles.
people Desmond Tutu – South African anti-apartheid campaigner. Sought to heal wounds after end of apartheid through Truth and Reconcilliation committee.
people Michelangelo – Never suffering from false modesty, Michelangelo referred to himself as ‘God’s own artist’. But, in the case of Michelangelo his self-belief was well justified. During his lifetime, he produced some of the greatest works of art ever produced – The Pieta, The Sistine Chapel, the Statue of David.
people Lord Baden Powell – Founder of the Scout Movement
people Jesse Owens – Jesse Owen’s four gold medals at Hitler’s 1936 Olympics in Berlin was one of the great moments of sport, which helped to puncture the Nazi ideology of Aryan supremacy. Jesse Owens was a modest hero who remained a great ambassador for the sport.
people John F. Kennedy – US President who offered new vision for his country.
people Pope John Paul II – Polish pope who played a role in transition from Communist to a more democratic Eastern Europe.
people Raphael – Artist. Raphael was an Italian painter of the Renaisance.
people Beethoven – Great Classical Composer w
people Sri Chinmoy – An Indian spiritual teacher who combined the best of Eastern and Western cultures. Founded the World Harmony Run, a world wide run to promote greater friendship and understanding.
people St Teresa of Avila – 16th Century Spanish mystic and poet. Helped re-vitalise religious life in Spain, despite the Inquisition and patriarchal nature of society.
people Pele – One of world’s greatest ever footballers.
people Abbe Pierre – French humanitarian who set up charity for the homeless.
people Sri Aurobindo – Early Indian nationalist leader who later retired from politics to devote his life to yoga, spirituality and poetry.
people Annie Besant – involved in representing women and workers in 19th Century Britain. Became leading member of Theosophy society and supported Indian independence
people Emile Zatopek – Greatest long distance runner. Winning three gold medals at the 1954 Olympics. Principled supporter of Czech democracy, being sent to work in mines for his opposition to the Communist government.
people St Therese Lisieux – A Carmelite nun, who died aged 24, unknown to the world. Yet, after her death her simple writings had a profound effect becoming one of the best selling spiritual writings. Her approach was a deceptively simple approach of doing the smallest acts with love.
people J R R Tolkien – Oxford professor and writer of The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings.
people Audrey Hepburn – Actress later involved in working for UNESCO
people Emily Dickinson – Celebrated female poet.
people Betty Williams – Awarded Nobel Peace prize for her peace work in Northern Ireland.
people Paramhansa Yogananda – Indian spiritual teacher who helped popularise yoga and meditation
people Maharishi Mahesh yogi – Spiritual teacher who brought meditation to the west.
people Bernadette Soubirous – Saint of Lourdes
people Carl Lewis – Olympian champion runner.
people Bob Geldof – Musician and charity campainger. Launched ‘Band Aid’ in 1984 to help African famine.
people Eva Peron – Argentinian ‘First Lady’ Founded influential charity and helped create more equal society.
people Sir Titus Salt – Victorian industrialist who was also concerned for welfare of workers. Helped to build model village and insist on better working conditions.
people Augn San Suu Kyi – Leader of oppostion in Myanmar. Recently released from house arrest, she has been awarded the Nobel Peace prize for her fight for democracy and human rights.
people John M. Keynes. Keynes was a revolutionary economist, who explained the causes of the Great Depression and how it might be solved. He created the discipline of macroeconomics.
people Steve Jobs – Charismatic founder of Apple. Helped create new standards of design in technology.
people Dietrich Bonhoeffer –German pastor and pacifist who was executed for his opposition to Hitler in Nazi Germany.
people Harriet Becher Stow – American writer and campaigner against slavery. Author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin.
people Kofi Annan – Secretary General of the United Nations from 1997 to 2006. Awarded Nobel Peace Prize in 2001
people Lech Walesa – Polish opposition leader who became symbolic figure in efforts to end Communist rule.
people Millicent Fawcett – English suffragist who campaigned for equal rights and votes for women. Leader of the largest Suffrage movement the NUWSS, who advocated peaceful, constitutional change.
people Maya Angelou – Modern American poet.
Malala Yousafzai – Pakistani schoolgirl who defied threats of the Taliban to campaign for the right to education. She survived being shot in the head by the Taliban and has become a global advocate for human rights, womens rights and the right to education.