Art is bringing me back, opening my heart to love again :)

Published 11/05/2017 by inspiringyourspirit

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My Dear Friends,

It has been a very long time since I last posted here on my blog and for that, I’m so sorry!

As you know my life has been going through some challenges, my heart was broken and I shut myself down, protecting myself from all around me. But through my meditations and connection to my channel, to my higher-self, I have once again found my life, I have picked up my life through Art, this art and my daily meditation sessions have re-awakened me to the joys of life, my art has brought me freedom once again and helped me re-connect with humanity, to make new friends and to start to love again 🙂

I’m smiling, my tears are not just filled with sorrow anymore, they are filled with joy 🙂 My thoughts come and go and I’m once again living in the ‘Now’. Over the years, I have spoken about pain, compassion, joy, love sorrow and grief, and I believe also I have helped a few people along the way with the words that used to flow freely from my fingers within my posts. But these posts came to a staggering halt when I lost my love, I found it hard to open myself up to others, to interact, to be joyful beyond the smile I showed to people in my daily life, this false smile was hiding the true hurt inside my heart.

Picking up my pencils and my brushes have allowed the freedom of my spirit to talk to me through my art and it has helped me re-connect with humanity, to once again open up my heart to the joys that life really holds for me in this lifetime. I am truly awakened to a new me, to a new phase in my life and I feel stronger than ever before 🙂

I have added a few images of my latest venture into Thangka painting, this and my other art brings me joy, relaxes and calms my mind and allows the true me to open my heart to the future.

Blesings of Love to you all my friends



Healing Your Creation Temple ~ A Meditation from Quan Yin

Published 03/03/2017 by inspiringyourspirit


We are the Quan Yin and we wish to share with you this day our beloved sisters and brothers. We thank you for your time and energies. We offer you a Rose of Dispensation and an Elixir of Light now to support your energy to open and release all that.

Choose now to open up your heart and be in the light now. Allow the energies of the light to flow through you. Breathe in deeply now and focus on your sacral chakra.

As you open the sacral chakra, feel the light of love fill the sacral chakra now, our beloveds. Ask now for this light to lift all wounds in your sacral chakra.

We place now a yellow rose in the sacral chakra and it begins to open and grow and expand now. Open your energies and allow for this expansion to occur now, dear ones.

Speak softly to your sacral chakra and ask it to surrender to the light all the memories it holds now. It is not just about the feminine energies held in the sacral, but it also includes the masculine energies held in this sacral chakra. It is the chakra of your creation.

The sacral chakra holds the original memories of your creation and separation from Source. It is in this chakra that these memories are held for all time.

We ask you now to breathe in deeply and allow these memories to be released. If you feel any pain or discomfort in your body, we ask you to simply become aware of this and focus your love on this area as your breathe deeply in and out.

Continue with this breath for five minutes or more as you place your focus on the heart of the sacral chakra. Focus on this place within you.

The healing angels and three archangels come to you now to assist with this, as we come to hold you now in this time. Call for us now to be with you.

Where the wounds have manifested within your physical body the healing angels begin to work on this area and the organs around it, so you may feel a tingle or a pulling here. We ask you to breathe through this gently and deeply.

You may wish to tone or to sound aloud as this occurs for you, dear ones. As this healing begins to take place, know that it is also taking place on all other levels of your light body.

This sacral chakra holds many memories from all the dimensions in your multi-dimensional bodies and this clearing occurs now to assist you in your creation of Self and the life you are choosing to manifest on Earth.

We ask you now to visualise yourself in your sacral temple, your temple of creation. For some it will be a golden temple with large columns of light, for others it may be crystalline temple in its nature, and for some it will be pure white and luminous.

Choose to open and expand your heart energy in this temple and fill it with the love from your heart. Feel the energies expand now as your sacral temple becomes filled with the loving essence of your being.

The Masters and the Angels are with you to assist you with their energies and to lift your energies into a higher vibration.

You may feel this tingling through your body now in the physical. As you stand in your creation temple you see a long corridor and we ask you now to walk along this corridor.

It has many doors on both sides and as you walk you will feel called to enter these doorways. As you step inside a doorway you may see or hear other beings in this room. These are the soul aspects of your memories held in the sacral.

We ask you now to explore these rooms and doorways as you feel called. Some may feel inclined to step into many rooms and some may only wish to enter one. All is perfect for you in divine timing, dear ones.

As you open to reconnect with these memories we will help you to clear them from your sacral creation temple and restore them to God again.

Work with your souls aspects now and allow them to show you the memory they hold in this room, if they feel they need to show you. We ask you to hold the love vibration in your heart through this connection and to speak to them with love in your words and your being.

Send these soul aspects love now. Send this love to their hearts and allow them to be filled with this vibration.

Ask them now to surrender all they hold in separation memory to God, to the Source of all that is. Ask them to forgive now all that has occurred across all time, space and dimension and across all planes and on all levels.

Some of you, beloved ones, may need to call on the karmic council for release of any karma consciousness that is held over these memories. Simply call the karmic council and then ask them for karmic absolution in regard to this now. Wait for their response. We will intercede on your behalf and lift the karma to the light of God’s heart.

Many soul aspects may need to break agreements and vows or contracts they have made and we ask you to ask them if this is the case. Ask them simply, do you need to break any agreements or vows you have made. If they say yes, then do so.

When this is complete for you ask them now to release all memories and associations of their aspects in this dimension now to God and to place it all in the eternal flame of God’s heart until these aspects are standing before you in their true nature of light, in their true being, no longer hidden by the dark veils of memories and emotions. When they are in their true nature of light ask them to merge with you in your heart.

Send a rainbow bridge of light to them with love from your heart and ask them to walk across this bridge into your heart. Embrace them as they come to you with love and compassion and surrender to this process. They merge now with you back into the One heart of all that is through your heart and this divine healing process.

We ask you to remember to breathe through this process and to ask for assistance at all times from us, the Quan Yin,  and the Angels of healing that are with you during this process.

When you have completed one room of old karmic memories, you may continue down the corridor doing the same until you feel there are no more rooms you need to enter at this time.

Then continue all the way to the end of the corridor where you walk through a doorway into a chamber of healing. Stand within this chamber and a golden shower of light flows over you, surrounding you. The chamber then fills up with golden light completely and you find that you are floating in this chamber of golden light. Breathe and simply allow this process to occur.

As it does you feel your body completely give way to the energies and it makes you feel profoundly relaxed. You may even release a large sigh, as if all is released now.

Remain in this healing chamber for the time you feel is needed for you.

When you are ready to leave, continue through the door on the other side. An emissary of light is waiting for you on the other side with a robe of white and gold light to place over you.

The emissary takes you back to the main room of your creation temple and asks you to lie on the beautiful white and golden bed that is on the floor. Red roses are scattered all around this bed as you are asked to lie down.

Voices begin to sing to you now in the temple, gently at first, until they build to a crescendo. The vibration of these voices runs through every part of your body. You may at times feel like you are levitating from the bed in your temple.

Breathe now and allow this healing to occur. You may feel hands being placed upon your sacral chakra and your heart chakra, or other parts of your body. Breathe as this occurs. Breathe in the energy of healing that is being offered to you. Remain here in the temple until you feel it is complete.

At this time you may feel like toning or sounding aloud in your own language or you may simply feel like being in the quiet of your true creation nature. Allow whatever comes for you at this time, dear ones, to complete this healing.

Know that your sacral chakra is your divine creation chakra, the creation of all that you are. It assists you to be all that you are in your true nature of light. It supports you to create for yourself all you need to create on this Earth now. It is the chakra of fertile creation and manifestation. It assists you to manifest all in your life that you need to continue your journey and to walk on your path.

We love you, our beloved sisters and brothers. In faith and love, namaste to you.

In’Easa Mabu Ishtar


Trapped in Our Wounds ~ Wisdom from Mother Mary

Published 15/12/2016 by inspiringyourspirit


My Dear Friends,

In recent times I have become aware of a deep-seated program within us that causes judgment when we become ill or have pain or struggle in some way in our lives. This program causes us to believe that there is something wrong when things don’t go the way we want or expect, when life is not all flow, harmony or joy.

When this occurs we often seek out what the problem is and wish to fix it. I have seen this so often when teaching other practitioners UR Healing and also with my clients and students, and other therapists. We often go straight to “what is wrong” and how can we “fix it”. I have also realised this belief is the very foundation of allopathic medical practices at this time.

For example, when someone develops cancer many look for the problem and how to fix it. How many times have you heard comments such as: “I do not understand how they could have cancer, they have done so much spiritual work.”

I have even had a healer friend who developed a serious illness that required emergency surgery and she felt so guilty that she stopped practicing for three years because she felt so guilty that she did not see it coming and was unable to “fix it” herself. It took her many years to forgive herself for getting ‘sick’. She had a belief that there was something wrong with her to be so sick and not heal it herself.

As I have had my shares of physical body issues recently and have experienced this need to want to know what is “wrong” with me, I went to Mother Mary and asked her about this. Basically what she told me was that while we continue to believe something is wrong with this experience and we are judging it or are in resistance to it, then we do not learn and grow from it.

Here is what she had to say:

Dearest heart, within the great schism of the human heart there are many old beliefs and programs that you carry from generation to generation of your beings. Until this consciousness is resolved with love it will continue to affect humanity.

The old belief that is held there is something is wrong when illness or pain comes to you through your experiences arising out of the attachment that humanity holds to duality – black and white, good and evil. It sits in the hearts of all the sons and daughters of God’s light that are incarnated on the Earth and until it is filled with love and the understanding that all is divine no matter the experience then nothing is resolved in the physical plane.

And is this not the journey of each and every soul in the physical plane, dear heart? To experience through the physical all that has been created in the outer bodies of light that has forgotten is divinity. This belief that all must be as the ego mind sees perfection, dear heart, is an old attachment of the human mind.

Yet the human mind has forgotten what it is and from whence it came. The human mind has forgotten its spiritual nature, the true spirit that gives it form. It has forgotten that this spirit is untouched by what it experiences on the Earth in truth and remains the eternal self. Yet it experiences many things in the physical form. Yet dear one, it is to be remembered that the physical form of matter is not the eternal self, it is finite like all that sits in the form of matter. The human mind finds this truth greatly difficult to accept due to its attachment to duality and the physical form of matter and tries to apply its duality to the eternal self.

Yes, dear one, a child falls and grazes its knee and the soul cries and feels the child’s pain. Yet the spirit watches and is the witness of this experience. The human mind wants to create a story from this experience to try and understand why the child fell, and where the pain came from. It wants the story to have no pain or trauma for this is the ideal of perfection that the human mind holds. Yet in the physical realm to have joy you must have pain because you are in the physical body and the physical body sits in the realms of matter and duality. You are in this realm to experience all things, not simply what the human mind believes you must feel and experience through its fear and need to control.

And still the spirit watches, witnesses and learns. While the soul experiences and stumbles and falls again and again in many ways.

While the soul may judge this experience and wish it not to be so and the human mind creates many stories around this and believes it all must be fixed and made into its ideal of perfection, the spirit continues to observe and be the witness as it learns and evolves through every step of the physical process.

Yet in this process the human mind becomes greatly attached to its stories and ideals, while the soul often cowers in its pain and misunderstandings of the physical journey it is experiencing. And still the spirit watches and observes and learns.

The human mind wishes to control and interfere with what it is experiencing when the experience and story is not as it wishes it to be. Then the soul believes that something is wrong and it must be fixed because the human body is not in its perfection. When this occurs the soul forgets to open its bridge to its spirit and believes it is the physical self and may become lost in its pain.

And still the spirit watches, observes, learns and grows.

It is not until the human mind and the soul remember what they are in truth and open their bridge to the everlasting spirit of light from God’s heart that they begin to understand that each experience on the Earth is simply an experience of physical matter and in each experience there is a gift of learning and growth for the spirit.

Each experience is a step in the process of coming into the Mastery of physical matter. The spirit understands to have this mastery it cannot become physical matter and forget that which it is. To have mastery of the manifestation of light into physical matter requires detachment from matter, dear heart.

It requires each being to understand that every experience offers an opportunity to learn and grow and there is no need for stories and entrapments in wounds and suffering. The human mind is asked to realise that it is a master not a victim of the human experience. When it understands this then it understands that there is never anything wrong, nothing to judge, and nothing to fix. All is in divine and perfect order as it is. Accept the experience, let go your resistance to it and wanting it to be different and then become the observer.

When you choose to create judgement and believe that your experiences are wrong or sinful then you are sitting in duality of the physical density. When you sit in this miasma you cannot be the Master, only the victim and the participator trying to control from the human mind.

When you do this you cannot observe, learn and grow. You simply become trapped in the experience and begin to carry it on your shoulders as a burden that requires action. Yet truly all it needs is to be witnessed, loved and honoured as a step in your path to Mastery.

In’easa Mabu Ishtar , Channel from Mother Mary.

Namaste Dear Friends

With Love




‘Wesak’ Another Painting from my Meditations

Published 29/11/2016 by inspiringyourspirit


My Dear Friends,

Here, is my latest painting, this one is entitled ‘Wesak’, Wesak is the birthday of Lord Buddha and I saw the image of the flowering Lotus and the monks surrounding the lotus; standing in awe and gazing intently at the beauty during its transformation from bud to flower. The image was very clear in my Third Eye during my meditation a week or so ago ,and I could not dismiss the opportunity of getting the image from my minds-eye and on to paper so to say. I

I hope you like it and gain something from its content?

Namaste with Love




I’ve been Painting from my Meditations again.

Published 26/11/2016 by inspiringyourspirit

My Dear Friends,

I,ve been away from my blog again for a while, but I have also been meditating a lot. During these deep meditations and channeling sessions, I have been experiencing very  focused images in my Third Eye, scenes that I must put down in a painting, a creative image representing the vision that I experienced in the moment, in the ‘Now’ .

I hope you like it?

This one is called Resurrection.

Namaste with Love




Are you Heart Centered?

Published 04/11/2016 by inspiringyourspirit


My Dear Friends

A channel from Saint Germain

We welcome you in light and love. What a glorious day it is today. Open your heart and receive the love of All That Is and make manifest the light of who you are on the Earth today.

Expand, expand, expand from within and glow with your light and love, sending it out all around you this day so all may know its glory. All beings will then feel and understand the light and love you carry within you, all beings will understand that which you are and bask in its glory.

All beings will feel the love you emanate and in the doing so they will be filled themselves with God’s great love and light so they will be fulfilled within themselves.

If you choose this today then your light will touch the heart of others and assist them to connect to their own love and light within. For whenever another being shines their light all beings receive this within and are supported to connect to their own love and light. It is the mirror of who they are.

So we ask you all now to connect to your heart centres. Go deep within and connect to your heart centres, not your physical hearts, but the centre of your being that we call the heart centre. It is your temple within the place where you feel joy and peace, it is the place where all is calm and safe.

Find this place within you now and sit within it. Illuminate it, activate it, and align yourself with it.

Ask the mind not to create it for you because it is already there and it is for you to discover. Your mind cannot create this heart temple even though it may try to pretend it does. For in this space is a depth of frequency and light that cannot be created by your ego mind. It is the very Source of all that you are and cannot be replicated by your intellect, dear hearts.

You will know this heart centre when you find it. It is an old familiar place for you and you have sat in this place many times; yet you have simply forgotten it. Discover it today as you read this.

Make a choice to enter this place of light and love right now in your heart centre. At first, it may not be the bright light of which we speak, but just a dim light, but as you truly choose to reconnect more with your heart centre you will illuminate it greatly. This heart centre is the very centre of your inner being, the centre of all that you are. It is your Source. It is where your worlds are made manifest. It is the control centre of your great being, if you will. It is the driving centre of your consciousness.

If you are disconnected to your heart centre then your ego mind is driving the being that you are, and your being is rudderless and without the power of its light. So we ask you to choose right now to go within, breathe deeply through the nose and then out through the mouth and discover this beautiful place within you.

To make it easier, you may wish to connect to the cord of light that runs through the centre of your being – see this now in your vision. It is a cord of light that flows through the centre of your being. It connects to Source above you and to the heart of Mother Earth below. It is the channel for all energy to flow through your being. Connect with this cord now. See it above you connecting to Source/God/Goddess and then see it running all the way through your being and going deeply within the Earth connecting to the heart crystal of Mother Earth.

Stand in this cord of light and simply ask to be taken to your heart temple. If you let go then you will simply drop like being in an elevator to the centre of your being to your heart centre and then you may alight and enter this sacred place within you.

Sit in this place and expand your energy outwards to fill this temple. Keep expanding now. You are much greater than you think. Fill this place with your light and love. Feel the love of God/Goddess flow within you, then expand it outwards all around you.

Feel the peace and calm of the now in this space. Sit on the floor of your heart temple and expand yourself outwards to fill the temple, then even larger to fill the physical presence that you are. Then expand even larger still to fill the energy field around you at least 3 metres or more all around you.

Expand, expand and expand filling all with your light and love. In this space there will be no mind for it is impossible for the mind to operate in this expanded state.

In this state there will only be your inner presence, your divine being of light and love. Connect now with this being and understand the greatness of all that you are. Understand now your infinite light and love. Understand now your infinite wisdom and divinity, understand at this time that you are truly infinite, a world without end. This is who you are.

Understand that the illusion of smallness simply limits you in the third dimension. Choose to make manifest at this time who you are. Connect with your inner being and hand the driving wheel over to this part of you, surrendering the power of the mind and the ego now.

Allow yourself at this time to disconnect to the limitations of the third dimension and feel yourself completely fulfilled and filled with the light and love of God/Goddess.

Breathe deeply now and then ask what it is you need to know now, in this moment. Wait and listen for the response. You might wish to write this down so you do not forget it.  Discover how to communicate now with your inner being so wisdom and guidance are yours. Sit with this experience and within it. Listen with your heart fully open and filled with the light and love of God/Goddess and know that this is what you are in all your glory. Be in the now of All that Is.

As you sit in this divine moment you will feel yourself one with the slipstream of life itself and you will know the infinite glory of being One with All that Is. Is this not marvellous?

We offer you this gift today and ask that you share this with others. Share your love and light as you walk each day with others. Shine your light forth, do not hide it, do not pretend to be something you are not. Instead, choose to be all that you are in every waking moment and do not be limited by the mass consciousness of the third dimension. You are here to shine your light through this mass and to illuminate all things and beings.

Do this now with love in your heart and light in your energy field and share this with all.

Know that when you choose to walk the Earth in your true being, life becomes a wondrous journey. We thank you and bless you in love and light dear ones.

In’easa Mabu Ishtar

Namaste with Love



Lost for Words

Published 03/11/2016 by inspiringyourspirit

My Dear friends,

I have been lost for words of late, I just can’t seem to summon up the words to write a post, I have however been doing a lot of painting and drawing, usually following on directly after my meditations. During these meditations I have received strong visions, pictures so vivid that once I come out of meditation I start to draw or paint. So in light of my lack of written posts, I have attached a few of my most recent paintings for you viewing, amusement and or comments.

So in light of my lack of written posts, I have attached a few of my most recent paintings for you viewing, amusement and or comments.

Blessings of love and light to you all

Namaste with Love






travelling light.jpg

lake view1.jpg

Image001.jpgLord Buddha4.jpg

Final Sale.jpg







My Spiritual Journey (Continued)

Published 19/10/2016 by inspiringyourspirit


My Dear Friends,

I thought it was about time I updated this page ‘My Spiritual Journey’ as I have neglected it for way, way too long 😦

Many things have happened to me over this past year or so, I have experienced many beautiful things and many things I would rather forget! However, I do realise that life as we know it is not a bed of roses, life comes with its up’s and it’s down’s, good and bad, happy and sad…Life, is as they say, ‘What it is’!. I

I do, however, also know that life is what you make it, life is how you view it and life is determined by your thoughts and your actions, we have choices each and every day, and most of the time we choose the easy route, the route with what we perceive is the least painful, the less challenging, and the one that sits closest to our comfort zone…But hey!, come on guys, the reality is all that you are searching for, and yearning for; sits just outside your comfort zone!….’Fact’

I, like many others am also comfortable within my comfort zone, I like to be alone most of the time, although I am a good socialiser and actually quite like it when I get off my backside and ‘Just Do It’!…But, I like many millions of others, I don’t often take the risks or walk outside my comfort zone because of fear, fear of the unknown…’Will it be ok? Will I be ok? What if?…Etc

My spiritual connection with my higher self, my sensitivity, my empathy and me healing energies have been gaining strength over the years, my intuition is really high and if I would only let go of my ego mind; fully, then abundance flows in my life, my life is filled with joy, happiness, love, and compassion, I go from strength to strength on ‘high’, high on life itself!…But it’s that damn word again ‘Fear’…that always holds me back, the fear of not being successful, the fear of letting people down, the fear of not generating enough income to survive and provide, the fear, the damn fear!…

My channeling has taken a back step of late because of fear, my daily meditations have taken a back step because of fear, my plans for my spiritual retreat have taken a back step or no step forward because of fear…..But why?….What is behind this fear?

So, yesterday I did a family constellation with a real Master, a lady who has been doing family constellations for more that 30 years, she teaches family constellations all around the world and yesterday I came out of my ‘Fear Closet’ and actually did one for myself…and it was amazing 🙂 She opened my eyes, and more importantly, opened my heart to what this fear was/is, she took me deeply into my own family constellation, we looked at all my family, my parents, their parents, brothers and sisters, aunties, uncles,children, grandchildren and the relationships within all these groups, we role-played my parents and as my heart started to open, out came the truths, the things that have been causing my fears, the things holding me back from living my life, from achieving the best from my life and holding me back from my future.

Now, obviously I’m not going to go into details of that was/is causing my fear but suffice to say I confronted them straight on, they were open right there before my eyes, I could see then, look them in the eyes and release them, and it felt great, I felt great….At last, my tears flowed, they flowed and they flowed, I met my fears head on, I took control, I gave the burdens that i have been carrying for years back to them as they were no longer mine to hold, and I stood tall; with a smile on my face and an open heart, once again ready to move forward with my life….


So, my dear friends, don’t allow your fears to hold you back any longer, reach out to someone who can help, message me if you need support, because there is ‘Always’ a way to break free of the chains that hold you back…. 🙂

Namaste with Love



So much Sunshine on a Cloudy Day!

Published 15/10/2016 by inspiringyourspirit

My dear friends,

‘Today’s a new day and there is no sunshine’,…  but when I really open my eyes and look with my heart, I see sunshine everywhere 😄 

The trees 🌲 giving out their oxygen so we can breathe, bring a smile to my face. The flowers in the park sharing their fragrance with all those who stop and take in their beauty . The children running around with endless energy and enthusiasm their grandparents and parents sharing their games. Even the dark clouds passing overhead , heavy with rain and fit to burst, bring me joy as they will nourish the earth beneath my feet and quench the thirst of the trees and the flowers 🌹 

Sunshine is there for all to see , we just need to ‘stop’ for a while and take in the beauty that is ‘always’ around us 😄

I wish you all a very happy weekend

Namaste with love ❤️ 




Published 14/10/2016 by inspiringyourspirit


My Dear Friends,

Positivity.. noun. ….’The quality or state of being positive’. “Something that is positive’

What does this word really mean to me and to you?….Well, I believe that waking up with a positive attitude is really important to our lives, positivity brings us to where we want to be, it connects us to our heart, it connects us to our divine self, to our true self and it takes us away from our negative self, our ego-self!

We believe that things or people make us unhappy, but this is not accurate. We make ourselves unhappy. Very little is needed to make our lives happy; we all already possess this skill,  it’s all to do with our way of thinking.

Suffering and the onslaught of negativity and pain is brought on from our desires. Our desire to remain in the current state, to keep our youthful looks, our trim figure, our beautiful hair, our desire to gain wealth, desire to achieve greater control, greater power, more authority, our desire for sensual pleasures, for alcohol, drugs, food, money, and of course our desire to be happy….So we constantly strive to find this happiness everywhere, we seek it each and every day, we see people on the street, on the TV in the media who look happy in their big houses, their jobs, in their we want the same, right?

I have learned that happiness starts within, it starts with our thoughts and our positivity helps is live happy contented lives, I know for sure that when my ego mind steps up, then my happiness and positivity levels drop through the floor. It eats away at you, controls you, and brings you down to its level, to where it wants you to be.

So, I have decided that ‘positivity’ is my new keyword, I have been through a lot, especially over these past few months. This has allowed my ego mind to play tricks on me, to put me in ‘The Victim’ mode, to make me feel sorry for myself, to allow me to have negative thoughts about all that I do, and all that happens to me. My negative emotions have taken control of my life…..and, ‘enough is enough’…I’m taking my life back,

……I’m taking my life back, I’m getting back in the saddle, taking up the reigns again for my life, I’m moving on, I’m holding my head high and ‘I’m happy 🙂

So, this morning when my dogs came in to wake me, I got up straight away, I greeted them with a smile as they wagged their tails and gave me their usual dose of unconditional love, I gave thanks in prayer to The Buddha, to the Ascended Masters, to My Parents, to my family and friends, and I vowed to continue my journey of self-discovery with a new vigour, with a bounce in my step, and with new love in my heart, a new love for me, for the person I am and for the person I will be.

Namaste with Love



The Path of Service

Published 13/10/2016 by inspiringyourspirit


My Dear Friends,

So often we confuse our path of service with serving the needs of our ego mind. It is not always easy to know the difference because when we follow our ego mind we may become very stuck in old programs – all that we already know or that others know – such as the programs of our family, friends and even our spiritual connections. These help to keep us in our comfort zone.

Yet, what we do not always understand is that we are here to be in service to the light of God within each one of us and to manifest it on the Earth in some way in accordance to Divine Will. We are here to be guided by our Divine Self, that part of God that sits in the heart of each one of us.

Saint Germain tells us: “There is one primary reason for you to be and that is to manifest the essence of God into the physical dimension.“

We are all emissaries of God’s light on the Earth and we are here to make that light manifest in the physical plane. How do we do that? Open to receive the guidance of our Divine Will because it will always show us the path. Yet are we truly listening and do we know the difference between our divine will and our ego will?

To offer service to our light we are asked to let go all the agenda’s we hold about God’s light – where it is, what it is, how it should look and what it does or does not do. More importantly, we are asked to let go all preconceived ideas about how it manifests in the physical plane. When we hold old programs and beliefs of what this is, then we can only serve through the ego mind.

Our ego mind does not know the heart of God’s light within us, it does not know the Divine Plan of God’s heart, it does not know the mystery of God’s heart and it is limited in what it ‘thinks’ it knows.

So when we serve our ego mind to manifest our path of service to the heart of God’s light we always serve the light with limitation and very often in illusion or distortion.

Yet how do we serve the light to manifest through us in each moment on the Earth? We all have keys and codes within us to assist this to occur. It is for each one of us to make a choice to go deeply within our hearts and connect with our divine light to find these keys so we may truly serve the light of God’s heart to be manifested on the Earth in alignment to the will of our Divine Self.

How we manifest God’s light will be different for each one of us because we are all unique codes of God’s heart. Yes, we are all one but each one of us makes up the whole and each one of us holds specific gifts and codes from the light of God’s heart to manifest on the Earth.

We do not need to know the how and why, all we are being asked to do is to open our hearts and allow the light of God’s heart to flow in our lives every day. When we do this the how and the why always takes care of itself through our alignment to Divine Will.

When we allow Divine Will to flow in our lives it will guide us on the path of service to our light that we are here to follow. Divine Will does not need to be told what to do or how it has to be done by your ego.

Choose to let go your need to control the mystery, let go your need to always know and interpret the heart of God’s light through your mind. Simply open your heart to serve your Divine Light and all will flow in perfect divine order.

In’Easa mabu Ishtar

Namaste with Love



Pain, Heart Ache, Tears…and More!

Published 10/10/2016 by inspiringyourspirit



My Dear Friends,

It has been many, many, long weeks since I have been able to place my fingers on this keyboard, to even attempt to write my blog…Words have left me, my heart has been broken and I have been struggling to get through my days and my nights.

The love of my life, my beautiful wife has decided to leave me 😦 There is no one else involved and we are still the best of friends, she has her own spiritual journey and her own pathway to follow, and her own needs to consider, and although this decision has truly broken my heart, I also respect her and I honour her decision.

Tears, endless buckets of tears have left my eyes, washed down my face and helped wash away my pain, my heart has missed so many beats, the slightest thought, song, tv program or word seems to set me off again, my beautiful dogs have given me endless cuddles, laid by my side while I have been crying and comforted me on endless occasions over these past few weeks, helping me move on with my life.

My own spirituality, my connection to my higher self, my pathway has been called into my thoughts each and every day, I quizzed myself endlessly, asking myself why!…and Where am I going with my life!

I read your comments, see and feel the love that you share, and I’m truly honoured by your sentiment and words of love, compassion, and support.

Where do I go from here?….Honestly, I don’t yet know!

Each day is a new day, a move towards the future, and whatever that holds for me.

One piece of positive news is after many years of procrastination, I actually went to Bhutan, hiked up some of the highest mountains, visited many amazing Buddhist Monasteries and Temples, met with Lamas and Rinpoche’s, meditated in the sacred sites and touched my heart with the Buddha in one of the most amazing experiences of my life….Future post…Maybe!…Watch this space.

Namaste with Love



Lost for Words!

Published 27/08/2016 by inspiringyourspirit


My Dear Friends,

I’m just lost for words!

I have been going through one of the most challenging times of my life and honestly I’m just lost for words……

Each day, for the last few months, I have wanted to put my fingers on this keyboard and spell out my feelings, to share with you what has been going on in my life, but when i go to do so, I’m just lost for words!

I cannot seem to conjure up the words that will make the sense of what my heart has been feeling, I cannot seem to express the brokenness of my heart through words alone, only tears can start to convey how I have been feeling.

Sometimes only my lovely dogs can understand, they come to me when I’m crying, they feel my pain and without any judgement, they lie by my side, no words are needed only their unconditional love, which is ‘Always’ there for me.

I look outside to the world that surrounds me, my family, my friends, and, sometimes I, see only me…The world continues on, I am just a blip on the landscape, a soul in transition, a source of energy that moves along with the movement of time, my life is my life, yes, people care for me but it’s my life and only I am responsible for it, only I can live it, only I can find the words to continue my way….

The world continues on, I am just a blip on the landscape, a soul in transition, a source of energy that moves along with the movement of time. My life is my life! Yes, people care for me, but it’s my life, and only I am responsible for it. Only I can live it, only I can find the words to convey how I feel, only I can feel the pain, only I ,…. Only I……..

As more tears run down my cheek, and, start to wash away my pain, only I can feel the hurt inside, only I can listen to my ego, only I,…. Only I….

Today is a new day, maybe today will bring me more joy….

Only I can make a difference, Only I can take away the pain….

Only I….

Namaste with Love




Take Responsibility​

Published 12/08/2016 by inspiringyourspirit

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My Dear Friends

A Channel from Serapis Bey

Welcome, your beloved hearts this day. We come to say that it is not what one can see that is important .. it is what one cannot .. that is of the essence of all that is, dear ones.

Life as you know it is but a minute bubble in the scheme of things. It is simply what you have created from this experience in the realms of matter, our beloveds. It is not the be and end of all, no surely it is not. We ask you to understand this and to choose not to be so entrapped by your creations in the physical world, dear ones.

In this realm of physical matter, you often become so enmeshed in what you create as your reality and yet cannot see in truth past this creation with your knowing and wisdom, dear ones. You allow the reality of your creations in the physical realm to take you over and this is all you see.

Your movie that was called the Matrix indeed showed you a perception of this and was not far from the truth, although it brought through your fears and distortions, placing you as the victims once again, dear ones. But we say to you this is not truth.

For you are not victims of the Universe or some dreaded computer machine, dear ones. Many of you would prefer to let go your responsibility and believe this in truth, dear ones, for it brings ease to your minds and fears. And even those amongst you who know of the power of the light sometimes prefer to do this believing they are the victims of some other entity such as a wrathful God or beings from afar, dear ones. But in truth, this is not so.

Yet many choose to hold this belief and create this as their reality for it is easier to create the understanding that they indeed are not responsible for their creations in this realm and are indeed following instructions of God or another being, dear ones.

Why is this? For many prefer not to take responsibility for all that they create as their reality in the physical realm even your Prime Ministers and Presidents and Kings and Queens. Choosing instead to abdicate their Mastery to become the victim of outside influences.

It is easier for them to believe that they have a mandate from a God that is directing them to go to war or to raise taxes or to ignore the minority for the better of the majority. Or, even dear ones to invade and war in countries for the highest good.

Many of these things in your realm are done under the banner of God or faith or a higher deity than yourselves, dear ones. In truth, this is exactly what is occurring in your realm at this time, our beloved ones, as it has occurred so many times before.

And in the doing so too do you, each one, also do the same as your presidents, kings and queens and choose to abdicate your Mastery and to give your power to a higher deity than you, a more powerful being then you or an influence outside of you.

We say to you that the peace and harmony you seek in your realm, dear ones, may not arrive until you have realised that in truth you indeed are responsible for all your creations, dear ones. When you choose to step into your Mastery and accept and honour all your choices and creations as yours and accept the power each one of your beautiful souls have to create your reality in each moment through your own Mastery then the change will come that you seek.

It begins with the smallest details of your own lives, dear ones, and like the ripples upon the pond it spreads out in a wave of energy to meet all hearts. All transformation needs to begin with yourselves, dear ones, and we ask you to choose to take responsibility for your thoughts and the energy that you create in all things in your reality.

We ask you to taking responsibility for all that you are choosing to create in each moment with those around you including your loved ones, your co-workers and even with those people on the street you pass every day as you go about your daily routines. This is where the transformation is needing to begin, dear ones.

Your Mastery of the physical realm asks of you to choose to take responsibility for yourself and all that you are choosing to BE, dear ones, and how this affects all you create in every moment. For you are indeed the creators of all that is in this realm, dear ones.

Only you can create that which is in this realm, dear ones. The consciousness of God does not do this for you, our beloveds. Your God/Goddess is not the wrathful God of your dreams and storybooks, dear ones. God/Goddess does not take away your free will and keep you enslaved under his or her rule, dear ones. Nor does this consciousness decide what is best for you, dear ones, moment to moment.

You are living in a free will zone on the Earth, dear ones, and this means that all you create is your responsibility. You are responsible for all that occurs in your realm, dear ones.

We say to you that if it is not what you desire then we suggest to you that now is the time to choose to change it, dear ones. It is within your power. Yes indeed, you may call for assistance at any time, dear ones, for your divine highest good and you will receive this assistance from the realms of light and we will come to your aid to assist you to create in truth that which is for your divine highest good, dear ones.

But in truth, we ask you to accept and honour what this means, for it does not always mean that you will win the lottery, simply because you have asked the heavens to do so, our beloved ones.

If it is in your highest good for you to do so, our beloved ones, then indeed this will be granted should you so desire to create this energy unto you. But we say to you that in most cases we have found that many of you are not desirous of creating this energy to you even though you have asked for this to arise for you. We understand this is because you believe exactly the opposite to that which you often demand or request from the Universe, our beloveds.

If this is the case for you, then that is what you will create as your reality because you will have already created the barriers and boundaries for receiving that which you ask for, our beloveds. We would ask you to consider this within yourselves.

It is the same for those who have many riches and ask for happiness in their lives, our beloveds, without pain and hard work. In truth it is often the reason why they are never truly happy in their souls or why they indeed work so hard to retain their gold and coins. It is because they too believe they are undeserving of happiness in their lives or have the belief that it is truly necessary to work hard and drive oneself harder in all things to attain one’s goals for power and riches.

And then there are many beings who truly believe it is their right to be rich, famous and powerful in all things in this realm and to retain that control over others. And this is indeed what they create in this realm. Yet as they hold onto all these things they are unable to fathom why it is their hearts still feel so empty, no matter how much power they control over others. This voice within them is still strong.

They have chosen and created this for themselves because within them their being believes they are not deserving of being fulfilled and it understands that all that they create is not the driving force within them. It is for them to come to the Mastery what they search for and crave is not within their reach and cannot be attained through power over others, dear ones.

All of these things are the challenges that your inner beings create for you so that you may awaken to your true selves. These energies are mirrors to you every day. These are the realities you are choosing to create to hide the truth of all that you are.

Yet in every moment you are learning through these challenges you create for yourself in your life. Some of you awaken to them quickly and some more slowly. Each divine truth you are shown in your reality is only what you have chosen to create for yourself to understand the consciousness that is held within you that needs to be surrendered and released so you can be free of the shackles of your past that bind and hold you in your limitations in this realm of physicality.

We ask you to honour, dear ones, that each and every thing you create in your life brings you closer to your divine truth. It is not another being, or outside influences that is creating these challenges for you, for they indeed are not the creators of your reality.

It is your inner being that wishes you to see the divine truth that you hold within you. It is your soul, your higher self and your Divine Self that work with you to remove the blinkers from your eyes so you can see what is divine truth for you in this realm at this time.

It is these parts of your being that hold the truth of all that you are. They know your Akashic records and all your experiences and the karma you hold. They in truth know what it is you seek and what it is you hold to yourselves and are unable to release or surrender.

These higher conscious parts of you hold the knowledge of all that you have experienced over the eons in this realm and all others, dear ones.

When you are choosing not to see then they will bring it to you in your life and ask you to look, dear ones.

They have been the traveller and the creator of all that is in divine truth for you, dear ones.

It is time now to awaken to these parts of your Divine Self and to listen to what they have to tell you so that you understand they are indeed the true creators of all that is occurring for you in this moment, dear ones. Open your ears and your hearts to your inner self and allow the ego mind to rest at this time for it does not understand this knowledge that your inner self carries within it, dear ones.

The ego mind finds it so difficult to fathom past what is seen in the physical reality, dear ones. Simply allow this and do not expect more of your beautiful ego mind, dear one, than that which they can offer at this time. Allow the ego mind to rest for it has served you well, our beloved ones, and protected you well from the truth of all that is in their desire to please and assist you, dear ones.

Call now for assistance from your inner being, your Divine Self, and sit with this part of you in truth, dear ones. Choose to open your ears to hear them and listen to their wisdom and their counsel, dear ones, for it is this connection that you truly seek in every moment. Do not be afraid of what you may discover, dear ones, for it is all in divine plan and it is truth in this moment for you.

Surrender your fears and your expectations and allow yourself to be held by the inner being within you and become one with them in truth, dear ones. In choosing to do so you will surrender to the journey and all will begin to flow for you in your life.

In so doing you will begin to feel you are indeed reconnected to All That Is and you will understand that everything that occurs for you is of your creation in this realm, dear ones.

All your actions and thoughts are your responsibility, dear ones, for it is only you that creates these and in so doing it is only you that creates your karma. We ask you to observe and choose to understand the cause and effect of all that you choose to create in each moment. Be aware and conscious of all that you think in each moment and be mindful of this, dear ones, and how it affects All That Is. For this is the power you hold.

Stand in the pool of all knowledge through your inner being and understand that everything you do and say and think affects the whole in all things, our beloveds.

You are never alone and you are not a singular entity, our beloveds, for you are indeed part of the whole driven by your own inner selves to achieve all that you can be in every moment in this realm of physicality. You are here in this realm to do so and to become all that you are in truth through your experience in the physical world, our beloveds.

We would ask you to consider that allowing yourself to become entrapped in the physical realm and the illusions of this realm is not serving your divine highest good or that of the whole, our beloveds. It only causes separation, resistance and more pain at this time – challenges indeed, our beloved.

But we say to you these are challenges you no longer have to wade through if you so desire. For the choice to create them is yours, dear hearts. This is the assistance we offer you at this time, our beloveds, to tell you it is now time to let this consciousness go.

The time for ascension is fast arriving in your realm of physicality and there is no longer the need for you to challenge yourself with pain and fear, our beloveds. Surrender this consciousness now and let it go. Choose to move through the limitation and separation energy that mankind has chosen to create in this realm, our beloved. Push through this consciousness of disconnection and separation and reconnect with the being you are in truth and choose to see that which is divine truth in this realm over your illusions, our beloveds.

We say to you it is not so hard to do as you may choose to believe it is, our beloveds. It is only difficult if you choose to create it to be so for yourselves, our beloveds. It is only a challenge if you desire it to be a challenge, our beloveds.

It is simply as easy as standing on the cliff and diving off, our beloveds. We will catch you, our beloveds, you will not fall and break on the rocks below. We will catch you and rise you up into the higher realms and the higher dimensions for this is our role to assist you in all things, our beloveds.

This is why we are all here at this time to assist you in all things. To assist you to unlock the shackles of your limitations that hold you back from connecting with your inner being, your true Divine Self and to fly free of the illusions you have created in this dimension, our beloveds. It is time now to let go and fly. Be free. Blessings in the truth of all that is our beloveds. Blessings be. Namaste.

Serapis Bey.

In’easa mabu Ishtar

Namaste, with Love



A New Dawn A New Day

Published 28/07/2016 by inspiringyourspirit


My Dear Friends,

A new dawn, a new day and I’m feeling good 🙂

Its funny what a simple great night’s sleep can do for you, it gives your mind and your body time to rest, to regenerate your cells and give you the energy to push you through another day. And today, I’m feeling good 🙂 Yesterday, I was caught up in the worries of the world, my empathy and compassion for our world and humanity was at its highest level, and although I have tried to manage my response to this level of empathy, it just got the better of me. Maybe it’s the ‘Human’ side of my being that reacted where my ‘Light being’ side of me would have stepped aside and said, ‘Yes, I see all that is going on in this world, now, let’s chill a little, send out our understanding, our love and compassion to the world and trust that they will receive our blessings and act accordingly’.

When I awoke this morning, I looked out of the window, I watched the sun rising across the sky and where I am in the East, I thought ‘I wonder what today will bring to our world as the sun rises from the East and continues to share its light across to West’? I wonder how many others will look up to the sun in wonderment and ask the same question! Each day brings us a new chance, a new life and a great opportunity to live!…To make a difference to not only our own lives but to the lives of others too, but it is our choice and who am I to try to tell people what to do, or how to act!….I am a nobody in the great scheme of things, I’m just little old me, yes I care about our world, yes, I can about the lives of every person on our planet, yes, I care about our environment and I want to see peace and harmony prevail….But, who am I?….This is a question I often ask myself…Who am I and ‘What can I do today that will really make a difference?

Well, today is a day, to smile, to hold my head up high, to share my love, my joy and my compassion to whoever wants and needs it, so here I am, a humble man living in Shanghai, sending out my love to you all 🙂

Blessings my friends,

Namaste, with Love



Hollow Words Bring Us No Hope!

Published 27/07/2016 by inspiringyourspirit


My Dear Friends,

It’s been a while since my fingers touched this keyboard and my heart has spoken words to you!

I, like many others, have been lost for words as we watch the unfolding dramas of our 21st Century world, our so-called civilised societies which have been caught up in wars for no reason, and whole communities within these civilised societies turned against each other in the name of race/colour and religious belief.

As I look at all that has unfolded over this past year alone, I shed tears, tears for mankind, tears for our world and tears for our future. As we continue to look at each other with hatred in our eyes, it is like we are caught up in an elaborate computer game in which the players manipulate the drones to follow their lead, to fight and to die at all costs, and move on to the next stage of the game in search of more power and wealth!….Elaborate computer game….Is it our real truth?

……….Elaborate computer game….Is it our real truth?

As we become more fixated with games or war, of power, of seeking greater riches and strength, we lose track of who were are!….We no longer socialise face-to-face, we only communicate in a digital world, we have, or are certainly losing our abilities to communicate, to connect to others with empathy, to see the pain in someone else’s eyes and to understand their point of view, as we push forward relentlessly to reach our own goals…to win at all costs!

I see hundreds of innocent men, women and children mowed down as they watched the fireworks and celebrated a national days holiday, I see thousands of displaced men women and children forced from their own countries due to war, to the greed for control and power, I see innocent families held hostage in a Church and a Priest murdered….All for what!….

Where, my friends, does it end!….

We are all born into this world equal, we have no belief systems, no hatred and no goals to attain…life takes all on different journies, some of the beliefs we take on are good, and some are bad….it’s a flip of a coin which pathway we decide to take, what we choose to believe and how we choose to behave…!

Anyone who is not working towards the truth is missing the whole point of living!

Your beliefs don’t make you a better person, Your behaviour does!

My heart sends out love and compassion to all those in pain, to all those who are suffering and to all those who need some love in their life.

Namaste, with Love








Peace and Compassion for All

Published 07/06/2016 by inspiringyourspirit


Tiredness, sleepless nights and headaches

Published 31/05/2016 by inspiringyourspirit


My Dear Friends,

Being a channel, a healer, and an empath; it is not always a life full of roses!

Some days you just go with the flow, everything comes easily, your life is full of abundance, all you have to do is set your intentions on something and along it comes, your days are filled with love, happiness, and joy and you lead a compassionate lifestyle in the service to ‘Source’, Humanity and Mother Earth’. And certainly for me; I get many up days and also many down days!

Some days I’m so tired I just want to sleep all day, even when I go to bed I’m constantly yawning, so much so that its hard to get to sleep as the tiredness is so overwhelming, I toss and turn as my being is filled with information, past lives flash before me, experiences are shown to me, connections to what I need to do tomorrow or in the future are paraded in front of me so I can recognise them when the time comes….

My head aches, I procrastinate, I multi-task without even realising I’m doing it, my tears flow like the flow of the Nile washing away the pains that are presented to me, people come and go, friendships come and go and relationships are a challenge at times because ‘We’ are difficult to understand. We try our best, we are loving and kind, we are considerate, compassionate and always available to all those in need…But and it is a large BUT….We are living in a human body and that takes its toll, we need to be loved, we need to love ourselves, we need like-minded people around us, we need Mother Nature so we can ground our energies, we need peace, we need kindness and most of all…We need understanding!

So as I come to the end of this short post my friends, I would like to send out my love to ALL my fellow Empaths, Channels, and Healers, may your days and nights be filled with Love, and may you be able to rest well and be well 🙂

Namaste with Love

